Expression of Interest Application Guidelines – Impact100 SA

Impact100 SA has been established to bring together at least one hundred members who each donate $1,000 annually. The contributions are pooled to make a large impact grant to a South Australia-based project, collectively chosen by the members at an annual Grants Awards event.

Our grant strategy includes making a primary grant of $100,000 each year. Competitive applicants will demonstrate high impact with this $100,000 grant and further details on applying are below.


Impact100SA has developed the following criteria and guidelines and will only acceptapplications which meet the following:

  • Are aligned withImpact100 SA’s key objectives (see below).
  • Have income tax charity endorsement from the Australian Taxation Office.
  • Have DeductibleGift Recipient - Item 1 status.


  • The maximum grant is $100,000.

Please note:

  • All recommendations for funding are at the discretion of the committee and subject to approval by Australian Communities Foundation as Trustee.
  • Reasons for rejection of proposals will not necessarily be given.
  • It is required that the grant funds will be expended within 12 to 24 months.
  • The application process is lengthy – we acknowledge the work and resources required to accommodate this and ask you to consider the impact of this on your organisation when deciding whether to lodge an application.

Key Objectives

In 2017Impact100 SA will consider applications for projects that:

  • Support aproject orinitiativethat focus onearly intervention and youth(0-24 years) as well as initiatives that address themental healthof our community,acknowledging that projects may fit into both categories;
  • Have specific measurable goals to be achieved; and
  • Create significant impact for the South Australian community and applicant organisations.

A grant will only be awarded to a small to mediumorganisation where the transformative nature of such a grant can be demonstrated. Priority will also be given to projects that are new - not the sole continuation of an existing program andwhich benefit an identifiable group of people over projects that benefit a specified individual or small group.

If a project falls into both focus areas (i.e. a project targeting the mental health of youth) it will not be given preferential treatment over a project that may fit only one of the focus areas.


Key dates:

Date / Time
6 October 2017 / 5 pm / Deadline for expression of interestapplications.
22 November 2017 / - / Impact100 SA will advise applicants whether they have made the initial shortlist, to proceed to full application process.
16 February 2018 / 5 pm / Deadline for full grant applications.
21 March 2018 / - / Impact100 SA will advise applicants whether they have made the final shortlist. All finalists will have to prepare a short presentation to be given at our annual dinner.
May 2018 / Annual dinner held and a poll of members taken to award grant.
May 2018 / Grant/s will be made

Expenditure that will not be considered for funding

Expenditure that will not be considered for funding includes:

  • General operating expenses for the applicant organisation where they form the majority of the budget for the proposed project;
  • Debt reduction or operational deficits;
  • Fundraising activities or events;
  • Grants intended for the principal benefit of a religious/politicalorganisation’s own members or adherents, or grants intended for inherently religious activities;
  • Legal expenses;
  • General construction, capital campaign or renovation that is unrelated to a specific proposed project or program;
  • Travel outside Australia; and
  • Projects that could be funded by state and nationalgovernments or other relevant bodies.

NB. Impact100 SA reserves the right to change its criteria without notice at any time.

Applying for Funding

Please address each of the questions included in the table appended to this document in your expression of interest. Please fill in this template to ensure every question is addressed and return via email to by 5pm, 6 October 2017.

Any queries can be addressed to

Please note:

  • You should ensure your organisation is eligible and that the project meets objectives before applying.
  • Any organisation may submit only oneexpression of interest each year.
  • Please do not send any additional information, other than what is requested in the table.
  • If invited to submit a full application, you will be required to provide information relating to proposed impact and outcomes and how you propose to measure this.
  • If your organisation is amongst the selected 4 finalists (after review of the full applications), you will be required to give a short presentation at our annual dinner in May 2018. This presentation would generally cover your organisation and what will be achieved if you receive the grant.
  • You will be advised after 22 November2017 whether or not we wish to receive a full grant application from your organisation.
  • The primary grant can’t be awarded to the same organisation in 2 successive years.
  • The information that you provide during the application process may be reviewed by some members of Impact100 SA.

Expression of Interest Form

Please fill in this template to ensure every question is addressed and return via email to by 5pm, 6 October 2017.

# / Question or information request / Please respond with a simple
"Y" or "N" / Applicant response
1.00 / Positive confirmation of eligibility - any "Y" response will deem applicant ineligible
1.01 / Are the funds requested for the purpose of general operating expenses for the applicant organisation where they form the majority of the budget for the proposed project? / "Y" or “N"
1.02 / Are the funds requested for the purpose of debt reduction or operational deficits? / "Y" or "N"
1.03 / Are the funds requested solely for the purpose of fundraising activities or events? / "Y" or "N"
1.04 / Are the funds requested for the purpose of legal expenses? / "Y" or “N"
1.05 / Are the funds requested for the purpose of general construction, capital campaign or renovation that is unrelated to a specific proposed project or program / "Y" or “N"
1.06 / Are the funds requested for the purpose of travel outside Australia? / "Y" or “N"
1.07 / Are the funds requested for the purpose of grants intended for the principal benefit of a religious/political organisation’s own members or adherents, or grants intended for inherently religious activities / "Y" or “N"
1.08 / Does your organisation lack DGR item 1 status? / "Y" or “N"
2.00 / Details of organisation
2.01 / Provide contact details: Organisation name, ABN, Address, Telephone, Name and email of key contact and Link to web address (if web address exists)
2.02 / Has the organisation received a $100,000 Impact 100 grant in the previous year?
2.03 / Which Impact100 SA annual theme does your organisation’s request for funding match?
2.04 / Does your organisation have physical presence in SA? / "Y" or “N"
2.05 / What are the missions and objectives of your organisation (in 2 to 3 sentences)
2.06 / When was your organisation first established?
2.07 / Is your organisation’s target market in SA, Metro or Regional? / Please tick / Metro [ ]
Regional [ ]
3.00 / Details of project & anticipated impact
3.01 / What is the project title?
3.02 / Describe the project needing funding
3.03 / Tell us why this is an important issue, why there is a need for this work and why your organisation is the right one to do it? (in 2 to 3 sentences)
3.04 / Are there organisations providing similar services? If so, please list. / "Y" or “N"
3.05 / How many people are likely to be impacted directly by the project?
e.g: direct participants, direct beneficiaries
3.06 / Will this project have a high impact on or be transformative for those directly impacted? / "Y" or “N"
3.07 / How many people are likely to be impacted indirectly from the project?
e.g: family members of directly involved people, community members
3.08 / Will this project have a high impact on or be transformative for those indirectly impacted? / "Y" or “N"
3.09 / Is this a new initiative or an expansion of an existing program? / "Y" or “N"
3.10 / Is the organisation’s intention to continue with the project’s aim(s) after Impact’100’s funds are expended? / "Y" or “N"
4.00 / Financial information and viability– please refer to and fill in the Financial Information Template included after this table. There are two worksheets in this excel document to be completed.
4.01 / Please provide a link to your reports on the ACNC website
4.02 / What are the organisation’s top 5 revenue sources and amounts provided for the last financial year?
Calculate each source amount as a percentage of total funding for the organisation / Please fill in Financial Information Template
4.03 / Provide prior year organisation P&L summary per template / Please fill in Financial Information Template
4.04 / Provide current year organisation budget summary per template / Please fill in Financial Information Template
4.05 / Provide specific project budget summary per template / Please fill in Financial Information Template
4.06 / Will the funds be expended within 24 months of grant receipt? / "Y" or “N"
4.07 / Will the provision of project funds from Impact 100 have a high impact or be transformative for the organisation as a whole? / "Y" or “N"
4.08 / Impact100 grant as a % of current organisation’s revenue / Please fill in Financial Information Template
5.00 / Management and human resources
5.01 / Provide collective operational years of Board experience for current Board.
5.02 / Do management have sufficient relevant experience to drive the project?
Provide relevant biography of CEO/GM of organisation and of Project Manager assigned to specific project requesting funding
5.03 / Number of staff (FTEs)
5.04 / Estimated volunteers accessed in the last 12 months

Financial Information Template

Please double click on, and fill in the template below, to ensure the level of financial detail requested is provided. There are two worksheets in the document to be completed. Please ensure you save any work prior to closing the excel spreadsheet and word document.