Table e-3. Neuroimaging results: Upper table reports grey matter (GM) areas commonly atrophied in all patient-groups vs. controls. T values of the same regions within each patient-group vs. controls contrast are also shown. Lower table reports GM areas differentially atrophied in each patient-group vs. controls and other patient-groups.
Anatomical region (BA) / Coordinates(x, y, z) / All
vs. ctr / PCA
vs. ctr / LPA
vs. ctr / EO-AD
vs. ctr
T value / T value / T value / T value
Inferior middle occipital gyrus (19) / R 52, -74, 6
L -32, -83, 30 / 9.5
9.5 / 8.8
6.6 / 5.3
6.0 / 6.8
Inferior parietal lobule (39/40) / R 60, -54, 36
62, -49, 39
L -51, -58, 37
-53, -54, 29 / 11. 3
11.9 / 8.9
6.7 / 6.4
8.6 / 9.8
Precuneus (7) / L -2, -60, 44 / 7.1 / 5.4 / 4.0 / 5.6
Posterior cingulate (23) / R 2, -32, 28
L -2, -33, 28 / 8.1
8.2 / 5.4
5.1 / 4.9
4.9 / 6.7
Superior temporal gyrus (42) / L -54, -37, 15 / 8.8 / 5.8 / 6.7 / 6.1
Posterior middle temporal gyrus (39) / R 50, -64, 19
L -46, -68, 18 / 11.2
11.5 / 9.1
7.3 / 6.3
8.2 / 8.6
Hippocampus tail / L -33, -38, -3 / 7.1 / 6.1 / 3.6 / 5.0
Precentral gyrus (4/6) / R 22, 24, 75
L -42, 3, 38 / 7.0
8.1 / 5.4
5.6 / 3.2
5.7 / 5.2
Premotor area (6) / R 41, 8, 41
L -38, 4, 59 / 7.9
7.8 / 5.9
5.6 / 4.0
3.9 / 6.5
Inferior frontal gyrus (45) / L -44, 16, 30 / 8.0 / 5.9 / 5.8 / 6.5
vs. others / LPA
vs. others / EO-AD
vs. others
Superior middle occipital gyrus (37) / R 39, -88, 10 / - / 8.1 / - / -
Lingual gyrus (37) / R 29, -48, -1
L -30, -46, -2 / - / 5.8
6.2 / - / -
Superior parietal gyrus (7) / R 32, -66, 51 / - / 8.5 / - / -
Fusiform gyrus (37/27) / R 31, -46, -4
L -23, -74, -12 / - / 6.1
4.9 / - / -
Hippocampus tail / R 25, -33, - 5 / - / 7.6 / - / -
Anterior MTG/superior temporal sulcus (21/22) / L -66, -19, -6
-56, -40, 1 / - / - / 5.7
8.2 / -
Anterior Cingulate (10) / R 0, 49, -4 / - / - / - / 4.0
Middle frontal gyrus (46) / R 40, 42, 30 / - / - / - / 5.4
Anterior Hppocampus/Amygdala / L -21, 2, -26 / - / - / - / 5.2
Abbreviations: BA= Brodmann area; ctr= controls; EO-AD= early age-of-onset Alzheimer’s disease; LPA= logopenic/phonological progressive aphasia; MTG= middle temporal gyrus; PCA= posterior cortical atrophy.