Lake-Sumter State College Course Syllabus

Course / Prefix Number / MAT 0018 / Course Title: / Developmental Mathematics I
CRN: / 10140 / Credit: / 4 / Term: / Fall 2013
Course Catalog Description: / This course includes operations with signed numbers, decimals, and fractions. Ratios, percentages, geometric formulas, and a first introduction to algebra are also included. Students meet in class with their instructor for four hours per week, with three hours devoted to math lecture and one hour devoted to introducing, developing, and applying proper study skills for mathematics courses. Students will receive a grade of either “Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory.”
Instructor: / Richard Morrill / Contact Information: / E-mail:
Phone: 352-568-3074
Office Location: / Sumter Campus Library / Office Hours: / MW 7:30 – 4:30
TRF 7:30 – 11:30
Sat 10 - 2
All students are required to use LakerMail for official college e-mail communications. See the college webpage for instructions on activating LakerMail.
Prerequisites: / None
Textbook and Other Course Materials: / Prealgebra, Bittinger, Ellenbogen & Johnson, 6th edition, Addison-Wesley, 2012 (Note: Book should be purchased with My Math Lab software.)
Math Study Skills, Alan Bass, Pearson Education, Inc., 2nd edition, 2013
Technology and Online Computer Access Requirements: / You are required to register for My Math Lab to complete the online portion of this course. You may purchase an access code in the college bookstore or online at You will need the course ID: __morrill70504_____ to register. Use your Laker Mail email address when registering for the course. If you have not activated your Laker Mail account, go to the LSSC homepage and follow the instructions. The online portion of this course’s content may be accessed from any computer with an Internet connection (a high speed connection is best); if you do not have Internet access at home, you may use the computers on campus.
Course Objectives:
(what the course will do) / To refresh basic arithmetic skills, master signed number arithmetic, acquire proficiency in the basics of algebraic manipulation, and develop and apply proper study skills for mathematics classes.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
Assessed in this Course:
(what the students take with them beyond this course) / 1.  Evaluate arithmetic expressions involving integers.
a.  Add integers.
b.  Subtract integers.
c.  Multiply integers.
d.  Divide integers.
2.  Evaluate arithmetic expressions involving fractions.
a.  Add fractions.
b.  Subtract fractions.
c.  Multiply fractions.
d.  Divide fractions.
3.  Solve linear algebraic equations.
a.  Solve equations using the addition and subtraction properties of equality.
b.  Solve equations using the multiplication and division properties of equality.
c.  Solve equations using the distributive property to remove parentheses.
4.  Calculate perimeter, area, and volume of given geometric figures.
a.  Find the perimeter of a polygon.
b.  Find the area of rectangles and other polygons.
c.  Find the circumference or area of a circle.
d.  Find the volume of a rectangular box or other solids.
Academic Integrity: / The successful functioning of the academic community demands honesty, which is the basis
of respect for both ideas and persons. In the academic community, there is an ongoing
assumption of academic integrity at all levels. There is the expectation that work will be
independently thoughtful and responsible as to its sources of information and inspiration.
Honesty is an appropriate consideration in other ways as well, including but not limited to the responsible use of library resources, responsible conduct in examinations, and the responsible use of the Internet. (See college catalog for complete statement.)
Important Information
for Students with Disabilities: / Any student with a documented disability who requires assistance or academic
accommodations should contact the Office for Students with Disabilities immediately to
discuss eligibility. The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) is located on the Leesburg Campus, but arrangements can be made to meet with a student on any campus. An
appointment can be made by calling 352-365-3589 and specific information about the OSD
and potential services can be found at, then go to “Quick Links” and click on
Disability Services.
Privacy Policy (FERPA): / The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR
Part99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of a student’s education records. In order for your information to be released, a form must be signed and in your records located in the
Admissions/Registrar’s Office.
Attendance/Withdrawal Policies: / Regular, punctual attendance and timely completion of assignments are essential to your success in this course. Attendance will be recorded at the beginning of each class period. If you arrive late, it is your responsibility to see the instructor after class to ensure your attendance has been recorded, or you will be counted as absent. If you must miss a class, you should contact a fellow student to find out what was covered, copy notes, etc., because you are responsible for what was covered during your absence.
If you wish to withdraw from any course, it is your responsibility to go to the Admissions Office and do so officially by the deadline (see below), or you will receive your calculated course grade.
If you miss a test, you must contact the instructor on the day of the test or earlier to request a make-up (do not wait until the next day to request a make-up!). Make-ups may be allowed at the sole discretion of the instructor—depending on whether, in the instructor’s judgment, the student has missed the test for a valid reason, and provided the student contacted the instructor no later than the day of the test. The instructor may ask the student to supply supporting documentation (such as a doctor’s note).
Withdrawal Deadline: / The deadline for withdrawing from this course this semester is Monday, Oct. 28.
Methods of Evaluation: / Your course average is based on these five components:
1. Exams (50%)
2. Lab Participation (10%) (COURSE ID = morrill70504)
Lab work is based on drill-and-practice computer software that can be accessed either on campus or through any computer with Internet access. The deadline for each chapter’s lab work is the day of the chapter test.
3. Final Exam (25%) All students are required to take a departmental final exam at the end of the semester. The final exam date is ____Tuesday, December 3, 2013, 6:30 p.m._.
4. Quizzes (10%)
5. Math Study Skills (5%) Study skills content and activities will be based on the “Math Study Skills Workbook” that should have come with your textbook.
If you have no more than three absences during the term, then you will have the privilege of replacing your lowest test score with your final exam score (if the latter is higher). If you have more than three absences, then you will not only lose this privilege, but a point will be deducted off your final examscore for each class missed after the first three absences.
Being tardy three times counts the same as being absent once. Leaving class early with prior notice counts the same as being tardy. Leaving class early without prior notice counts the same as being absent. If you miss more than one third of a class, you are counted as absent.
Grading Scale: / You will receive a grade of either "S" for "Satisfactory" or "U" for "Unsatisfactory" in this course, based on your course average, which can range from 0 to 100. If your course average is 70 or greater, you will receive an "S". If your course average is less than 70, you will receive a "U". (You must earn an "S" in order to proceed to the next course, MAT 0028, Developmental
Mathematics II.)
Course Calendar: / The following topics are covered in this course. A tentative schedule is provided as a syllabus addendum, and will be adhered to unless an announcement is made in class.
Chapter 1: Whole Numbers
Chapter 2: Introduction to Integers and Algebraic Expressions

Chapter 3: Fraction Notation: Multiplication and Division

Chapter 4: Fraction Notation: Addition, Subtraction, and Mixed Numerals

Chapter 5: Decimal Notation
Chapter 7: Ratio and Proportion (omit 7.5)
Chapter 8: Percent Notation (8.1, 8.3 and 8.4 only)
Chapter 9: Geometry and Measurement (9.3 and 9.4 only)
Math Study Skills Workbook
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: What Makes Math Different?
Chapter 3: Learning Styles
Chapter 4: Math Anxiety
Chapter 5: Managing Your Time
Chapter 6: Your Class Notebook
Chapter 7: Your Textbook and Homework
Chapter 8: Class Time and Note Taking
Chapter 9: Retention and General Study Strategies
Chapter 10: Test Taking
Classroom Rules and Policies: / ·  No calculators are to be used in this course.
·  Conduct yourself with honesty and integrity at all times. Treat everyone in class with courtesy and respect. Put forth your very best effort to succeed, and strive to turn in work you can be proud of.
·  Attend class regularly. If you miss more than one class consecutively, contact your instructor by phone or email to discuss your situation.
·  Be on time for class and stay until class is dismissed. If it is absolutely necessary to leave class early, discuss this with your instructor before class begins. Sharpen pencils, use the bathroom, etc., before class begins.
·  Be prepared for class. Bring all necessary materials, and have your homework completed.
·  If there is something you do not understand, ask questions of your instructor in class. If need be, see your instructor outside class for further help. You are also encouraged to get help from the math tutors in the Learning Center--this is a free service! (In fact, the Learning Center is a great place to go and do your homework, because you can get help from tutors as the need arises.)
·  Keep focused on the lecture and class discussion throughout class. Refrain from “private” conversation with neighboring students, even if it is related to course content. If you have a question, ask your instructor, not a fellow student. This is for your benefit, as well as for the benefit of your fellow students (so as not to distract them).
·  If you are disruptive, you will be asked to leave; this will be counted as an absence. If you refuse to leave when asked by the instructor, you will automatically fail the class.
·  Turn off all cell phones and other electronic devices (e.g., pager, laptop, ipod, mp3, blackberry, etc.) before class. Students using unauthorized electronic devices during class will be asked to leave and counted as absent (if your cell phone rings during class, that counts as an unauthorized use!).
·  If you are late for a test or quiz, you must complete it within the remaining allotted time (i.e., you must finish the test or quiz by the same deadline as the students who were on time).
·  If you cheat or otherwise violate the rules (for instance, if you use an unauthorized electronic device) when taking a test or quiz or completing an assignment, you will either fail the test/quiz/assignment or fail the course, at the discretion of the instructor. No warning will be given.
·  Do not communicate with other students in any way during a test; do not exchange any items with other students (including calculator or scrap paper) during a test.
·  All answers must be in "simplified form". For example, all fractions must be reduced. Other specifications will be made in class.
Violence Statement: / Lake-Sumter State College has a policy of zero tolerance for violence as stated in
College Board Rule 2.17. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with
Board Rule 2.17.
Syllabus Disclaimer: / Information contained in this syllabus is, to the best knowledge of this instructor, considered
correct and complete when distributed to the student. The instructor reserves the right, acting within policies and procedures of Lake-Sumter State College, to make necessary changes in course content or instructional techniques without prior notice or obligation to the student.

Developmental Mathematics I Homework Assignments by Section

(Textbook problems are recommended but not required; they are not collected and graded.)

1.1  1 – 45 odd

1.2  1 – 33 odd

1.3  1 – 51 odd, 53 – 62 all

1.4  1 – 39 odd, 41 – 48 all

1.5  1 – 61 odd, 63 – 70 all

Mid-Ch. Rev. 1 – 39 odd

1.6  1 – 85 odd, 87 – 94 all

1.7  1 – 59 odd, 61 – 70 all

1.8  1 – 59 odd, 61 – 70 all

1.9  1 – 83 odd, 85 – 92 all

Page 80 1 – 64 all

2.1  1 – 61 odd, 63 – 68 all

2.2  1 – 65 odd, 67 – 72 all

2.3  1 – 85 odd, 87 – 96 all

2.4  1 – 59 odd, 61 – 70 all

2.5  1 – 83 odd, 85 – 92 all

Mid-Ch. Rev. 1 – 49 odd

2.6  1 – 83 odd, 85 – 90 all

2.7  1 – 49 odd, 51 – 62 all

2.8  1 – 79 odd, 81 – 88 all

Page 144 1 – 50 all

3.1  1 – 49 odd, 51 – 60 all

3.2  1 – 57 odd, 59 – 68 all

3.3  1 – 65 odd, 67 – 72 all

3.4  1 – 47 odd, 49 – 54 all

3.5  1 – 75 odd, 77 – 86 all