Workers’ Educational Association
West Midlands Region, Lancaster House, Newhall St, B3 1NQ
Course information sheet
Course Title: / Golden Hill Health and Fitness ClubCourse Ref: / C3120642 / Tutor: / Rachel Trpeski
Title of qualification to be gained (if any): / N/A
Awarding Body (if any): / N/A
Venue: Golden Hill Community Centre
Start date: 16/1/13 / Essential materials
End date: 27/3/13 / Wear comfortable clothes and suitable shoes (trainers). Bring water and reading glasses if you need them.
No of sessions: 10
Hours per session: 1.5
Day(s)/time(s): Wednesdays 11.30 -1.00
Course Aims
To learn a variety of fitness moves, improve coordination, fitness levels and mobility, and alleviate the effects of health conditions in a friendly, fun group environment.
Course Description
This is a new Health Club for the WEA Community Health Education project in Golden Hill. We will undertake initial health checks and inductions before covering a variety of topics. Courses are tailored for the needs of individual learners and the agreed aims of the group. After ten weeks you’ll see the difference!
Entry Requirements
Suitable for all, no qualification needed
Who is the course for?
Anybody who would like to learn in a friendly, supportive group where we learn a lot and have fun at the same time. No previous experience of exercise required and the course welcomes people with health conditions and lower levels of mobility as well as people looking for a more intensive workout.
Main topics covered
-different fitness routines with health assessments to see what impact the exercise is having
-healthy eating, stress reduction and other steps that you can take to lead a healthier life
-recognising the symptoms and effects of common health conditions
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course learners will be able to:
-list and try three changes you can make for a healthier lifestyle
-perform one new exercise independently and safely
-describe the symptoms and possible effects of one new health condition
Teaching and learning methods used
Fitness routines through observation and demonstration including warm-up, workout and cooldown/relaxation, heath checks, fitness testing, Q &A, group discussion, gapped handouts, optional home research, individual learner record sheet, games, working in pairs and groups, group visits.
How your work will be assessed
Progress in health and learning outcomes will be measured through beginning and end assessments as well as ongoing informal exercises and tutors will give you informal feedback on your progress. Learners are encouraged to participate at a level they feel comfortable with.
Suggested progression routes
Other learners who have completed this course went on to:
WEA CHEST course at advanced level and other WEA courses eg Maths, English, ICT
Non WEA courses with other learning providers
Local keep fit groups, gyms and healthy living projects such as Closer to Home walking groups
IAG Session
WEA course same level different/broader subject
Volunteering with the WEA or partner organisations
Pre-course reading/preparation
None required. If you have any specific health topics or exercises you would like to learn about please discuss them with the tutors.
Brief tutor profile
Rachel Trpeski has been working as a consolidated WEA tutor on the Stoke CHEST project since 2008; she covers a range of subjects including healthy eating & growing herbs. She is a qualified gym instructor, exercise to music and Boot Camp instructor. Rachel enjoys worked in the community and is interested in how physical activity can alleviate health conditions including dementia.
Additional Pre-enrolment Information
16-18 learners
The WEA receives public funding for the majority of its courses which supplements the fees paid by students and sponsors. For most of our courses, this funding is only available for people who are 19 or over – if they were born before 31 August 1991. If you are younger than this, please contact your WEA Regional Office (see page 1) for advice.
Equality and Diversity
The WEA is committed to Equality and Diversity in every part of the organisation. For more information on our Single Equality Scheme, visit the WEA Single Equality Scheme or contact your Regional Office.
Learner Safety
The WEA is committed to providing a welcoming environment where everyone is respected and valued, and can feel safe and secure. If you feel that you or other learners are unsafe for any reason at all, including discrimination, abuse, harassment or bullying, speak to a member of staff. If you do not feel you can talk to a tutor, you can ring your Regional Office and ask to speak to a member of the safeguarding staff, or contact David Webber, WEA Director of Finance and Resources, on 020 7426 3450.
Disability and learning support
Learners with physical or learning impairments or difficulties, health or medical issues are entitled to learning support. Please ask your tutor or contact Regional Office if you will need help and support.
Skills for Life support
All learners are entitled to support for literacy and numeracy free of charge. Please ask your tutor or contact your Regional Office if you will need this support.
Financial support
People on income-related benefits and their dependants will usually be entitled to fee remission – that is, their fees may be waived or reduced.
People on income-related benefits and low incomes (usually below £15,276 p.a.) may be eligible for financial help towards books, essential equipment/materials, travel costs and childcare. NB these are strictly limited funds and therefore not every assessed claim will be successful. Contact your Regional Office for more information and advice.
Additional Pre-enrolment Information
A standard information sheet will be provided to all learners who pre-enrol. This includes the following essential information, most of which is also in the induction leaflet Services for Learners:
WEA’s Equality and Diversity commitment
WEA’s 16-18 funding statement
Learner Safety (safeguarding statement)
Disability and Learning Support
Skills for Life Support
Financial Support
Learning Agreement and Learner Code of Conduct
2012-13 course outline