
TUESDAY 21st June 2016

NWA/125/16. Minutes of the North West Area Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 17th May 2016

ORDER: Agreed

NWA/126/16 Questions to the Area Manager.

ORDER: Noted

Cabra Matters

NWA/127/16 Cabra Area Office Report, Fergus Synnott, Administrative Officer.

ORDER: Congratulations was extended to the Cabra Office on the handling of the flash flood on Tuesday 7th June. An alternative location other than Bannow Road will be agreed for the storage of sandbags, Christ the King Church on Fassaugh Road was suggested. The Cabra Office will work with Irish Water in relation to the houses which were flooded. A number of issues were discussed in relation to Faussagh Avenue Improvement Works. The gates will be erected on Faussagh Avenue.

NWA/128/16 Motion in the name of Councillor David Costello

That the NWAC asks the manager to support Rathbourne residentsin relation to the supplying of and watering of planters and hanging baskets to improve the public domain. (this has been refused on request by residents).

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NWA/129/16 Motion in the name of Councillor Brendan Carr

That the City Council take in charge any roads and footpaths in Rathbourne in parts of the estate which is finished for development.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NWA/130/16 Motion in the name of Councillor Brendan Carr

That a programme be put in place to re-surface the main Navan Road.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NWA/131/16 Motion in the name of Councillor Brendan Carr

That the city council initiate the process to extinguish the right of way on the laneways between Glendhu Road and Glendhu Park.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

Finglas Matters

NWA/132/16 Finglas Area Office Report, Aidan Maher, Assistant Area Manager

ORDER: Report to Councillor. Two choice base lettings are currently being advertised, the details will be circulated to Councillors. The Housing Reports for Finglas and Cabra will, in future, be amalgamated in a separate report.

NWA/133/16 Motion in the name of Councillor Cathleen Carney Boud

That the North West Area Committee agrees to the removal of the bin outside 66Beneavin Road where dumping is ongoing from nearby residents. The bin is not near a school, shop or park but is beside a bus stop which is not hugely busy. The residents wish to have it.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NWA/134/16 Motion in the name of Councillor Anthony Connaghan

That the manager engages with F.A.S.T. on Wellmount Road with a view to looking at whether parking issues could be addressed internally and if so what help can be given.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NWA/135/16 Motion in the name of Councillor Teresa Keegan

That the Manager arranges to meet with the management of FAST, Finglas to agree a scheme for parking for clients as promised when their building was first proposed.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NWA/136/16 Motion in the name of Councillor Anthony Connaghan

That the manager outlines what plans there are to preserve the Nethercross in St Canices Graveyard as this is a matter of urgency due to its deterioration. Can the Manager say whether the Cross will be left in situ as some people would prefer or are there plans to re-locate somewhere else locally.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NWA/137/16 Motion in the name of Councillor Norma Sammon

To introduce a park solely for the use for registered dirt bikes and scramblers in the Finglas/Ballygall region.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NWA/138/16 Motion in the name of Councillor Teresa Keegan

That the Manager act on a number of requests to meet with representatives of residents of Finglas South at an early date in order to outline proposals for housing in their area and to hear their views.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

Area Wide Matters

NWA/139/16 Information Update on Phibsborough Local Environmental Improvement Plan, Fiona Cooper, Senior Executive Planner

ORDER: Noted. Councillors were disappointed that there is not a Local Area Plan for the Area.

NWA/140/16 Presentation on Phibsborough Local Environmental Improvement Plan, Fiona Cooper, Senior Executive Planner

ORDER: Noted. A number of questions were discussed.

NWA/141/16 Update on Discretionary Fund Spend.

ORDER: Noted. A number of issues were discussed. The Discretionary Fund is flexible and other projects can be considered. The funding of gates at Dalymount Park was discussed. A breakdown of spending on Halloween Festivals for Ballymun and Finglas will be circulated after the events. The fire damaged play equipment in Griffith Park will be replaced by the Parks Department, subject to budget.

NWA/142/16 Public Domain Report, John Twamley, Public Domain Officer

ORDER: Noted.

NWA/143/16 Sports & Wellbeing Presentation, Antonia Martin, Manager to the Sports Officers, Niamh Redmond, Communications Officer.

ORDER: Noted. A number of topics were discussed.

NWA/144/16 Sports & Wellbeing Partnership Report

ORDER: Noted.

NWA/145/16 National Cultural Institutions and Neighbourhoods Ray Yeates

ORDER: Noted.

NWA/146/16 Traffic Service Requests, Status Report

ORDER: Noted.

NWA/147/16 Minutes of the Traffic Advisory Group (TAG) Meeting

ORDER: Noted.

NWA/148/16 Motion in the name of Councillors, Noeleen Reilly, Seamus McGrattan, Cathleen Carney Boud, Anthony Connaghan and Emma Murphy

That this area committee will immediately contact the Minister for Housing, Planning & Local Government to voice our condemnation of charges for recycled waste and call on them to reverse the statutory instrument that will begin the process of charging for recycled waste.

Our communities are plagued by fly tipping as it is.

In 2015 it cost Dublin City Council €670,000 on illegal dumping, this will only increase with the introduction of this new charge.

ORDER: Report to Councillors.

NWA/149/16 Motion in the name of Councillor Noeleen Reilly

That this area committee supports a multi-denominational Primary Gaelscoil in north Dublin and writes to the Minister for Education and Skills expressing our support. There are at least 733 children interested in multi-denominational Gaelscoil in north Dublin. The highest number ever recorded for a Gaelscoil application. But those 733 children are to be ignored unless we speak up.

Go dtacaíonn an Coiste ceantair seo le Gaelscoil ilchreidmheach i dtuaisceart Átha Cliath agus scríobhaimid chuig an Aire Oideachais chun an tacaíocht seo a chur in úil. Tá ar a laghad 733 pháiste i dtuaisceart Athá Cliath le suim acu sa Ghaelscoilíocht ilchreidmheach. Seo an méid is mó ainm riamh a chláraigh i bhfeachtas chun Gaelscoil nua a bhunú. Ach déanfar neamhaird ar na páistí sin agus tá sé mar dhualgas againn labhairt amach ar a son.

ORDER: Report to Councillor. A letter will be sent to the Minister for Education and Skills from the North West Area Committee on this matter.

NWA/150/16 Motion in the name of Councillor Anthony Connaghan

That the Manager provides this area committee with details of the change in the number of litter bins for the Dublin Northwest Area since 2000 for the following area's and can the Manager provide details of separate dog dirt bins in each area and whether these have increased or decreased thoughout those years.

a)  Finglas West

b)  Finglas East/Ballygall

c)  Cabra

d)  Ballymun/Poppintree

e)  Drumcondra

f)  Whitehall/Santry

ORDER: Report to Councillor. Waste Management will carry out a robust review of litter bins locations and collection days. Dave Dinnigan, Area Manage will review the map attached to the motion in relation to the location of litter bins throughout the area and discuss the issue with Waste Management.

Ballymun Matters

NWA/151/16 Presentation on Wider Area Traffic Cell Analysis of Walsh Road, Ferguson Road and Millmount Avenue, Drumcondra, Robert Kelly, Chartered Engineer, Associate Director, Network Operations and Traffic, Brian McMahon, Senior Engineer, Network Operations and Traffic, AECOM Consulting Engineers

Ballymun Area Office Report, Mary Taylor, Assistant Area Manager

ORDER: Noted.

NWA/152/16 Ballymun Area Office Report, Mary Taylor, Assistant Area Manager

ORDER: Noted.

NWA/153/16. Report on the Ballymun Social Regeneration Fund, Mary Taylor, Assistant Area Manager

ORDER: Deferred.

NWA/154/16 Presentation on Axis, Mark O’Brien Director of Axis.

ORDER: Noted.

NWA/155/16 With reference to the proposed grant of a licence in Shangan Nursery, Shangan Neighbourhood Centre, Ballymun, Dublin 9.

ORDER: Recommend to City Council.

NWA/156/16 With reference to the proposed grant of a lease for Ground Floor North, at Ballymun Civic Centre, Ballymun Main Street, Dublin 9.

ORDER: Recommend to City Council.

NWA/157/16 With reference to the disposal of a plot of land to the front of No. 44 Glenshesk Road, Dublin 9.

ORDER: Recommend to City Council.

NWA/158/16 Motion in the name of Councillor Noeleen Reilly

That given the difficulties in securing private development to build shopping facilities in Ballymun, the council looks at:

a)  Developing the land themselves with a view to bringing retail into the area

b)  Engaging in land swaps if necessary with a possible retailer (Lidl) to come into Ballymun

c)  Separately engaging with developers to look at building housing units/offices on the upper floors.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NWA/159/16 Motion in the name of Councillor Noeleen Reilly

That this Area committee writes to the Minister for Transport and Sport to confirm his intention for a Quality Bus Corridor on the Swords Road. Vital Infrastructure projects at Larkhill and the Thatch road are being delayed on the basis that this may proceed. The previous Minister indicated that the Metro North had taken precedence, but gave no definite answer on what will happen on the Swords Road in the near future.

ORDER: Report to Councillor. A letter will be sent to the Minister for Transport and Sport from the North West Area Committee on this matter.

NWA/160/16 Motion in the name of Councillor Andrew Montague

That theChief Executive examines the feasibility of a dog enclosure in Albert College Park, or one of the parks in the Dublin North West area.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NWA/161/16 Motion in the name of Councillor Deirdre Heney

To ask the Manager to refer to survey recently carried out by DCC at details attached and

1.  Explain the reason for the survey

2.  Say why DCC only gave local residents such a short period of time within which to complete the survey (4 days)

3.  Comment on upset of local residents that the impact of the recent traffic management study is not inclusive of all related/affected areas

4.  Say what/how many requests DCC received for consultation/meetings with local residents committee/association

5.  Comment on the fact that local residents feel they are not being adequately consulted, in particular, about the traffic issues in the location

6.  If he will agree to fully consult with all affected residents about any changes to roads, traffic issues etc from here on out

Traffic cell survey/study in Drumcondra (Walsh Road/Ferguson Road); All Hallows Residents Committee feel that this most recent traffic study is not inclusive of the needs of all affected residential areas

ORDER: Report to Councillor.

NWA/162/16 Emergency Motion in the name of Councillor Norma Sammon

Owing to the events that took place in the Griffith Park, Drumcondra last week (an arson attack in the playground) and the subsequent closing of the playground, that the Council install CCTV cameras in the park to deter any future vandalism.

ORDER: Motion was not moved.

NWA Councillors:

ORDER: Áine Clancy, Anthony Connaghan, Emma Murphy, Paul McAuliffe,

Noeleen Reilly, Cathleen Carney Boud, David Costello, Brendan Carr, Teresa Keegan, Cieran Perry, Andrew Keegan and Seamus McGrattan.

Apologies: Councillor Norma Sammon.


Dave Dinnigan, Area Manager, Aidan Maher (Senior Executive Officer), Mary Taylor (Senior Executive Officer), Donal Barron (Area Housing Manager – Ballymun), Derek Healy, (Area Housing Manager – Finglas & Cabra), Fergus Synnott (Administrative Officer – Cabra), Bridget Gilbert (Senior Staff Officer), Lisa Keenan (Staff Officer), Helen Smirnova, (Traffic Management & Control) Neil O’Donoghue (Traffic Engineer, NWA), John Twamley (Public Domain Officer), Brid Brosnan, (Graduate Parks Superintendent), Ray Yeates (Arts Officer), Antonia Martin, (Dublin City Sport & Wellbeing Partnership) Niamh O’Reilly (Dublin City Sport & Wellbeing Partnership) and Mark O’Brien (AXIS),

Consultants: Robert Kelly, Associate Director AECOM Consultants.

Councillor Áine Clancy


The meeting concluded at 18.30