HL7 PHER Work Group Meeting Minutes

HL7 PHER WG Meeting Minutes
Location: Phone Number: 770-657-9270
Participant Passcode: 6548521
Go to Meeting:
Go to Meeting: http://
stateoftennessee.adobeconnect.com/hl7pher/ / Date: 20170427
Time: 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. US Eastern Time
Facilitator / Laura Rappleye / Note taker(s) / Erin Holt
Attendee / Name / Affiliation
Troy Abrahams
Marla Albitz / Wolters Kluwer Kluwer
Kurt Allen / Penrod
x / Rita Altamore / WA DOH
Brad Arndt / Cerner
Butch Arthur / MS DOH
Noam Arzt / HLN Consulting
Elaine Ayers / NIH
Patti Aymond / OASIS-EM
JD Baker / SPARX Systems
Susan Barber / TDH
Nancy Barrett / CT Dept. of Public Health
Nancy Birkhimer / CDC
Wendy Blumenthal / CDC/Cancer Program
Debbie Bogert / Canada Health Infoway
Anne Bond / NEHTA
Keith Boone / GE
Paula Braun / NCHS
Tricia Brindley / CDC
Hans Buitnedijk / OO WG
Nathan Bunker / AIRA
David Burgess / Labcorp
Jim Case / NIH/NLM
Dan Chaput / ONC
Thanh Cheng / ?
Alison Chi / AIRA
Myung Choi / GA Tech
Kevin Coonan / ECWG, PCWG
Laura Conn / CDC
Glen Copeland / MI Dept. of Health and Human Services
Angelaque Cortez / ONC
X / Erin Holt Coyne / TN DOH
Patty Craig / Joint Commission
James Daniel / ONC
Virginia (Ginny) Dato / Univ. of Pittsburg, School of Medicine
Gora Datta / CAL2CLA
Lura Daussat / OZ Systems
Nathan Davis / Intermountain Healthcare
Xidong Deng / CDC
Tom De Jong / HL7 Netherlands
Alex deLeon / Kaiser Permante
Tim DeMint / Michigan Department of Health
Lizzie DeYoung / MITRE/OASIS/EM
Gary Dickenson / CentriHealth
Chris Doss / NC A & T
Robert Dunlop / Infermed
Jean Duteau / Duteau Design Inc.
Katherine Duteau / Duteau Design Inc.
Kristi Eckerson / Emory
Oliver Egge / Ahdis Gmbh
John Eichwald / CDC
Floyd Eisenberg / NQF
Richard Errena / AEGIS
Attila Farkas / Infoway
Benjamin Flessner / Epic
Michael Flynn / AIRA
Jennifer Foltz / CDC
Danielle Friend / Epic
MariBeth Gagnon / CDC
Sarah Gaunt / Lantana/CDC
Ken Gerlack / CDC
Peter Gilbert / Meridan
Michael Goldcamp / CDC/NIOSH
Daniel Golson / TN Dept of Health
Matthew Graham / Mayo
Timothy Grapes / OASIS/EM
x / Matthew Greene / VA
Graham Greive / Health Intersections
Eric Haas / APHL
Mary Hamilton / CDC
TaeHwa Han / KETI
Monica Harry / GPI
John Hatem / Oracle
Rob Hausam / Hausam Consulting
Christian Hay / GS1
David Hay / HL7 NZ
Laura Heermann / ECWG
Alexander Henket / NICTIZ
Yan Heras / Lantana
Keith Higginbotham / Alabama DOH
Masaaki Hirai / HL7 Japan
Mike Hogarts / UC, CA EDRS
Lindsey Hoggle / Nutrition and Dietetics
Cara Hoi / CDC
Wendy Huang / Canada Health Infoway
Janet Hui / CSTE
Ray Humphreys / Altarum
Mario Hyland / AEGIS
Mike Indovina / ?
Sara Imholte / AZ Dept of Health Services
Jim Jellison / PHII
Dongli Jeoug / IHIS
Antonio Jesus / CDC
Cindy Johns / ?
JoAnna Johnson / Kaiser Permanente
Elysa Jones / OASIS/EM
Mark Jones / Orchard Software
Irma Jongenheel / HL7 Norway
Hetty Kahn / CDC
Crystal Kallem / Lantana
Vannak Kann / VA
Brady Keeter / Medfusion
Rick Keller / Altarum
Wes Kennemore / APHL
Tukinoti Kinishi / HL7 Japan
Alean Kirnak / Software Partners
Ramya Kommareddi / Altarum
Ewout Kramer / Furore
X / Austin Kreisler / Leidos/CDC
David Lamphear / McKesson
Joe Lamy / AEGIS
Anna Langhans / Accenture/ONC/CDC/Cancer Program
X / Nell Lapres / Epic
Eric Larson / CDC
Wang Lijun / Tsingjua Univ
Julie Lipstein / L-3 Stratis / CDC
Claire Loe / PHII
John Loonsk / CGI Federal
Ken Lord / SWP / Firestar SW
Patrick Loyd / iCode Solutions
Genevieve Luensman / CDC/NIOSH
Stephen Macauley / Inductive Informatics
Joginder Madra / Madra Consulting
Joshua Mandel / ChildrensH.Harvard
Stacy Marovich / NIOSH
Brett Marquard / River Rock associates
Michael Martin / AAVLD
Tonya Martin / CDC
Rute Martins / MITRE
Justine Maxwell / TDH
Rachelle May-Gentile / ?
Bonnie McAllister / Iatrix Systems
Vincent McAuley / MSIA
Jim McClay / U Nebraska Med Ctr
Clem McDonald / NLM
Shu McGarvey / Northrup Grumman/CDC
Lloyd McKenzie / HL7 Canada
Frank McKinney / Independent
Tim McNeil / SureScripts
Charlie Mead / Vidal Groupo
Riki Merrick / APHL
Angus Millar / NEHTA
Zoran Milosenn / Deontr, HL7 Austria
Maiko Minami / HLN
Cora Moi / CDC
Scott Moss / EPIC
Galen Mulrooney / VA
Jaleann M Mutos-McClurg / Aetna/Active Health Management
Stuart Myerburg / CDC
Ray Mwalami / HL7 NZ
Lisa Nelson / LOTS, LLC
X / Craig Newman / NGC/CDC
Anna Orlova / AHIMA
M'Lynda Owens / Cognosante
Dennis Patterson / Cerner
Tammara Jean Paul / CDC
Kim Peifer / WA Dept of Health
Melva Peters / Gevity
Jennifer Pines / ?
Andrea Pitkus / IMO
Frank Ploeg / HL7 Netherlands
Daniel Pollock / CDC
Amit Popat / EPIC
Brian Postlethwite / Telstra Health
John Quinn / HL7 Staff
Natalie Raketich / TN Dept. of Health
X / Laura Rappleye / Altarum Institute
Gordon Raup / Datuit
Ashu Ravichandon / Medfusion
Lori Reed-Fourquet / eHealthSign
Maria Rein / CDC
Toril Reite / HL7 Norway
Marcus Rennick / ASTHO
Harry Rhodes / AHIMA
Pace Ricciardelli / MITRE
John Ritter / CDC/NCHS
John Roberts / TN DOH
Mark Roche / ONC
Ken Rubin / HP
Michael Rutter / Furore
Dan Rutz / Epic
Sarita Sadhwani / CDC
Line A. Saele / HL7 Norway
Kim Salsbury-Keith / RI DOH
Tracy Sandifer / ISDS
Amanda Santander / TN Dept of Health
Rob Savage / Rob Savage, LLC
Wendy Scharber / CDC/Cancer Program
Atary Sen / Accenture/ONC
Mark Shafarman / Shafarman Consulting
X / AbdulMalik Shakir / Hi3 Solutions
Salimah Shakir / Hi3 Solutions
David Shields / Univ of Utah
Vanessa Shorte / AAP
Dawn Sievert / Lantana
Jae Woo Sin / IHIS
Diane Singer
Marten Smits / Furore
Rob Snelick / NIST
Kevin Snow / Envision
Catherine Staes / Univ of Utah
John Stamm / Epic
Lise Stevens / FDA
Walter Suarez / Kaiser Permanente
Sumesh Sundareswaran / Lantana
Jenni Syed / Cerner
Sadamn Takasaka / HL7 Japan
Sheryl Taylor / NIST
Cooper Thompson / Epic
Prashant Trivedi / NHS
Sylvia Diane Tune / HL7 Germany
Mike Tushan / Lantana
Ron van Duyen / CDC
Jennifer Wain / NGC/CDC
Mead Walker / Mead Walker Consulting/CDC/NCHS
X / Kathy Walsh / Labcorp
Eric Weinburg / CDC
Rein Wenthein / Furore
Michelle Williamson / CDC/NCHS
Wendy Wise
Ann Wrightson / NHS Wales
Mike Yaskanin / Altarum
Andrey Yeatts / Altarum
Robert Yencha
Wake Young / Oleen (?)
Daniel Zhang / Epic
Quorum Requirements Met: Yes / No
The PHER DMP requires a co-chair and 2 or more other members (subscribers to the PHER list server.).


·  (4:00-4:05) Introductions

·  (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review

·  Minute approvals from last week

·  Review FHIR gForge issue 13185 (Craig Newman) – 15 minutes

·  Review Madrid agenda (Craig Newman) - 10 minutes

Supporting Documents

Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

1.  Welcome, introductions

2.  Agenda Review- addition:

·  (4:00-4:05) Introductions

·  (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review

·  Minute approvals from last week

·  Review FHIR gForge issue 13185 (Craig Newman) – 15 minutes

·  Review Madrid agenda (Craig Newman) - 10 minutes

3.  Minute approval

Motion: Craig Moves moves to approve minutes from the workgroup call two weeks ago as posted.

Second- Erin Holt Coyne

§  7 voters

§  Abstain-0

§  Against-0

§  For-7

§  Vote: 7,0,0

4.  Review FHIR gForge issue 13185 (Craig Newman) – 15 minutes

New items submitted by Eric Larson. Immunizations related.

Series of elements within the immunization resources that deal with doses (series, dose number, dose sequence- see below). They are typically thought of as numbers, but they aren’t constrained to numbers in practice. Eric suggested that these be string to accommodate numbers as well as other character categorization.

No concerns are being voiced on this call. Will defer a formal vote until one of the FHIR sessions in Madrid. Added to Madrid Agenda.

5.  Review Madrid agenda (Craig Newman) - 10 minutes

AMS joined. 8 voters.

See agenda on wiki. http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=PHER_WG_Madrid_--_May_2017

Any new topics? Michelle Williams only there through Wed.

Mon Q4- Will address the FHIR item listed above.

Tues Q3 Split- The SD topic is the development of the CDA product family and management group (similar to FHIR management group). Will try to send someone. May continue vital records work; possibly without a chair. If that’s the case, then no actions will be taken.

Wed Q3 and Q4- dedicated to vital records ballot recon. If not needed we will get started on immunizations ballot recon.

Thurs Q1- Immunization

Thurs Q2- PHER split and joins EHR. Nell would be interested in going to EHR. Will leave as TBD for now.

No networking reception Wed night. Don’t know about Core point on Tuesday. 4pm cookies. Will likely cancel the 5/4 call. Adjourned around 3:30pm central.

·  PHER Co-chair may send out a cancelation for the 5/4 call.
Next Meeting: PHER Call
Date: 20170504
Preliminary Agenda Items:
·  (4:00-4:05) Introductions
·  (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
·  Minute approvals from last week

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