June 4, 2004
Attending: Lisa Cooper, Dan Campbell, Wendy Cornwall, Kim Cose, Kathleen Hastings, Ginger Hudson, Peggy Kay, Sara Kleinert, Jane Masuoka, Lupe Mazuka, Kathy Cruz-Rodriguez, Rebeca Stovall, Von Wallin, Ed Garrick
Absent: Cindy Bogue, Jon Langlois, Robert Miller, Cheryll Bautista-Reale, Jennifer Sexton, Nancy Snider, Pat Spreer,
Guests: Dr. DeRosa, Jane Lewis, Maria Myers,
I. Pacific President: Dr. DeRosa suggested an open question and answer session as the forum for his visit.
a. Pacific is engaging in talks with the Monterey Institute of International Studies. The Institute would like to be affiliated with Pacific in some manner. They have a strong International Graduate program as well as a Center for Non-Proliferation. He added that if the affiliation were to happen, it would give Pacific some distinction in this area.
b. Parking: He’s aware that it is an ongoing issue and he encouraged us to have Mike Belcher of Public Safety come and speak to us. He did say that they’re looking at a more equitable disbursement of spaces of A’ vs. B’s and a method for signing up for parking that eliminates the need to stand in line.
c. Incoming Freshman class is very large, 875 students. Pacific’s goal was 825 students +/- 250 to 275 in transfer students. He also mentioned that Pacific received approximately 5,250 applications. The President stated that increasing freshman enrollment is not an ongoing goal and that he has presented the Board of Regents with questions regarding the direction they would like to take the University. The President distributed the April 19th Report to the Board which poses these questions.
d. The President’s meeting with Governor Schwarzenegger went well , lasting about 40 minutes. The Governor couldn’t make any promises regarding the Cal Grant issue but is definitely aware of the issue and open to possible solutions.
e. Restoration along the Calaveras levee is in the planning stages. It would help beautify the area and blend better with the campus as well as serve as a great “outside classroom” for the sciences.
II. Approval of Minutes: Moved/second to approve the minutes of May 7, 2004. Motion passed unanimously.
III. Treasurers Report: Von Wallin reported the available budget as of May 31, 2004, $94.00. Most, if not all of this will be spent on the SAC Retreat.
IV. SAC Officer Election: All of the following positions were put to a vote, voted upon, moved and seconded for approval.
a. Chair Elect: Lisa Cooper
b. Treasurer: Von Wallin
c. Secretary: Wendy Cornwall
d. Publicity: Kim Cose (this position is not a SAC Officer position)
V. SAC Retreat: The retreat will take place on June 24, 2004 from 9 – 11:30 in the Taylor Conference Room in the Library. Chair Peggy Kay briefly reviewed the agenda and stated that we will all be receiving the official agenda shortly.
VI. Pacific Family Fun Day: Chair Peggy Kay announced that the annual event is tentatively scheduled for Sept. 11, 2004. It will be discussed more in-depth at the retreat.
VII. Chair’s Report: Peggy Kay
a. The SAC meetings have been scheduled pending approval of the meeting room request.
b. Training survey has been received and Beca Stovall has agreed to compile the results with the help of Lisa Cooper.
c. Maria Myers from OIT handed out the schedule for a variety of classes.
VIII. Committee Reports
a. Staff Policy Plan: The final draft is being reviewed by the attorney and SAC should receive a copy in August for review.
b. Staff Salary Plan: No Meeting
c. IPC: Pat Spreer faxed information to Chair Peggy Kay stating her replacement, Jennifer Sexton, is set to begin attending the meetings. The Provost noted that a new McGeorge representative will be named to replace Faye Jones, who is leaving to take a job in her home state, and that Dave Fries (Pharmacy and Health Sciences) will fill the vacancy left by Jerry Hewitt and temporarily filled by Bob Hanyak.
d. University Compensation: It’s finished and has been reviewed. It was requested that HR publish separate grids for non-exempt employees based on 37.5 and 40 hour work week.
e. Business Managers: Von Wallin passed out the minutes from the last meeting.
f. ITPC is reviewing their charter.
g. Parking Task Force: No Meeting. Chair Peggy Kay is going to find out how they’ll be selling parking stickers this year.
h. University Marketing: Next meeting is scheduled for June 20, 2004. They’re closely looking at updating Pacific’s website as one of may ways to improve internal campus communication.
i. University Facilities: Ginger Hudson reported the following:
i) Three year master plan is on track with an updated plan due in May ’05.
ii) Footbridge is delayed due to trying to reduce some of the cost of the bridge. However, the Mormon Church has approved the access.
iii) McConchie Hall is currently vacant and Pacific is considering converting it to a residence hall.
iv) Wendell Phillips Center move in date is scheduled for June 15, 2004.
IX. Adjournment
a. Motioned and seconded to adjourn the meeting.