Getting Started

q  Who is your specific audience?

q  What is your purpose/goal for the program?

q  How does the purpose appeal to your audience?

q  How does this program fit with your staff goals?

q  How does the program fit with “3 C’s and a D”?

q  Is this a Hall Identity program?


q  Select a date

q  Check for available space

q  Check other campus activities and events at that time (the competition)

o  HD/GA

o  SRA

o  Res. Life planning calendar

o  Office of Student Activities and Leadership Programs

o  Miller Auditorium

o  WMU Athletics

o  Herald

o  TV programs

q  What equipment is needed?

q  Decide on a budget

q  Allocate money from Hall Council at least two (2) weeks prior to program

q  Contact speakers/groups in advance

q  Purchase needed supplies, etc.

q  Fill out your Program Report Form ONE (1) WEEK IN ADVANCE


q  What will be most effective?

q  Advertise at least 1 week in advance

q  Use WORD OF MOUTH in addition to fliers

q  What were the final advertisements?


q  Remind staff of program

q  Storm floors to remind residents

q  Arrange the room/area accordingly

q  Greet presenters

q  Greet residents/participants

q  Thank everyone at the end

q  Clean up

q  Send thank you notes


q  Self evaluation

o  Were your goals met? Why, why not?

o  Would you repeat this program? Why, why not?

o  Could this program be improved upon? How?

q  Resident evaluations

o  What did you enjoy the most about the program?

o  What did you enjoy least about the program?

o  Do you have any suggestions for improvement?

o  How did you benefit from attending this program?

q  Fill out your Program Evaluation Form within 24 hours after the program’s finish