Scope Clarification
June 14, 2011
This document is very important since it is meant to clarify and in some cases change what is called out in project specifications. All bidders must closely review this document to determine their scope of work. This document is not meant to limit the work that is required for a complete job, but it should take precedence over the specifications.
Division 1
1.General Requirements
a.The Prime Contractor is responsible to furnish or cause to be furnished all drawings, calculations, and submittals required for Building Inspections and Certificate of Occupancy for design build scopes of work.
2.Labor and Supervision
a.The Prime Contractor will furnish an adequate work force and a sufficient administrative resources at all times to complete the project in a timely fashion. The work will be under the directions of an experienced Superintendent employed by the Prime Contractor. The Prime Contractor will also provide on site an office trailer with sufficient space to conduct weekly job meetings.
3.Construction Schedule
a.The Prime Contractor will submit to Corporex, within 20 days from the Agreement signing, a detailed construction schedule for approval.
b.The schedule will be in the form of a time scaled bar chart with a sufficient number of activities for proper evaluation.
c.Once approved, the Prime Contractor will update the schedule as required by the extent of the work for changes in scope, modified activities, revised projections of progress and completion and other identifiable changes.
4.Regulatory Requirements
a.The work will be performed in accordance with all applicable ADA, state and local code requirements and building and fire official interpretation that are in effect as of the proposal date.
b.The Prime Contractor will provide all submittals and plans required by state, county, or city agencies having jurisdiction in order to complete the work in a timely fashion.
c.The Prime Contractor will pay for all taxes, licenses, government assessments, and inspections as required to perform the work. Capacity usage fees or impact fees if required will also be paid by the Owner.
d.Provide a breakout of percentages that will be added to the direct labor cost to cover taxes, insurance, and other employee benefits. Corporex will be paying the Douglas County Use Tax (.05%) and the Lone Tree Use Tax (.090625%) which totals 1.40625%. The Prime Contractor will be responsible for remaining taxes.
a.The Prime Contractor will maintain General Liability Insurance.
b.Builder’s Risk Insurance will be provided and paid for by the Owner.
6.Special Provisions
a.The performance of the work in accordance with Federal, State or any other Prevailing Wage Requirements is not required.
b.An eighteen (18) month construction warranty on all workmanship and building systems must be included and all extended manufacturer’s warranties will be transferred to the Owner. Certain systems require a longer warranty as called out in the Specifications.
c.Three (3) bound copies of systems, equipment, maintenance and operating instructions including demonstration of all systems will be provided to Corporex prior to final payment.
d.All subcontractors with contracts over $200,000 must provide a Payment and Performance Bond.
7.Materials and Workmanship
a.Materials used in the work will be new except where specifically indicated and will conform to the latest standard specifications of the American Society of Testing Materials, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, The American Welding Society, The National Electric Code, The American Concrete Institute, and The American Society of Electrical Engineers.
b.The workmanship will be consistent with the practices of the various building trades and industry standards of good construction for this work.
8.Clean Up
a.The Prime Contractor will remove and satisfactorily dispose of all debris and waste material. All rubbish will be removed from the general work area on a daily basis. All costs of cleanup and disposal will be paid for by the Prime Contractor.
b.Provide a final clean after all work is complete of all building surfaces including but not limited to: glass, aluminum, masonry veneer and metal panels, carpet, tile surfaces, cabinets, inside and out, tops, plumbing fixtures, electric fixtures, exposed pipe and equipment, doors, woodwork, elevators, etc. Remove all grease, dust, dirt, stains, labels, fingerprints, and other foreign materials for interior and exterior surfaces. Polish surfaces designated to have a shine finish.
c.Clean ducts, coils, and air handling equipment that are used for temporary HVAC prior to substantial completion.
a.Prime Contractor is responsible for all cost associated with hiring a third party testing company to perform the testing/inspections identified below. Reports shall be mailed directly to Corporex and its consultant(s) by the testing company at the same time they are sent to the Prime Contractor.
- Inspect all mass excavation compaction.
- Inspect all concrete foundations.
- Inspect rebar prior to placing concrete.
- Inspect the proof roll of all exterior paved surfaces.
- Inspect fireproofing application – thickness and density.
- Concrete cylinder breaks and slump tests.
- Inspection of all bolted and welded connections.
- Water test of all storefront.
- Inspect all trench and wall backfill.
- Caulking adhesion test performed by the caulking manufacturer.
- Inspect pool excavation and shell installation and backfill.
- Other inspections coordinated with those listed in Contract Agreement.
a.Architectural building permit will be applied for and paid for by the Owner. All other permits by Prime Contractor or its Subcontractors.
b.All fees related to the inspection of the work by Government Agencies are the responsibility of the Prime Contractor.
c.Prime Contractor shall pay for any right of way permits, bonds, etc.
d.Health permit for food service and pool will be paid by Prime Contractor.
e.All capacity, use and connection fees are paid by the Owner.
11.Field Engineering
a.Prime Contractor is responsible for all layout of work. Building control must be maintained and all subcontractor layouts checked.
b.Prime Contractor shall provide or cause to be provided a stamped foundation certification survey.
12.Project Meetings
a.Prime Contractor will be required to attend all design meetings until the completion of the construction documents.
b.Prime Contractor will conduct weekly Owner/Architect/Contractor meetings to review all aspects of the project.
c.Prime Contractor will conduct weekly subcontractor meetings.
a.Not applicable at the time.
14.Alternates Submitted
a.Provide alternates that provide value to the project.
15.Temporary Facilities
a.Electrical Contractor will provide and maintain temporary electric service and distribution for power tools, temporary lighting per OSHA, and Prime Contractor temporary office. Any other temporary power requirement shall be by the Prime Contractor.
b.All electric utility consumption bills shall be paid by the Prime Contractor for both the temporary service and permanent service until the building is Substantially Complete with a Certificate of Occupancy.
c.Temporary heating, ventilation, moisture control, temporary enclosure, utility consumption bills, etc, as required to construct the building and maintain the schedule shall be provided by the Prime Contractor. Permanent HVAC equipment can be used for temporary heat but all equipment must be cleaned and turned over in “new” condition.
d.Temporary water consumption bills during construction shall, until Substantial Completion with a Certificate of Occupancy, be paid by the Prime Contractor.
16.Construction Facilities
a.Provide adequate number of temporary chemical toilet facilities.
b.Provide and maintain portable fire protection equipment.
c.Provide temporary office space and temporary storage space as required to construct the project including onsite meetings with Corporex.
d.Provide all temporary containers and equipment required to remove trash, debris, and waste material from the site.
e.All staging must be contained within the site. Prime Contractor is responsible for getting approval for any offsite staging through the Metro District or adjacent landowner and cost will be Prime Contractor’s responsibility.
17.Construction Hoisting
a.Provide all necessary hoisting, rigging, lifting,and equipment as required to move men and material up through the building.
b.Permanent elevator can be used during construction as long as the permanent equipment is properly protected and is cleaned at final turnover.
c.Provide material handling as required to receive, move, store, etc., all material.
18.Temporary Protection
a.Provide and maintain all fall protection per OSHA requirements.
b.Protect all finish surfaces from damage especially finish flooring.
c.Protect and maintain all required protection of falling or wind blown material on the surrounding site and off site areas. Provide overhead protection for access points of the building.
d.Provide a 6’ high chair link fence around the building and staging area site.
e.Provide four (4) each pole mounted site web cameras to view the hotel and staging area from all sides. Provide building mounted lights to light the site around the building. System shall be streaming live digital video surveillance system equal to True Sentry/True Look and shall include all hardware, software, image hosting, website hosting and technical support. System must be in place and on line by the start of the concrete foundations.
f.Provide a guard service to patrol the building and the site at all non working hours the final three (3) months of construction until turn over to Owner.
Division 2 – Site
1.Provide all site work including mass excavation, under cut, backfill, topsoil and grading. All borrow and waste shall be from adjacent site.
2.Provide site utilities such as fire line, domestic, pit, storm, gas, electric, telephone and sanitary sewer from point indicted on Civil Drawings to 5’ outside of the building. From 5’ outside the building in is by the Mechanical/Electrical subcontractors.
3.Protect and keep clean at all times the streets. Provide proper signage and traffic control around the site to safely access construction traffic, worker access, pedestrian foot traffic and automobiles.
4.Provide all site concrete including curbs, sidewalks, etc.
5.Provide all site paving including fine grade and proof-roll witnessed and approved by Testing Company.
6.Provide over excavation of the building pad and the drain tile as called out in the Geotechnical Report. Provide the 8’ over-excavation listed in the Post Tension Addendum, as well as an alternate for 12’. Both scopes assume a 1:1 layback from the building foundation with moisture treated material.
Division 3 – Concrete
1.Provide slab on grade complete including post-tensioning, reinforcing, concrete, place, finish, dissipating cure, void form, etc.
2.Grout column base plates.
Division 4 – Masonry
1.Furnish and install CMU and veneer as shown on the drawings.
Division 5 – Metals
1.All testing called for in Division 5 of the project specifications shall be by an Independent Testing Company paid by the Prime Contractor.
2.Furnish and install all miscellaneous metal including but not limited to pit ladders, screen wall framing, bollards, etc.
3.Erect all steel and deck. Provide hoisting, lifting, rigging as required.
Division 6 – Carpentry
1.Provide all in wall blocking (either wood or strap metal) to properly support and anchor including but not limited to the following:
- Toilet accessories: shower rods, grab bars,ADA shower seats, etc.
- Stair wall rails.
- Toilet partitions.
- Wall hung vanity tops, cabinets, shelving, etc.
- Fire extinguisher cabinets.
- All FF&E items requiring anchor to walls- see notes on FFE Matrix.
Division 7 – Thermal & Moisture Protection
1.Fireproofing inspection for thickness and density shall be by an Independent Testing Company paid by Prime Contractor.
Division 8 – Doors
1.Furnish and install Doors and Hardware as shown on the drawings.
2.See FF&E Matrix for instructions on Trilogy Locks and Guest Room entry door locks furnishing, installation, quantities and locations.
Division 9 – Finishes
1.All tile material, tax, freight, prep, grout, labor, distribution, etc. shall be included in the GMP.
2.Provide all Code required smoke/draft stops.
3.Provide metal edge strips at the edges of tile where it abuts dissimilar flooring.
4.Furnish and install vinyl wall covering.
5.Furnish and install all guestroom and public carpet, pad and base.
Division 10 – Specialties
1.Review FF&E Matrix for responsibility of furnishing and installing accessories, etc.
Division 15 – Mechanical
1.Provide a complete Fire Protection System from the water main to the Building including all underground piping, meter pit, pump (if required), stand pipes, flow and tamper switches, and concealed heads in the common areas drywall ceilings. Guest rooms and public acoustical tile areas and back of house spaces to have semi recessed heads in white.
Division 16 – Electrical
1.General Contractor to provide all conduit, raceways, junction boxes, pull string and appropriate finish cover plates for low voltage wiring by Owner for TV cable, phone and data, security cameras, speaker system, satellite on roof, Onity lock control of front and other exit doors, video projector, exercise equipment, chemical monitoring of pool chemicals and laundry chemicals.
Division 17 – Other
1.Provide exterior wall mock up with complete window louver assembly and masonry/composite material completely surrounding same approximately 8’ 0” wide x 10’ 0” high for review of flashing, PTAC installation, sill boot detail, window, louver, caulking, etc.
2.Provide complete interior mock up room. All finishes, devices, doors, hardware, plumbing, HVAC and lighting fixtures, accessories, etc. This must be completed and approved before finishes start.
3.Emergency generator not required at this time. Advise if fire pump or elevators will require same.
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