Thursday 16th October 2014 at 7.00 p.m.

1 Church Walk, Holmes Chapel

1. Attendance / Cllrs WA Ashworth 2 members of the public
Cllr B Bath Hazel Sutcliffe, Friends of Dame
Cllr JA Clowes Meadow (left at 7.15pm)
Cllr PA Cotton
Cllr S Ranger
Cllr D Savage
Cllr MJ Street
Mrs N L Clarke - Clerk of the Council
2. Apologies / None
3. Declarations of Interest / Cllr B Bath declared a pecuniary interest in Elm Drive Play Area as his son-in-law had provided a quote for work.
4. Minutes / RESOLVED (a14/15/26) to approve the minutes of the Committee meeting held on 11th September 2014
5. Matters arising / None.
6. Planning Applications / None
7. Dane Meadow / 1. The committee asked H. Sutcliffe to explain the plans for a wildflower/pollinating patch in the Dane Meadows.
2. H Sutcliffe reported on the difficulties encountered with CEC on erecting a sign by the Knutsford Road entrance.
3. The final payment has been made less the retention.
4. CEC is co-ordinating snagging.
5. Future maintenance of the site was discussed and further costs will be provided at the next meeting to set budgets.
RESOLVED (a14/15/27)
  • to approve the plan for the wildflower area and tree planting.
  • to receive the report
  • to ask the clerk to pursue approval of the sign with CEC.

8. Bridge over River Dane / The Clerk reported an item is to appear in the November issue of the Village Mag along with a questionnaire. Discussions took place on the wording of the questionnaire
RESOLVED (a14/15/28)that the clerk ask the Village Mag to include changes.
9. Elm Drive Play Area and Youth Facilities. / The Clerk reported on meetings held by the Elm Drive Project Board. Indicative quotes have been receivedand meetings are being held with the primary schools and interested residents on 21st October 2014. Plans will be displayed at the Partnership AGM on 25 October 2014.
The meeting was suspended to allow the public to speak. They spoke of the lack of maintenance at the site.
10. AP Club / Cllr Ranger informed the meeting that no decision had been made yet.
11. Leisure Centre / Members discussed the report by Cllr D Savage on the future of the Holmes Chapel Leisure Centre Joint User Agreement. The committee spent time discussing the merits or otherwise of withdrawing from the agreement.
RESOLVED (a14/15/29)to recommend to Full Council that no action be taken other than attending the meetings so the PC can represent the public.
12. Footpath along River Croco from Selkirk to Arran Close / Cllr Clowes reported that CEC has confirmed they own and are responsible for the path. A meeting is being arranged with CEC and the PC to discuss maintenance and future work.
13 Healthcare in Holmes Chapel / The committee considered an approach to the Health Centre on future development.
RESOLVED (a14/15/30) Cllr Cotton to arrange a meeting with the Practice Manager.
14. Police / Cllr M Ranger has attended a meeting with the Police on 8 October 2014. A request for volunteers to work in small parties to collect traffic information has been made. The PCSO will be using the ‘speed gun’.
15. Chairman’s and Clerk’s reports / 1. CCTV letter acknowledged.
2. Precinct – parking issues will be raised with the Precint Manager.
3. M6 Jct 17- residents are complaining about noise at night in Holmes Chapel whilst work takes place on the junction.
The meeting closed at 8.50 pm.
These minutes will be submitted for approval at the next meeting scheduled for 26th November 2014. Until approved they are draft minutes.

Signed as Chairman of the Committee as a true and accurate record:

