2011 Wisconsin/Minnesota Flooding

March 28, 2011

Great Rivers United Way, Inc. / James Falvey

Jen Dobrunz

Karyn Ruhl
/ 608-796-1400 / La Crosse, Monroe, Vernon, Trempealeau, WI
Houston, MN
American Red Cross / Cheryl Hancock

Jamie Abbott

Natalie Linders
/ 608-788-1000 / La Crosse, Vernon, Monroe, Jackson, WI
Houston, MN / Immediate needs – food, shelter, clothing. Provides shelter for quick evacuations. Feed through fixed site or mobile site. Collaborate with other agencies for client case work. Do not provide appliances, hot water heaters…work with long term recovery programs. 250 disaster volunteers ready.
La Crosse County Emergency Services / Keith Butler

Karen Hoel – Volunteer Coordinator
/ 608-789-4811 / La Crosse / Includes 911. Responsible for planning and preparedness for county as whole and disaster safety. Ultimately responsible for community.
La Crosse County Health Department / Doug Mormann
/ 608-785-9872 / La Crosse / Work with people after the floods. Well Clean up. Makes sure that residents update on their shots. Mosquito control program has a lot of issues after flooding.
WAFER / Heidi Blanke
/ 608-782-6003 / La Crosse / Moving to new location if flooded (old Ray Hutson building)– supplying food to people affected by Floods. If have to move won’t have the freezer space ---
The Salvation Army / Major Curtiss Hartley
/ 608-782-6126 / Has emergency services canteen kitchen. Volunteers on stand by. Getting materials ready. Can be on scene immediately with hot meals. During clean up phase the canteen can provide food, meals, water for volunteers. Has 50 clean up kits available with promises from more from divisional headquarters. Emergency case management to help families during recovery phase.
Catholic Charities / Mary Fitzpatrick
/ 608-782-0710 / La Crosse, Vernon, Crawford, Monroe, Juneau, Adams, Richland / Cover 19 counties – work with emergency managers, Red Cross (shelter), do initial case management for needs of gas, Wal-Mart cards for clothing, totes. Gather info from people as to where they were before if now in shelter. Conducted training of volunteers, disaster kits for each office. Team leaders in each county trained to respond to multiple sites.
Couleecap / Kahya Fox
/ 608-634-7388 / Has funding still utilizing for 2007-2008 floods to help with business redevelopment. Working on getting houses back to pre-flooding condition. Lead on housing relocation in Gays Mills. After devastation happens – do assessment and determine needs.
Great Rivers 2-1-1 / Mary Mundt Reckase

Karen Brandt
/ 608-775-6335
608-775-6331 / Crawford, Grant,
La Crosse, Monroe, Richland, Vernon / Information & Referral crisis line. Become more active when flooding. Have MOU’s with many county offices of emergency management (21 counties). Can take damage reports or serve as main phone line for the county. Has category on search engine specifically for disasters. Will be posting short term services on their website so people can search for what is happening in area.
Hunger Task Force / Shelly Krause
/ 608-793-1002 / La Crosse, Vernon, Monroe / Plans depend on after floods. Possible moving because of flooding. Talking with agencies and clients on what they need. Have refrigerated truck. 59 partner agencies will help provide space for frozen foods. Looking for additional food if needs increases.
La Crosse County Human Services – Aging & Disability Resource Center / Audra Martine
/ 608-785-6172 / La Crosse / Support La Crosse, Vernon, Monroe, Jackson. Support for elderly & where resources available in the 4 counties --- food, clothing, shelter. Jackson county contact for where to pick up clean up supplies. Contact information for Jackson County. Health & Human Services – heads up to staff that call center and 2-1-1 will be available for questions.

Pastor from UMCOR has clean up kits available.

Mormon church in Onalaska may have clean up kits.