Note: The assessment of newly qualified social workers (NQSW) on the Assessed andSupportedYear inEmployment varies significantly between agencies employing Children’s Services NQSW’s. There are some core requirements from the Department for Education for grant funded agencies and these have informed this document. Some agencies have provision for external moderation through partnership with Universities and may not require external moderation of their assessment decisions. This template is designed to facilitate external moderation for those who require it, and peer moderation for those who wish to enhance their quality assurance processes through a process of sharing and comment with partners. Individual agencies should consider their protocols for data protection and information sharing.

Part1 -Qualitychecklist

Agency portfolio completed with: / Unique Agency identifier / Agency undertaking moderation / quality assurance / Qualifications of reviewer

1. Is there evidence of progressive assessment across the year? Answer Yes/No

Is a Learning agreement in place against the PCF at ASYE level? (If not, there must be an initial assessment against the K&S – see section 2 below).
Are there learning plans in place (typically at initial, three, six and final review points)?
Are thereregular reviews of progress (typically at three, six and final review points)?
Is there a final assessmentreport indicating sufficiency?
Are there clear indications in the above of areas for development as well as strength?
Is there evidence/confirmation that the NQSW hasattended training and workshopsindicative of protected time for learning and development.
Is there evidence that the NQSW has received regular supervision?
Is there evidence of triangulation – assessment by different people using different methods across the ASYE year?
Anycomments in support of the above:

2. Specific Assessment Requirements - Answer Yes / No

Knowledge and Skills Framework: Does the portfolio indicate that initial assessment against the K&S was undertaken identifying strengths and areas for development?
Directobservations: Are there a minimum of two direct observations of practice with assessor reports?
Knowledge and Skills Framework: Does the portfolio make a final assessment of whether the NQSWs has met the K&S, and if not, what further learning is required?
Final Assessment Timescale: Has the final assessment taken place on a date which is a maximum of 12 months after commencement on the programme?
Anycomments in support of the above:

Part2 -Moderationoftheemployer’sassessment

Thereaderwouldbeexpectedto scrutinisethedocuments presented for review andcommentaccordingly.

1. Doestheassessor/employerprovideclearevidenceofwhytheyhavemadetheir recommendation? Please answer Yes / No

Authentic – Is it clear that the evidence for assessment is the work of the NQSW?
Sufficient - Is there sufficient evidence to make a robust decision for all domains of the PCF and / or K&S domains – and are they equally evidenced?
Relevant – Does the portfolio contain evidence that contributes to the assessment of learning progress and final capability?
Valid–Are the assessment instruments used by the agency (observations, audits, self- assessments etc.,) adequately aligned toelicit evidence that supports the requirements of the assessment frameworks?
Robust–Is the final assessment decision adequately supported by the evidence base?
Anycomments in support of the above:

Part3 -Evaluationandfeedback

1. Feedback to the agency.Please offer constructive feedback to the agency. Any developmental feedback should relate specifically to evidence viewed and should be phrased to assist the agency in its own quality assurance and development processes.

2. Feedbacktoassessor/s: The portfolio may contain assessments by different people at different times using different methods. This is good practice. If the moderation panel wishes to offer feedback on specific aspects of assessment to the agency for sharing with the assessor for developmental purposes, they must indicate which assessment they are referring to for each comment:e.g. Final assessment; Observation 1 assessment report; line manager’s six month review.

3. Authorisation:

Moderator Signature / Chair of Panel as appropriate:



Plymouth City Council on behalf of the Peninsula South West Education Group