Ver 2.0. / 19.2.2011


The Seascaepe18 Class has been created as a strict one-design Class where the true test when

raced is between crews and not boats and equipment. The fundamental objective of these class

rules is to ensure that this concept is maintained.

Seascape18 hulls, hull appendages, rigs and sails are measurement/manufacturing controlled.

Seascape18 hulls, hull appendages, rigs shall only be manufactured by a licensed manufacturer –

in the class rules referred to as licensed manufacturers. Equipment is required to comply with

the International Seascape18 Building Specification.

Seascape18 hulls, hull appendages, rigs and sails may, after having left the manufacturer, only

be altered to the extent permitted in Section C of the class rules.

Seascape18 sails may be manufactured by any sailmaker. Sails shall be measured by an

approved measurer and appropriate markings placed on the sails to show sail measurement has

been performed and that sails comply with these class rules.

Owners and crews should be aware that compliance with rules in Section C is NOT checked as

part of the manufacturing process.

Rules regulating the use of equipment during a race are contained in Section C of these class

rules, in ERS Part I and in the Racing Rules of Sailing.

Please Remember:





A.1.1The official language of the class is English and in case of dispute over translation the English text shall prevail.

A.1.2The word “shall” is mandatory and the word “may” is permissive.


A.2.1Administrative functions of the class are conducted by ISSA – manufacturer of Seascape18 – which may delegate part or all of its functions, as stated in these class rules, to a national member.


A.3.1These class rules shall be read in conjunction with the ISAF Equipment rules of sailing found on


A.4.1At Class Events – see RRS 88.1.d) – ISAF Regulation 26.5(f) applies. At all other events RRS 86 applies.


A.5.1Interpretation of class rules shall be made in accordance with the ISAF Regulations.


A.6.1 Sail numbers shall be issued by the ISSA.

A.6.2 Sail numbers shall be issued in consecutive order.

A.6.3 Boat can compete with handicap sail number issued by national sailing federation if the number doesn’t overlaps with Seascape class numbers. In this case boat with handicap number must change it to Seascape18 class sail number.


For a boat to be eligible for racing, it shall comply with the rules in this section.


B.1.1 The boat shall be in compliance with the class rules.

B.1.2 In the event of a dispute alleging non-compliance with class rules where specific measurements are not stated, the following procedure shall be adopted:

a) A sample measurement of the disputed item shall be obtained by taking the identical measurement from 3 boats or items of equipment, which are not the subject of the dispute.

b) The measurement of the disputed boat or items of its equipment, taken using the same technique as above, shall be compared to the sample.

c) If any of the measurements obtained from the disputed boat or item of equipment lie outside the corresponding range of measurements found in the sample, the matter together with the details of the measurement methods and any other relevant information shall be referred to the Race Committee.


B.2.1 Each Seascape18 shall have a builder’s hull identification mark incorporating the boat sail number fixed in the right side of the transom. The format of the mark is:

SI-SSCXXXXXDD-MM, where XXXXX represents sail number, DD month and year of manufacture and MM model year.

Seascape18 – class rules ver 2.0. 1


The crew and the boat shall comply with the rules in Part II when racing. In case of conflict Section C shall prevail.

The rules in Part II are closed class rules. Certification control and equipment inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the ERS except where varied in this Part.




(a) RRS 50.4 shall not apply.

(b) RRS 42.3 is changed as follows: Add to RRS 42.3: i) A boat’s crew may pump the mainsail repeatedly to release the top (turn around the top battens so that sail camber is uniform on the full height of the sail)

(c) The ERS Part I – Use of Equipment shall apply.


(a) The Seascape18 shall only be raced with hull, hull appendages, rig, bow sprit, boom as supplied by ISSA conforming to these rules.

(b) Where specified in these class rules, parts or equipment may be replaced providing that the replacement is of similar weight, size and type and performs the same function. The replacement parts or equipment may be obtained from any supplier.

(c) Inhauling or outhauling of the jib or asymmetrical spinnaker in any way is prohibited.

(d) The mainsheet bridle – A-frame shall not be adjustable while racing.


C.2.1 Limitations

(a) The crew shall consist of 2 or 3 persons of combined weight measured in light sport clothes of 270kg or less.

(b) No crew member shall be substituted during an event, unless written consent is granted by the Jury or race committee. The crew that you start the regatta with shall be the crew throughout the regatta and shall not be changed unless crew substitution is granted by the Jury or Race Committee.

C.2.2. Positioning

(a) No crew member shall sit with their legs outside of the boat.

(b) No crew member when sailing to windward or downwind and sitting on the deck shall be positioned forward of the mast except when untangling ropes equipment or sails. Crew members shall be seated while sailing with both feet on the cockpit or in foot straps except for sail handling maneuvers. No crew shall stand out holding to shrouds to promote roll tacking or righting moment. There shall be no standing or sitting on the side or foredecks while racing except for the quick repairs or fixeson sails or equipment.

(c) The foot straps shall be adjusted so that when lifting up hard from the center of fore or aft strap it shall not lift from the cockpit floor for more than 27cm at any location.

(d) The foot straps may be shock corded to pull out any slack.

(e) No device, method or sheet may be used to implement or assist hiking or sitting outboard other than the foot straps as positioned and supplied by the licensed manufacturer.


C.3.1 Mandatory

(a) The boat shall be equipped with personal buoyancy for each crew member to the minimum standard ISO 12402-5 (CE 50 Newton), or USCG Type III, or AUS PFD 1.

(b) No clothing or equipment shall be carried with the specific intent of adding weight by water absorption or holding water in pockets, compartments, containers or any other method.

C.4.1 Limitations
Advertising shall only be displayed in accordance with Category C of the ISAF Advertising Code.(See ISAF Regulation 20)

C.5.1 Mandatory
(1) One bucket of minimum volume 9 liters on a rope with a minimum 2m in length and 4mm in diameter.

(2) Hand water bailer

(3) Sponge

(4) One anchor of not less than 4kg in weight with 2m of 8mm chain (or same weight in different diameter and length) and with not less than 30m of line of not less than 8mm in diameter.

(5) One paddle with minimum length of 150cm

(6) Minimum of 4 fenders of minimum diameter of 15 cm or comparable.

(7) 2 Mooring lines of 10m of minimum diameter of 8mm

C.5.2 Optional

(1) Electronic or mechanical timing devices

(2) One compass, timing device or a combination of both may be fitted provided they can only provide information relating to a) the boat’s heading, b) current or elapsed time, c) depth and d) boat speed.

(3) GPS devices as long as they provide only position, speed, course or computations of these values.

(4) Water Bottle Holders

(5) Wind Indicators

(6) Sheet bags may be added to the boat to stow equipment, food, tools, and or drinks.

(7) Any system of tape, rope, clips or covers intended only to prevent equipment from loosening and to prevent sails tearing.

(8) The carrying of loose ropes, fenders, spares, internal buoyancy and safety equipment is unrestricted provided their fixing does not change the structural properties of the boat and gives no performance advantage.

(9) Charts and means of recording compass headings.

(10) Rope, bags, tape or fittings to secure safety or other equipment.

(11) Tell tales may be added to any part of the rig, mainsail, asymmetrical or jib.

(12) The method of attaching sheets to the spinnaker is unrestricted provided that the sail when flown will not fly further than 20cm from the intended sheet rope.

(13) The use of Velcro, shockcord, Teflon tape, flexible adhesive tape, rope, stainless rings, and shackles is unrestricted as long as this does not modify the sheeting angle of any sail when loaded or restrict the intended purpose of any equipment.

(14) The method of attaching any fitting to the boat is unrestricted but shall not modify the fittings position, the effective operation of the fitting nor the intended purpose or action of any equipment and provided their fixing gives no performance advantage.

(15) Weed sticks of optional design may be carried on board for the removal of weeds from the rudder.


C.6.1 Alterations

No performance advantage shall be obtained from any replacement, addition or repair permitted by these class rules.

(a) Replacement for any boat equipment, including but not limited to hull appendages, rig, bow sprit, boom, hatches, and custom Seascape18 fittings and hardware shall be only done by those produced by a manufacturer licensed by ISSA.

(b) Repairs and maintenance including but not limited to painting and sanding may be carried out provided repairs are made in such a way that the essential shape, characteristics or function of the original are maintained.

(c) Maintenance may include the replacement of fastenings with alternatives from any supplier, provided that the equipment is replaced in the original position.


C.7.1 Modifications, maintenance and repair

(a) Gelcoat finish from 30mm above the waterline to include the bottom of the hull may be lightly abraded to apply epoxy barrier coat and anti fouling paint. If epoxy barrier coat is applied anti fouling paint must also be applied.

(b) Waxing and polishing of the hull is permitted provided the intention and effect is to polish the hull only.

(c) Repairs are permitted; however, an official measurer may verify that the external shape is the same as before the repair and that no substantial stiffness, or shape variation, or other advantage has been gained as a result of the repair.

(d)Any work intended or with the effect of lightening the hull or improving, shape or performance beyond the original is not permitted.

C.7.2 Fittings

(1) Inspection hatch covers and drainage plugs shall be kept in place at all times.

(2) The main hatches shall remain closed with neoprene or other watertight seal at all times except when accessing stored equipment.

C.7.3 Limitations

(a) Fittings shall remain in factory installed locations except that:

(1) A drain plug may be installed in the transom

(2) The jib sheet cleat angles may be changed.

(3) Adjustments via shackles, lashings, or new jib halyards may be made to adjust jib height off deck.

(4) Mainsheet can be lead to the ratchet in the middle of the cockpit on the cockpit floor instead under the boom. For that purpose an extra block may be fitted on the stern of the boat.

(b) Replacements of the following items is permitted. Parts may be obtained from any supplier.

(1) All deck gear – diameter of blocks may be changed and normal blocks can be changed to ratchet blocks.

(2) Inspection hatches

(3) Sails and sail battens

(4) Shackles, pins, bolts

C.7.4 Additions & Alterations To Hull The following additions and alterations are permitted.

(a) Non skid material of any kind may be added to the cockpit floor and deck. Thickness not to exceed 3mm.

(b) Cleat risers and fairleads may be added, removed or changed on all cleats.

(c) Trim marks


C.8.1 Modifications, Maintenance and repair

(a) Waxing and polishing of the hull appendages is permitted provided the intention and effect is to polish the hull appendages only.

(b) Repairs are permitted; however, an official measurer may verify that the external shape is the same as before the repair and that no substantial stiffness, or other, advantage has been gained as a result of the repair.

(c) Any work intended or with the effect of lightening the hull appendages or improvingthe shape except of simple fairing of the surface is not permitted.

C.8.2 Keel

(1) The keel shall be lowered down to its racing position and may only be raised for the purposes of re-floating when aground after which it shall be lowered to racing position at the earliest opportunity. The keel angle shall not change throughout the race.

(2) Racing position is between 85degrees to the water line and position where the Keel lock pin can be inserted and secured.

(3) The plastic wedges on the head of the keel may be modified or changed to prevent keel movement but shall not alter the keel position.

(3) The keel may be aligned to the centerline of the hull.

(4) Any method of closing the keel slot on the bottom of the hull may be applied as long as it doesn’t prevent keel movement from 0 (fully up) – 85 (fully down) degrees.

C.8.3 Rudder

(a) Use:

Rudders shall be positioned in lowered position – top of the rudder shall not extend more than 2cm from the top edge of the rudder box – and may only be raised for the purposes of re-floating when aground or removing the weed or trash from the blade, after which it shall be lowered to racing position at the earliest opportunity.

(b) Fittings

(1) Rudder fittings shall be of ISSA design and manufacture. Additional reinforcement may be added inside the rudder post.

(2) Tiller extensions may be replaced with optional design, from any manufacturer.


C.9.1 Modifications, Maintenance and repair

(a) The rig shall not be modified in a way to alter the bend characteristics of the mast.

(b) The rig shall not be altered in a way to reduce the weight aloft.

(c) Replacement of the cleats and sheaves is permissible by any supplier provided their
size remains the same.

(d) Sanding and furnishing with UV protective color is permitted in order to protect the mast to UV deterioration if it doesn’t change mast bend characteristic or reduces mast weight.

C.9.2 Fittings


(1) A protective pad may be added to the front of the mast from the deck to the gooseneck to protect the mast from the clew of the jib.

(2) A wind direction indicator may be fitted to the top of the mast.

(3) The use of shockcord on the rig is unlimited.

(4) The use of tape of any kind is unlimited.

(5) Protective padding may be added to the end of the boom.

C.9.3 Limitations

(a) Only one set of spars and standing rigging shall be used except when an item has been lost or damaged beyond repair.

(b) Only masts and booms designed and manufactured by a licensed ISSA builder shall be used.

(c) Length of standing rigging can be changed. Shrouds and turnbuckles are permissible by any supplier.

C.9.4 MAST

Only the approved Seascape18 mast shall be used and manufactured by a ISSA licensed manufacturer.

C.9.5 BOOM

Only the approved Seascape18 boom shall be used and manufactured by a ISSA licensed manufacturer.


(1) Only the ISSA designed, approved bowsprit shall be used and manufactured by an ISSA licensed builder.

(2) Bowsprit shall be fully retracted at all times except when the spinnaker is set or in the act of being set or recovered, and shall be retracted at the first reasonable opportunity after rounding the leeward mark.

(3) In its fully extended position the tip of the bowsprit shouldn’t extend more than 150cm over the bow of the boat.

(4) Bow sprit shall be fully retracted at all times except when the spinnaker is set or in the act of being set or recovered, and shall be retracted at the first reasonable opportunity after rounding the leeward mark.

(5) Approaching a windward mark without the spinnaker set, the bowsprit shall not be extended until the bow of the boat has passed the mark. If for a wind shift, or any other reason, the spinnaker is flown on a windward leg, then the bowsprit shall be fully extended and the spinnaker set before the boat reaches the three length circle at the windward mark. The spinnaker may be set at any time on the offset leg.


(1) All stays shall be 4mm 1X19 stainless wires. Length of all stays is optional.

(2) Dyform rigging and calibrated turnbuckles are forbidden.


(1) All rope diameter and materials are optional. Tapered sheets are allowed.

(2) Purchase systems can be changed to any ratio as long as they don’t change the sheeting angles of the sails.


C.10.1 Modifications, Maintenance and repair

(a) Sails shall not be altered in any way except as permitted by these class rules.

(b) Routine maintenance such as repairing tears is permitted without remeasurement and recertification.

C.10.2 Limitations

(a) Not more than one mainsail, one jib, and two asymmetrical spinnakers shall be carried onboard.

(b) Not more than one mainsail, one jib, and two asymmetrical spinnaker shall be used during an event.

(c) While two spinnakers are allowed to be carried they shall be of the same size, shape, and prevailing color.



(1) The sail number shall be displayed on each side of the mainsail in accordance to rule:

- Minimum size of letters is 300mm.

- Minimum distance between the letters is 60mm.

- number format is XXX NNN, where XXX stands for national code as in RRS appendix G, and NNN for sail number as provided by ISSA.

- Number should be positioned between 2ndand 3rdbatten counting from the foot of the mainsail.

- They shall be placed at different heights on the two sides of the sail, those on the starboard side