Church of the Holy Trinity

Parish Council Minutes

February 6, 2017


Fr. John Canorro, Lynda Thurlow, Fred Cavalier, Paul Campolieta, Lisa Bailey, Gabriella Bailey, Chris Williams, Bill Havener, Cara Allen, April Flett, John and Heidi Buda Not in attendance: Tony Corsiniti and Tom Ablegore

6:30 PM: Opening Prayer- Fr. John

New members: Gabriella Bailey, Youth representative-high school junior

April Flett

New Business:

Fr. John

·  Diocese personnel issues regarding distribution of priests

·  Retirement age of priests is 75, 80 is mandatory

·  6 priests retiring this year

·  New term is 6 years, however, this is in discussion.

·  Phoenix priest is close to retirement

·  Need to start “blending” the parishes soon

·  Hannibal and Oswego are experiencing similar issue

·  July is the designated month for priests to change

·  Consider doing a shared service project with Phoenix

·  Need to contact Phoenix to have meeting with both parish councils in March or April

·  Paul C. will coordinate this meeting.

Lenten Mission:


·  Starts on Sunday, March 26, with a dinner at 5 pm to be organized by Judy and Catholic Daughters

·  Mission starts at 6 pm in the church

·  Monday, March 27 (forgiveness) and Tuesday, March 28 (Eucharist and guided mediation) both nights at 7pm

Idea for an ethnic dinner, separate from mission

Need to discuss date and will reach out and invite all to come

Volunteers needed: Heidi, April, Paul and Cara volunteered so far.

Parish Council Terms:

·  Nine members make up council

·  New members will do normal 3 year term

·  Need new members to replace members whose terms are up, including Tom Ablegore, Paul Campolieta, Cara Allen and Lynda Thurlow. All are willing to stay on until new members can be found.

Eucharist for the Homebound:

·  Need to send cards from the parish

·  Need to set up a data base of names and address for homebound

·  Fred C. talked to Sue Slattery (who has been taking care of homebound) is moving to Rochester.

·  Need to get a list from Kelly of parishioners she mails bulletin

·  Donna and Dave Johnson sent cards to people on prayer list

·  Catholic Daughters , Patty Mancino has lists she sends cards

·  Fr John will share those he knows who are homebound

·  There are 15-16 people at Michaud. Fred C gives communion with Fr Bob

Projects for the Church by Parish Council

·  Changing station in bathroom in front of the church

·  Discussion of a defibrillator /AED machine……not practical with all the needs attached to it

·  Parish picnic- possible in August

·  Mass in the grass

·  Thanksgiving pies

·  Roses on Valentine’s Day

Dates for next meetings: March 21, April 3, May 1, June 5, September 11, October 2,

November 6, December 4

DPC meeting ….. March 11, 2017

New Business

Trustee Report

Fred C

·  Diocese Budget and sustainability –presentations are on the diocese website

·  Communication to parishioners- finance budget is available to parishioners

·  Diocese wants finance council to have a 5 year plan

·  Each parish council and finance council meets separately

·  PCA should share bulletins

·  Phoenix has a website


Adjourned at 8:10 PM

Respectfully submitted by

Cara Allen