List of Prioritiesfor “Mannheim Master in Management” (MMM) Students

Please fill in the following in the form below:the date,your name, your matriculation number, and your universities of choice, including your first priority, whichyou already listedin the online form.Print out the second pageof this document and include it in your application (as the second document after the printed online form).

You can nominate up to 5 different partner universities.To do so, please have a look at the“List of Exchange Programs for MMM”on the homepage of theCentral International Office (AAA): “Outgoing Students”“Application”“Application Instructions”, under →“Business Faculty”and“Mannheim Master in Management”you will find the“List of Exchange Programs for MMM”(do NOT use the partner universities database as there are institutions listed which might not be available this year or for your study programme).During the selection process, the selection committee will check your universities of choice for free places in the order you listed them.Please make sure to list your first priority as well asalternative universities.Please be aware that if you are offered a place at a university of your choice and you decide to reject the offer, you will not be offered another place.Therefore,it is important, that you are willing to study abroad at any of the universities you list.Do not submit universities you are not willing to study at!

Time period (columns c to e):

You probably decide to go abroad in either the fall or the spring semester.You are allowed to choose different time periods for each partner university you submit below.You can choose whether you prefer to go in the fall semester or the spring semester(columnc or d), or you can decide that either would work for you (column e).Please make sure to consider your personal studying schedule and, where appropriate, the course offer at your university of choice, as well as the information provided in the “List of Exchange Programs for MMM”’!

In column f, you can indicate your preferred trimester(s) at the universities that follow this system.You may be sent for either one or two trimesters, depending on the term dates of the partner universities and the term time in Mannheim. For some universities, a fixed exchange period of 1 term is set.You can find information about this in the “List of Exchange Programs for MMM” (the document you are using to select your choices mentioned above).

Column gallows for self-control.Please fill in the type of proof of language skills (such as TOEFL, IELTS or the “Language Certificate” ofthe University of Mannheim, which you may abbreviate as “Lang. Certif.”) that you have achieved or will achieve in order to be allowed to study at your university of choice.Please also pay attention to the information provided in the “List of Exchange Programs for MMM”.

List of priorities



First name:


a / b / c / d / e / f / g
Nr. / Name of partner university
(You can use abbreviations if the expression is unambiguous.) / Fall
semester / Spring semester / Fall or spring semester / Comment here if time period is deviant / Proof of language skills needed after confirmation of admission