RFQQ #00214

Emergency Response for Hazardous Materials & Vessels

Request for Qualifications and Quotes (RFQQ) #00214

Emergency Response for Hazardous Materials and Vessels

The Washington State Department of Enterprise Services (DES) issues this Request for Qualification & Quotes (RFQQ) under the authority of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 39.26. DES reserves the right to modify dates and times. Any changes will be sent electronically as amendments to all users of Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS) who downloaded this RFQQ.

Posting Date January 21, 2014

Question and Answer Period January 21, 2014 – February 10, 2014

Complaint Period……………….. Begins on the date RFQQ #00214 is posted in Washington’s Electronic Business Solutions (WEBS) and ends five business days prior to the date the bids are due, as stated below, or hereafter changed by Amendment. See also, Complaint, Debrief and Protest section attached.

Bids Are Due February 20, 2014 @ 2:00 PM

Award Date………………………Approximately one month after Bid Due Date

Effective Date…………………...July 1, 2014

Procurement Coordinator Corinna Cooper, CPPB


Deliver Bids to Washington State Department of Enterprise Services (DES)

Master Contracts and Consulting (MCC)

1500 Jefferson St. SE

PO Box 41411

Olympia, WA 98501

Attention: Bid Clerk, Master Contracts & Consulting Unit

IMPORTANT: Bids must be delivered in a sealed package and should have the following information on the outside:

·  RFQQ Number (#00214)

·  Bid Due Date and Time

·  Procurement Coordinator’s Name

·  Bidder’s Company Name & Address



1.1 Purpose of the RFQQ 4

1.2 Scope of the RFQQ 4

1.3 Purchasers 5

1.4 Contract Term 5

1.5 Estimated Usage 5


2.1 Announcement and Special Information 5

2.2 Complaint, Debrief, Protest (General Information) 6

2.3 Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS) 6

2.4 Amendments 6

2.5 Bidder Communication Responsibilities 6

2.6 Bidder Responsiveness 6

2.7 Qualifications/non-Price responses 7

2.8 Pricing 7

2.9 Management Fee 7

2.10 Non-Endorsement & Publicity 8

2.11 No Costs or Charges 9

2.12 No Best and Final Offer 9

2.13 Dealer Authorization 9

2.14 Economic and Environmental Goals 9


3.1 Question And Answer Period 9

3.2 Bid Submittals (Checklist) 10

3.3 Format 10

3.4 Electronic Copies 11

3.5 Confidentiality, proprietary material and trade secrets 11

3.6 Due Date and Time 11


4.1 General Provisions 11

4.2 Determination of Responsiveness 12

4.3 Determination of Responsibility 12

4.4 Evaluation 12

4.5 Selection of Apparent Successful Bidder 13

4.6 Announcement of Apparent Successful Bidder 13

4.7 Award 13

4.8 Bid Information Availability After Announcement Of The Apparent Successful Bidder 14


5.1 Incorporated documents and order of precedence 14

5.2 Parties 14

5.3 Authority to Bind 15

5.4 Counterparts 15

5.5 Sales & Subcontractor Report (Usage Report) 15

5.6 Changes 15

5.7 Price Adjustments 15

5.8 Miscellaneous Expenses 16


Appendix A, Standard Terms and Conditions 17

Appendix B, Special Terms and Conditions 17

Appendix C, Price Worksheets (Category 1 – 4) 17

Appendix D, Qualifications 17

Appendix E, Bidder Profile 17

Appendix F, Complaint, Debrief and Protest Procedures 17

Appendix G, Procurement Reform Small Business Fact Sheet 17



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RFQQ #00214

Emergency Response for Hazardous Materials & Vessels


1.1  Purpose of the RFQQ

The purpose of this RFQQ is to provide a master, statewide contract for Emergency Response for Hazardous Materials & Vessels. For the purposes of this Contract, an Emergency is defined as a time critical incident or threat in which response delays may result in increased human health exposure, environmental impact, economic disruptions or clean-up costs.

This contract will provide the necessary personnel, equipment, materials and supplies to respond to releases or potential threats of oil, hazardous materials or other pollutants emergencies related to derelict or abandoned vessels. This Contract will supplement – not replace – existing state agency resources and, therefore, state agency staff may continue to conduct some activities covered under this RFQQ. This Contract will be mandatory for all procurements over the Direct Buy Limit.

Further, Washington law allows for emergency procurements this contract notwithstanding.


The contract will consist of four categories; Marine and Inland Waters Incidents, Land Based Incidents, Diving and Salvage Operations and Transportation, Storage and Disposal. Bidders responding to this solicitation may bid on one, multiple or all categories listed below.

1. Marine and Inland Waters Incidents that may include but is not limited to:
·  reconnaissance
·  hazard assessment, air monitoring and site security
·  sampling and analysis
·  on-water containment and recovery
·  shoreline assessment and cleanup
·  temporary waste storage and disposal plan development
·  emergency response plan deployment
·  protection, deflection and collection booming
·  advanced skimming operations
·  applied response technologies
·  segregate oil recovered from water and other waste systems
·  determine recovered oil volume by squeezing or weighing sorbent material
·  incident management support
·  documentation and reports / 3.Diving and Salvage Operations that may include but is not limited to:
·  reconnaissance
·  hazard assessment, air monitoring and site security
·  sampling and analysis
·  vessel salvage and disposal plan development
·  plugging, patching or lightering of sunken or beached vessels
·  emergencies related to abandoned or derelict vessels
·  vessel towing or removal
·  temporary vessel storage
·  emergency vessel deconstruction
·  incident management support
·  segregate oil recovered from water and other waste systems
·  determine recovered oil volume by squeezing or weighing sorbent material
·  incident management support
·  documentation and reports
2. Land Based Incidents that may include but is not limited to:
·  reconnaissance
·  hazard assessment, air monitoring and site security
·  sampling and analysis
·  mitigation and remediation of contaminated soil
·  rail and highway corridor incidents
·  Hazardous materials, clandestine drug labs and pressurized containers
·  incident management support
·  documentation and reports / 4. Transportation, Storage and Disposal that may include but is not limited to:
·  waste collection centers
·  hazardous waste profiling
·  incineration
·  recycling/reclamation
·  energy recovery
·  incineration
·  treatment
·  stabilization
·  landfill
·  documentation and reports

1.3  Purchasers

The Department of Ecology (Ecology) and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) are the primary users of this contract. This contract will be available all state agencies and for use by all members of the Master Contracts Usage Agreement (MCUA), including institutions of higher education, cities and counties, other political subdivisions or special districts, and nonprofit corporations. Their orders are subject to the same contract terms, conditions and pricing as state agencies.

While use of the contract by Political Subdivisions and Non-Profit Corporations that are members of the MCUA and Oregon Cooperative Purchasing Program (ORCPP) is optional, DES encourages them to use our contracts. Their use of the contracts may significantly increase the purchase volume. DES accepts no responsibility for orders or payment by MCUA, Department of Administrative Services Cooperative Purchasing Program (DASCPP) or ORCPP members.

-  MCUA members: https://fortress.wa.gov/ga/apps/ContractSearch/MCUAListing.aspx

-  ORCPP members: http://www.oregon.gov/DAS/EGS/ps/ORCPP/orcppMemberList.pdf

1.4  Contract Term

The initial term of the contract is one (1) year from award of the contract. The total contract term, including the initial term and all extensions, will not exceed eight (8) years unless circumstances require a special extension. Additional terms will be exercised at the sole discretion of DES upon written mutual agreement.

1.5  Estimated Usage

Purchases over the initial one-year term of the contract could approximate $4 million from Ecology and DNR. Purchase potential from other purchasers is unknown and will fluctuate as emergencies arise.

DES does not represent or guarantee any minimum purchase.


2.1  Announcement and Special Information

The RFQQ, its appendices, attachments, amendments and any incorporated documents will comprise the entire RFQQ that will become the resulting contract between DES and the awarded contractor when DES countersigns it.

By responding to this RFQQ, a bidder acknowledges having read and understood the entire RFQQ and accepts all information contained within the RFQQ without modification.

NOTE: The Appendix A, Standard Terms and Conditions consists of general provisions and terms for solicitations issued by DES. Should a term within Appendix A conflict with a term elsewhere in the RFQQ, the latter will prevail.

2.2  Complaint, Debrief, Protest (General Information)

See Appendix F, Complaint, Debrief, and Protest Procedure located in the appendices section below. This document contains important additional and expanded details, such as rules, timing, criteria, form, etc.

2.3  Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS)

Bidders are solely responsible for:

-  Properly registering with Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS) at https://fortress.wa.gov/ga/webs/, and maintaining an accurate Vendor profile in WEBS.

-  Downloading the RFQQ packet consisting of the RFQQ, all appendices, and incorporated documents related to the RFQQ for which you are interested in bidding.

-  Downloading all current and subsequent amendments to the RFQQ to ensure receipt of all RFQQ documents.

Notification of amendments to the RFQQ will only be provided to those vendors who have registered with WEBS and have downloaded the RFQQ from WEBS. Not registering in WEBS may result in a bidder having incomplete, inaccurate, or otherwise inadequate information and bid.

2.4  Amendments

Prior to the bid due date and time, DES reserves the right to change portions of this RFQQ. All changes are issued in writing by DES as an amendment and incorporated into the RFQQ. If there is any conflict between amendments, or between an amendment and the RFQQ, the document issued last in time will be controlling. Only bidders who have properly registered and downloaded the original RFQQ directly via WEBS will receive notification of amendments and other correspondence pertinent to the procurement.

2.5  Bidder Communication Responsibilities

During the RFQQ process, all Bidder communications concerning this RFQQ must be directed to the procurement coordinator. Unauthorized contact regarding this RFQQ with other state employees involved with the RFQQ may result in disqualification. All oral and written communications will be considered unofficial and non-binding on DES. Bidders should rely only on written amendments issued by the procurement coordinator.

Bidders are encouraged to make any inquiry as early in the process as possible to allow DES to consider and respond. No response is required from the procurement coordinator.

Additionally, if a bidder does not notify DES of an issue, exception, addition, or omission, DES may consider the matter waived by the bidder for protest purposes.

If Bidder inquiries result in changes to the RFQQ, written amendments will be issued and posted on WEBS.

2.6  Bidder Responsiveness

Bidders are to respond to each question/requirement contained in this RFQQ. Failure to comply with any applicable item may result in a bid being determined to be non-responsive and disqualified.

DES reserves the right to determine the actual level of Bidders’ compliance with the requirements specified in this RFQQ and to waive informalities in a bid. An Informality is an immaterial variation from the exact requirements of the competitive RFQQ. This variation has no effect or merely a minor or negligible effect on quality, quantity, or delivery of the supplies or performance of the services being procured, and the correction or waiver of which would not affect the relative standing of, or be otherwise prejudicial to Bidders (See WAC 200-300-015(18)).

2.7  QUALIFICATIONS/non-Price responses

Bidders shall respond to all requirements in Appendix D, Qualifications.

2.8  Pricing

Response prices must include all cost components needed for the delivery of the services/goods as described in this Solicitation document.

For a given category, Bidders must respond to all line items (highlighted in Green) listed in Appendix C, Price Worksheet.

Bidders must also include a comprehensive Rate Schedule which identifies all costs, including those listed in the Price Worksheet that the Bidder will charge for performing the tasks necessary for the performance of a Contract. The costs must break-out all expenses expected to be billed to a customer. The Rate Schedule should include labor categories hourly rates (indicating which labor categories are prevailing wage eligible), overtime rates, charges for various levels of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and equipment charges to include vehicles, vessels, containers and other incidentals.

The Bidder shall identify any indirect or overhead charges (if any) that will be applied during the performance of work on this project, and the basis for applying the rate. Bidder must clearly indicate any cost difference in work performed with minimal notice (immediate call-out) versus work performed with advance notice (scheduled work). The Bidder must also clearly define when each rate is applicable.

The Bidder shall identify any standard administrative costs (if any) for preparing invoices and/or meeting regulatory reporting requirements, such as Washington Labor and Industry prevailing rate filing and reporting requirements.

Costs not identified in the proposal will not be reimbursed by Agency without prior written authorization submitted with the cost documentation at the time of invoicing.

Bid the pricing required on the Price Worksheet to the nearest whole cent.

2.9  Management Fee

Contractor must pay a Management Fee of 0.74% to DES on all state of Washington contract sales. This provision does not include or supersede fee terms owed to other entities such as the Western States Contracting Alliance (WSCA), National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO), or governmental entities other than the state of Washington.

DES may increase, decrease, or eliminate the Management Fee. The Management Fee must be rolled into the contractor’s current pricing, not as a separate line item on the invoice. Any decreases or increases to the management fee will be reflected in contract pricing commensurate with the adjustment. DES Management Fee written notifications will become effective for new purchases or new change orders to existing purchases 30 calendar days after notification unless DES grants additional time.

The Management Fee must be paid on a quarterly basis. Contractors must report usage (total net sales) no later than 30 days after the close of the quarter. Within 60 days of the end of the quarter, DES will send an invoice based on the usage reported (money received, less any taxes, returns, credits, or adjustments). Within 90 days after the close of the quarter, the management fees are due. See Schedule below. Failure to report accurate usage data or remit timely payment may be cause for contract termination and/or other remedies provided by law.