The Center for Ethics and Spirituality
201 University Center (located on Meyers Drive; building 986 on campus map)
(858) 534-2521
From the 06-07 Student Handbook:
The Center for Ethics and Spirituality at UCSD, established as the Office of Religious Affairs at UCSD in 1967, provides an accessible source for students to find spiritual, moral, and ethical guidance and support. The member denominations are all led by professionals for whom the campus is the primary responsibility. The office is self-supporting. The membership has varied over the years and is currently comprised of the Newman Center Catholic Community at UCSD, Hillel: the Foundation for Jewish Campus Life, the University Lutheran Community, the Wesley Foundation, the Unitarian Universalist Campus Ministry, the Canterbury Episcopal Community, and the Islamic Center of San Diego.
The C.E.S. works to equip students with critical tools for the development of moral and ethical character. The members provide non-denominational spiritual and secular counseling, and act as referrals to other university services such as psychological and legal services. Some of the issues students bring to the C.E.S. involve familial relationships, peer relationships, sexuality, meaning of life, search for identity, and other issues of young adult development.
Promoting religious, racial, ethnic, and cultural tolerance and appreciation of diversity on campus is a major goal of the C.E.S. Another important function is to provide students with opportunities to connect with and serve in the larger San Diego community.
From Triton Link:
Typical resources available through the Center include:
· Secular counseling by professionals versed in theology, ethics, and spirituality
· Quarterly lectures through the Burke Lecture Series on issues relating to ethics, spirituality, social norms, and morality
· Workshops on strategies for recognizing and avoiding cults and high-pressure recruitment
Religious Professionals who volunteer at the Center for Ethics and Spirituality
Fr. Dominic De Lay: 858-452-1957;
Fr. John Paul Forte (trained as a Marriage & Family Therapist): 858-534-2548;
Lynn Neu, Pastoral Associate: 858-452-1957;
Mike Angell, Episcopal Campus Missioner:
Imam Taha Hassane (Islamic Center of San Diego): 619-917-5434; ;
Rabbi Lisa Goldstein: 858-550-1792;
Reverend Brian Hooper (Psy.D. – Pastoral Counselor): 858-453-0561; 619-846-7073 (cell);
Rev. Gary Anderson (Director of Student Office of Human Relations): 858-534-6951;
Unitarian Universalist
Alice King (Campus Ministry Coordinator): 619-947-4610;