Tucson Unified School District
Catalina High School
School Council
September 10, 2013
Catalina High School Library
Attended: Carol Armstrong, Rex Scott, Kate Gallion, Terri Herlein, Mark Hanna, Lysa Nabours, Cheryl Beran; and guests: Brad Richter and Ann Thwaits.
Call to order: 3:37 pm.
Previous minutes: were approved.
Call to Audience: No one present.
Agenda: Accepted with flexibility.
V. Action items (requests for funding)
Motion: Mark Hanna, seconded by Rex Scott, to expend up to $2000 for The Culture Club trip to Phoenix for Ms. Beran’s current class members. Ms. Beran is actively trying to raise some of the funds herself with her class. All yeas (6) no nays
Mr. Yencarelli and Mr. Madrid requested $2000 for the year for athletic scholarships. Encumber and hold to be used only if needed; motion to approve- Ms. Armstrong, second by Mr. Scott.
Yeas (7) no nays.
Introduction of Brad Richter and Ann Thwaits from the Lead Guitar organization. Joan Ashcraft approached them to focus on the following schools; Pistor, Seacrist and Catalina. Funds from the grant and Ashcraft said she would meet half the funds and now would like $5000 for year. $2000 paid by grant. (They need to come up with an additional $3000.) The people form Lead Guitar group can raise $1500 tax credit money, but it will take some time. In the meantime, they need the budget covered. The teachers are here for kids 3 hours per week. They support 4 year courses and provide curriculum which impacts 75 kids.
Motion: Cheryl Beran, seconded by Mark Hanna for no more than $3000 (with the understanding that Lead Guitar will make efforts to collect $1,500 to be returned to the account.).
7 yeas (no nays)
IV. Reports
Principal’s Report: Every department lost at least one person. Admin is trying to work through losses daily. One custodian is on medical leave. Pass on to constituents that the admin is working on questions.
Issues that were discussed:
· No student representation on Site Council.
· Carol Armstrong - Problems with students not following dress code.
· There is money for tutoring before AIMS.
· Mark – No response from email to classified on issues important to them.
V. Action items (additional)
Motion: Cheryl Beran makes a motion to nominate the following Site Council positions: for facilitator (Kate Gallion) and secretary (Lysa Nabours). All yeas (no nays).
Reviewed amended bylaws for site council. Approved.
VI. Discussion/information items
Administration rejected Element City Church because they wanted more use of the auditorium and facilities than we could accommodate. Mr. Jim Fish wants us to reconsider.
Homework policy should be done teacher by teacher. School wide policy difficult to mandate.
301 Policy.
Mr. Scott forming PLC’s for this school year.
Site council mission – Tabled for future meeting.
IC – increase collaboration – micro
SC – global collaboration – macro
Add parent info plan for counselors
VIII. Adjournment- 5:19 p.m.
Next meeting: Tuesday, October 15, 2013