JFA will be hosting our Annual Society Meeting to go over the accomplishments and budget for this past year, as well as to look forward to the new year. Brody Olson will also be sharing with us what Grace Reigns Ministry is doing in the lives of the FLDS people of Colorado City, AZ. We hope you can join us on Monday, November 7 at 6pm at Trinity CRC for a free-will donation meal with the program to follow.

The Northwest Iowa Symphony Orchestra will open its season, “Musical Gems” with a concert on Tuesday, November 15 at 7:30 p.m. in the B.J. Haan Auditorium on the campus of Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. NISO’s program will consist of The Moldau by Smetana; In Good King Charles’s Golden Days by Coleman; Fantaisie Brillante on Themes from ‘Carmen’ by Borne featuring John Bailey on flute; and Grand Canyon Suite by Grofé. Advance tickets are available at True Vine in Sioux Center and Dove Christian Bookstore in Orange City. Tickets are also available at the door the night of the concert. For more information, contact the NISO office at 712-722-6230 or .

BRAND NEW EPISODE! SUNDAY SELFIE SUPERSTAR - All of Terrene is clicking away and making duck faces, looking for the best selfie! Liz is confident that he’ll win the contest, until a long-forgotten figure from his past returns! Say cheese! Subscribe for free at getkidscorner.com. Check out KC's new Mezuzah craft at

GRACE, FAITH AND BECOMING HOLY - Salvation by grace through faith is one of the most crucial beliefs at the heart of Christianity. Join Groundwork in studying Genesis 15, Romans 4 and Galatians 2 to discover the biblical foundations for this belief and why it’s not a ‘get out of jail free card’, but a call to holiness. Listen now at GroundworkOnline.com and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.


Serving, Preparatory Sunday, October 30, 2016

Children’s Worship Leader: The Ark and a Tent for God --- Amy R

Banner Carriers:Evan --- Daniel

Greeters: Mary B, Tammy, Karen

Coffee Servers: Dennis & Phyllis B----Joel & Barb B

Greeters: Clyde & Tammy H ---- Shawn & Emily H

Ushers: Paul V / Mark V / Chris S

Nursery: Annette B & Paige H

Evening Nursery:

Offering:Back to God Ministries International

Librarian: Phyllis V

Sunday, October 30, 2016

9:30 AM Morning Worship ------Children’s Worship

10:45 AM Church School

6:00 PM Evening Worship-Reformation Service in First Christian

Reformed Church of Sheldon

Monday, October 31, 2016

7:30 PM Elders meeting

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

6:00 AM Men's Breakfast Bible Study

5:30 PM GEMS-Laura VM devotions –food-Sherri I

Thursday, November 3, 2016

7:00 PM Prayer & Share time this week at Pastor Bill VDH’s home

Friday, November 4, 2016

Saturday, November 5, 2016

9:30 AM Community Raking & Meal-Please meet at church & bring a rake.

Advanced Notice

November 6- Daylight Savings Time Ends- Fall Back-

November 7- 6:45 PM- Deacons meeting

November 7- 7:30 PM- Council meeting

November 9- 7:00 PM- Sonshine Circle: Lesson 3 –

Hostesses: Phyllis B & Mary B

Serving, CommunionSunday, November 6, 2016

Children’s Worship Leader:The Promise Land --- Emily H

Banner Carriers:Lanae -- Wyatt

Greeters: Audrey, Greg, Trent, Justice

Coffee Servers: Joel & Barb B ---- Willie & Ellen B

Greeters: Elders--- Elmer & Nelva H --- Darwin & Mary B

Ushers: Joel B / Ken H / Ron B

Nursery: Laura V & Abigail M

Evening Nursery: Joyce VW & Sue Z

Offering:World Renew-World Hunger

Librarian: Mary R

Congregational Announcements

A Time of Preparation for the Lord’s Supper– We begin, in our morning Service of Worship this morning a week-long time of Spiritual preparation to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion next Sunday Morning, D.V. May the Spirit of our God guide each one of us this week as we examine our hearts and our lives in such a way that we not only know our sin and confess them and repent of them but also that we know and testify to the Spirit’s re-creating power. May we come to the table of our Lord next Sunday morning excited about His grace to us in all our ways.

Reformation Day Worship – This evening, at 6:00 pm we hope in the Lord to join with Immanuel – Sheldon; First – Sheldon; and Sanborn congregations for a service of worship in celebration of Reformation Day. The message of the Word will be brought by Pastor Kevin Muyskens. A Ministry of Music will be presented by the Men’s Chorus. The service will be held at First Christian Reformed Church of Sheldon. What a blessing to join together in praise of our God who is still reforming His Church!

Alumni, parents, grandparents, and friends of Western Christian High School are invited to the biggest and best FUN’D day ever on Friday, November 18. A free-will donation supper will be held from 5:00-7:00 PM in the cafeteria. The auction will be held in the brand new Event Center with awesome new items for sale this year. In addition to the auction and supper there will be an extravaganza of new games and new inflatables in the gymnasium for children of all ages. Tours of the new facilities at Western will also be offered from 4:30 PM until 6:30 PM. The online auction opens October 24 at

The Western Christian High School Pack Players Present: The Hound of the BaskervillesThursday November 3rd and Friday November 4th at 7:00 PM.

Reserved seats in the new Event Center will be available to reserve online Tuesday October 25th. Check the Western Christian website for the link or call the office for the link. Tickets can be purchased the night of the show if available. Tickets are $8 for adults, $4 for children/students.

Announcement from Council:With October being Pastor Appreciation Month, please take the time to appreciatePastor Bill and Marge with a card, note a prayer or anything else that comes to mind. There will be a basket located in the fellowship hall where these can be collected.

Remember the Food Resource Bank. Just designate a few bushels of corn or beans for the Ocheyedan CRC Food Resource Bank. It will be greatly appreciated, especially by some 3rd world people that receive help to grow their own crops because you thought enough to help them out.  Thank You 

This fall, World Renew invites you to join us in changing the story. During the autumn World Hunger Campaign, culminating on World Hunger Sunday, please give generously of your time, prayers, talents, and financial gifts to bless others. World Renew will use your gifts to combat poverty, disaster, and injustice around the world in Jesus’ name. Changing the Story! Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!"—2 Corinthians 5:17

Your Peter Fish needs to be brought back to church by November 6, 2016 even if you do not have any money in them. We need them back so we can use them again another year. Thank You.

The Worthington Christian School is hosting its annual Sip-n-Shop Craft & Vendor Boutique on November 12th from 9:30AM-2:00PM. We have even more vendors this year and our famous lunch counter will be open at 11:00. We are now taking pre-orders for frozen Nystrom Dutch apple pies. They are $15 each with all proceeds going to the school. Call 376-4861 to order. We will again be hosting a bake sale table at the event, and welcome any donations of baked goods.

Pastor’s Vacation – Pastor Bill and Marge anticipate enjoying a final week of vacation in November. They plan to be gone over Sunday, November 13, 2016. They hope to go to Michigan to clean up their cottage, close it down for the winter, and visit with family.

Community Christmas Gift - The Evangelism Committee is planning our 2016 Christmas Gift give away to the Ocheyedan Community. This year we hope to give Hot Cocoa mixes. We hope to be putting the mixes together and distributing them on Saturday, December 5. Lists of items that can be donated to assist in this give away are in the narthex. Thanks for all your help in whatever form you give it!

The choir will begin practicing for Christmas Day following the Church School's opening time of singing.Enjoy singing? Please join us!

Thank You churches for your support of the soup supper &what a great blessing that it was. God is SO good!!! We made just over $8,200.00 and we served 575 people, including over 100 takeout meals.