The Next Chapter


Comprehension is What It’s All About!

time / activity / notes
15 minutes / Welcome (Slide 1)
Review of TNC Goals (Slide 2) - why are we here? Remind them that it is up to them to organize their information how they see fit. Also warn them that they have a Gots/Needs sheet in their folder and they will have to put their name on it this week (so we can better inform our instruction – we need to know who needs what!)
Goals for tonight’s session (Slide 3)
Recent NAEP results, Local Results*, and troubling legislation (Slides 4-6)
Remember to keep the main thing the main thing! (Slide 7) / Have participants seat by grade (table tents)
*Be sure to update the local results slide with your own data.
5 minutes / Quick Write: What questions do you have going into tonight’s session? 3 minutes
(Slide 8)
20 minutes / Start by mentioning the two articles about Book Logs in their packets. We don’t have time to process them but we encourage them to read these!
Time to share their assignments from session 2. Participants will be grouped by grade levels; they should share their reading logs and running records with their table, along with the class engagement survey they completed. Have them also take out their initial reading & writing interviews then discuss what they discovered. Where do they go from here? (Slide 9) / “Authentic Alternatives to Reading Logs” and “Reading Log Revolt”
20 minutes / 3 Cueing Systems
Have them look at the running record they did for their assignment this time. Discuss the 3 systems and how miscue analysis helps us to decide what needs to be taught. (Slides 11 & 12) copy of Cueing Systems as HANDOUT
Use the running record (DRA) from session 2 to analyze the student’s miscues using the Miscue Analysis Form HANDOUT
Instructional Ideas (Slide 13) HANDOUT
Wrap up of miscue analysis (Slide 14)
Turn and Talk at your table.
35 minutes / 7 Comprehension Strategies – review (Slide 15)
Talk about Tim Shanahan’s thoughts on comprehension strategies: “It’s the nature of reading comprehension itself: You can’t tease out the individual skills because comprehension works together.”
4 Questions About Text (Slide 16)
Serravallo’s recommendations for guided reading/strategy lessons (Slide 17)
HANDOUT (Gold Standards)
Let’s Check in with the Experts
-  participants will now read a blog post by one of the “experts” that are thinking about complex text and close reading. (Slide 18) *Note: you can substitute any 7 articles or blogs that you choose here. I’ve attached the ones I used.
-  7 BLOG POSTS HANDOUTS (numbered)
15 minutes / BREAK
15 minutes / Text Complexity (Slide 19)
Using the Text Complexity Rubric (Slide 20)
DOK – Where does Retelling fall? Summary?
HANDOUT – DOK wheel (Slide 21)
Compare the Retelling Rubric to the Summary Rubric. Turn and talk about the differences. HANDOUTS
15 minutes / Remember that we are grounding this instruction in QUALITY TALK. We will return to this more closely in Session 7, but hold on to the idea of discourse as the gateway to deeper comprehension. (Slide 22)
What is Close Reading?
Chris Lehman’s graphic (Slide 23) Discuss
Powerful Close Reading Instruction (Slide 24)
What is close reading? Chris Lehman’s definition (Slide 25)
Creating a Close Reading and How to Do a Close Reading (Slides 26-28)
40 minutes / Reading Closely for Text Evidence (Slide 30)
Text Dependent Questions (Slide 31)
Progression of Text Dependent Questions (Slide 32) HANDOUT
Example using The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Monarch Butterfly, and A Butterfly is Patient (Slides 33-45)
Doug Fisher – Raising Rigor in Reading
Chris Lehman – Falling in Love with Close Reading
15 minutes / Assignment for Next Time (Slide 46)
Refer to HANDOUT from first session (reminder) – MLPP Case Study Checklist
Next session: Consider This – Best Practice to Inform Our Planning
15 minutes / Ticket Out the Door: Gots/Needs
Wrap Up
(Slide 47)