Sherwood Forest Road Maintenance District
Prudential Committee Meeting
Date: Friday, November 25, 2016
Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Becket Town Hall
557 Main Street, Becket, MA
Committee Members present: Howard G. Lerner (Chair), Vernice D. Cowell (Vice Chair), Peter Giano and Leonard R. Daigneault.
Absent: Margaret A. Clemons, Stanley C. Taylor, Timothy D. Hawkes andCharles Andrews (Road Superintendent) and Linda Searles (Clerk/Treasurer).
Public Present: Robert T. Ronzio.
Location: Becket Town Hall, 557 Main Street, Becket, MA 01223
Introduction - Dr. Lerner opened the meeting with a call to order at 4:00 PM and announced that parliamentary procedural rules previously adopted will regulate and conduct of the meeting in accordance with the provisions of the Open Meeting Law (OML), other pertinent Massachusetts general laws, the by-laws of the district and local customs and traditions. Dr. Lerner asked if anyone would like to have the entire rules and regulations read aloud. Ms. Cowell made a motion to dispense with reading the procedural provisions of the OML. Mr. Gianoseconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Dr. Lerner asked if anyone present planned to record the meeting. Dr. Lerner noted that Mr. Ronzio would be recording the meeting for the clerk/treasurer. Dr. Lerner noted that there were agendas on the table for all present. He again stated that the aforementioned guidelines are being followed to insure that the district complied with the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
1. Prudential Committee Members Comments and Announcements – Dr. Lerner stated that as chair he decided it would be best to table discussion of most items on the agenda until more committee members were present. Those present agreed. Dr. Lerner moved the agenda as reported below:
2. Documentation Security and Storage- Tabled.
3. General Roads
- Update on Maid Marian/Lancelot Lake Bank Stabilization Project–Tabled
- Road Grading Progress Report and Work Order Status –Tabled
- Roadside Mowing - Contract IFB/RFQ –Tabled.
- Right of Way- Service Policy for Tree Trimming and Emergency Removal-Tabled.
- Street Signs - Missing and Replacement Report- Tabled.
- Road Designations - Primary and Secondary –Tabled.
- Con Com Enforcement Order Maid Marian Ln Culvert Replacement– Tabled.
4. Waterways
a. Road & Intersection Culverts -Tabled.
1. Cross Culvert Replacement - Prince Paul Path/Brandon's Way –Tabled.
2. Cross Culvert Replacement - Sherwood Drive & Mystic Isle Way –Tabled.
b. Driveway Culvert Replacement - Will Scarlet Drive – Tabled.
c. Windrow and Sod Berm Removal- Tabled.
d. Drainage Ditch and Culvert Inspectionsincluding Headwall Capstones- Tabled.
1. Driveway Culverts-Installation and Replacement - Tabled.
2. Windrow and Sod Berm Removal - Tabled.
3. Drainage Ditch and Culvert Inspections - Tabled.
5. Winter Road-Planning and Preparation - Dr. Lerner stated that the superintendent reported that contractor had stockpiled the necessary materials and equipment needed for winter operations.
6. Update on Expanded voting rights -Tabledt.
7. Website Update -Tabled.
8. Road Superintendent –Tabled.
a. Job Description Review Update- Tabled.
b. Mileage Reimbursement- Tabled.
9. Other business to come before the Committee –Dr. Lerner noted that the District had a Workman’s Compensation audit conducted by the insurance carrier. He stated that the Clerk/Treasurer, Linda Searles and he were asked to produce evidence regarding the district’s payment records for its employees and all independent contractors who performed work for the district. He reported the auditor was completely satisfied with the bookkeeping and corroborating verification that all contractors were in compliance with the requirements Committee member present discussed and recommended that this information should be shared with those absent.
10. Public Input- None
11. Review Correspondence –Read and reviewed.
12.Warrant #5 FY2017 - Dr. Lerner presented the warrant and provided explanation for each of the items that appeared. Mr. Giano made a motion to approve the warrant, Mr. Daigneault seconded; the warrant is approved and passed around for committee member's signatures.
13. Adjournment- Ms. Cowell made a motion to adjourn, Mr. Daigneault seconded; the meeting is continued to 4:20 PM.
Schedule - Next meeting Saturday, December 10, 2016.
Respectfully submitted,
SIGNED: ______
Linda S. Searles
Clerk & Treasurer
Sherwood Forest Lake District
Howard G. Lerner (Chair)
Vernice D. Cowell (Vice Chair)
Margaret A. Clemons
Stanley C. Taylor
Peter Giano
Leonard R. Daigneault (Alternate Regular Resident)
Timothy D. Hawkes (Alternate Non-Resident)