January 26, 2010 at 7:30 PM

Greenville Town Hall

Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM



Roll Call: Arnie Cavallaro /Chair, Ken Elsbree/Vice Chair, Orloff Bear, Jr., Brian Wickes, Peter O’Hara, James Barry/Alternate, Tal Rappleyea/Town Attorney, Marlin Henry/Secretary

Guests: Ronnie Campbell/Town Clerk, Larry Cooke/Code Enforcement Officer, Tom Connolly/ZBA Chair, Elana Stuart Ryan/ZBA member, John Benson/ZBA Alternate, Tom Vance/ZBA Alternate

A quorum was duly noted.

The Town Attorney announced that it was the intention of the Town Clerk to appear and swear in all members of the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals. He also informed the new members that four hours of training per year are required.

Old Business


New Business


Other Matters

Larry Cooke, CEO, reminded the Board that DOT needs to be kept in the loop regarding any projects that border State Highways.

The Town Clerk swore in all Board Members in attendance.

The Town Clerk offered to provide any ordinances required.

The Chairman distributed informational material pertaining to Cell Towers and the Board of Education Workshop regarding Town Comprehensive Planning, Greenville High School Library, January 30, 2010, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM.

2010 Meeting Calendars were provided to each member.

Review of December 22, 2009 Meeting Minutes

No exceptions were noted to the Minutes.

Motion to approve the December Meeting Minutes:

Motion: Ken Elsbree

Second: Peter O’Hara

In Favor: 5; Opposed: 0; Abstain: 0; So carried.

The Chair asked if there was any further business. Peter O’Hara questioned under what ordinance the Chair would operate due to the confusion at the November and December 2009 meetings. The Chair referred the query to the Town Attorney, who clarified that the 2001 Zoning Laws are current.

Motion to Adjourn Meeting:

Motion: Orloff Bear, Jr.

Second: Brian Wickes

In Favor: 5; Opposed: 0; Abstain: 0

The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.