Table of contents









A student who has gained credits for all the courses included in the study programme and his/her thesis supervisors has qualified the thesis for defense, should submit the thesis to the dean’s office no later than:

Type of study / Field of study / Mode of study / Length of study / Study beginning / Thesis submission deadline / Possible extension of the deadline until:
First cycle study / Computer Science / Full-time / 7 semesters / in the winter semester / 30th January / 1st May
Second cycle study / Computer Science / Full-time / 3 semesters / in the winter semester / 1st March / 1st June
in the summer semester / 15th September / 15th December

The Dean, on the basis of a petition from a thesis supervisor or a student (the application form is given below, page 19), may extend the study period (and thus the thesis submission deadline) for maximum 3 months, provided that the student completed all the courses included in the study programme.

A student should check if all his/her grades in the USOS system are correct.

A student should log into the APD system (Archive of theses) at the website:, using his/her USOS login and password.

In the APD system a student should enter data about his/her thesis: key words and abstracts both in English and Polish as well as pdf files with the whole diploma thesis. Attached pdf files should not include Polish characters or dots in their names. Once the information about the diploma thesis is completed click on a button at the top to send the data for the supervisor’s acceptance.


  1. All the semesters of study must be completed according to the study programme and the required number of ECTS points scored. All the missing signatures on the grade sheets must be completed.
  2. A hard copy of diploma thesis must be prepared according to the RECOMMENDATIONS given below and submitted to the dean’s office. Information about the diploma thesis should be already entered into the APD (Archive of theses) system. The hard copy of thesis for the dean’s office must be signed by the thesis supervisor and the author on the backside of the title page.
  3. Beside the hard copy of the thesis,student should submit to the dean’s office the following documents:
  4. signed application for admission to the diploma examination, application form - page 16;
  5. filled-in graduate’s personal data form, page 18;
  6. supervisor’s positive opinion qualifying the thesis for defense with names of 2 proposed reviewers, form - page 17;
  7. signed Declaration of authorship – downloaded and printed out from the APD system (click on the third icon next to the student’s surname);
  8. 5 photos of the size 3,54,5 cm (if you wish to receive more than one copy of graduation diploma in English, please submit more photographs)
  9. filled-in and signed application for a copy of graduation diploma and diploma supplement in English, form – page 19
  10. confirmation of completed payment for the graduation diploma (fees are given in the paragraph Fees below)
  11. student record book (‘indeks’ book) with collected signatures for completed obligatory language courses and professional training placement (internship)
  12. optionally: certificates of social activity at WUT (as a Students’ Union member), certificates of taking part in the work of a student research group
  13. Student should deliver a copy of his/her thesis to the reviewerappointed by the Dean (one of the two reviewers suggested by the supervisor).
  14. The reviewer and the supervisor write their opinions about the thesis in the APD system. Supervisor’s and reviewer’s opinions about the thesis should be made available to the author at least 3 days before the defense.
  15. Student should check the rough copy of his/her diploma supplement in the dean’s office on the day of the defense the latest.
  16. Student should bring for the defense a poster presenting his/her thesis (a few examples of posters are available in the dean’s office).


  1. Thesis should be printed in 3 copies, A4 format (a copy for the supervisor, a copy for the reviewer and a copy for the dean’s office). In case of an engineering diploma thesis, which is prepared by a team, each member of the team submits his/her own copy of the thesis to the dean’s office, while the supervisor receives one copy from the whole team and the reviewer receives one copy from the whole team.
  2. Each copy of the thesis must have a special University cover collected from the dean’s office. The covers are for free. Please collect the appropriate number of covers from the dean’s office before going to a copy point. One of the nearest copy points is at 18/20 Noakowskiego Street.
  3. The thesis must include:
  4. a title page (prepared according to the templates given on pages:11, 12– please, do not change the types and sizes of fonts!), in case of an engineering thesis the inscription‘consultation’and the name and surname below refer to the scientific tutor, who is required when the thesis supervisor has not got the PhD degree. In case the thesis supervisor has got the PhD degree or higher, please remove the inscription ‘consultation’ and the name and surname below.All the editorial recommendations concerning the title page are presented in the Ordinance no 57/2016 of the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology of 15 December 2016;
  5. supervisor’s and author’s signatures on the backside of the title page (see the template – page 13);
  6. an abstract in English including the thesis title and keywords (4 -6 expressions), the abstract should be one-page long with single line spacing and font size: 12;
  7. an abstract in Polish including the thesis title and keywords (4 -6 expressions), the abstract should be one-page long with single line spacing and font size: 12;
  8. optionally – an abstract in a foreign language including the thesis title and keywords (4 -6 expressions) – in case a student applies for issuing his/her diploma in a language other than English or Polish, the abstract should be one-page long with single line spacing and font size: 12.
  • Statement on the authorship of the thesis signed by the student (see the template on page 14 and 15)
  • Optionally – statement on granting the license
  • Table of contents
  • Chapters of the thesis
  • References
  • List of symbols and abbreviations
  • List of figures
  • List of tables
  • List of appendices
  • Appendices
  1. According to the Ordinance no 57/2016 of the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology of 15 December 2016 students are advised to follow the editing guidelines:

Diploma thesis editing guidelines at Warsaw University of Technology

A. Title page – contents and technical description

1)words: Warsaw University of Technology - Adagio_Slab 24 pt.;

2)words: FACULTY/COLLEGE {NAME OF THE FACULTY/COLLEGE} - Adagio_Slab 12 pt., words spaced out proportionally to the width of the words Warsaw University of Technology;

3)on the right, emblem of Warsaw University of Technology of 25mm diameter;

4)optional words: {Name of the unit} (i.e. Institute or Chair) – Helvetica Light (Switzerland Light) 12 pt.;

5)words: Diploma thesis - Adagio_Slab Light 43 pt.;

6)words: {type} (i.e. Master’s, Bachelor’s) - Adagio_Slab Light 43pt.;

7)words: in the field of study {Name of the Field of Study} – Helvetica Light (Switzerland Light) 12 pt.;

8)words: and specialisation {Name of the Specialisation} – Helvetica Light (Switzerland Light) 12pt.;

9)words: {Title of the thesis} – Helvetica (Switzerland) 14 pt.;

10)optionally words: thesis number in the Faculty thesis register {number} – Helvetica Light (Switzerland Light) 12 pt.;

11)words: {Name and Surname} – Helvetica (Switzerland) 21 pt.;

12)words: student record book number {number} – Helvetica Light (Switzerland Light) 12 pt.;

13)words:thesis supervisor – Helvetica Light (Switzerland Light) 12 pt.;

14)words:{academic title/degree, Name and Surname} – Helvetica (Switzerland) 12 pt.;

15)optionally words: consultation – Helvetica Light (Switzerland Light) 12 pt.;

16)words: {academic title/degree, Name and Surname} – Helvetica (Switzerland) 12 pt.;

17)words: {CITY YEAR} – Helvetica Light (Switzerland Light) 12 pt.

It is possible to use the following alternative fonts:

1)for Helvetica Light (Switzerland Light) – Arial;

2)for Helvetica (Switzerland) – Arial.

B. Layout of the thesis

1)Title page (in accordance with point A)

2)Optionally, diploma thesis sheet (if used at the Faculty)

3)Thesis abstract, choose as appropriate:

a)if the diploma thesis is written in Polish:

─abstract in Polish, with the title of the thesis and a set of keywords (1 page long, single line spacing, font 12),

─abstract in English, with the title of the thesis and a set of keywords (1 page long, single line spacing, font 12),

─abstract in a foreign language, with the title of the thesis and a set of keywords – if the student applies for a copy of the diploma in translation into a language other than English (1 page long, single line spacing, font 12) - optionally

b)if the diploma thesis is written in English:

─abstract in English, with the title of the thesis and a set of keywords (1 page long, single line spacing, font 12),

─abstract in Polish, with the title of the thesis and a set of keywords (1 page long, single line spacing, font 12),

─abstract in a foreign language, with the title of the thesis and a set of keywords – if the student applies for a copy of the diploma in translation into a language other than English (1 page long, single line spacing, font 12) - optionally

c)if the diploma thesis is written in a language other than English:

─abstract in the foreign language of the thesis, with the title of the thesis and a set of keywords (1 page long, single line spacing, font 12),

─abstract in Polish, with the title of the thesis and a set of keywords (1 page long, single line spacing, font 12),

─abstract in English, with the title of the thesis and a set of keywords (1 page long, single line spacing, font 12),

─abstract in a foreign language, with the title of the thesis and a set of keywords – if the student applies for a copy of the diploma in translation into a language other than English (1 page long, single line spacing, font 12) - optionally

4)Statement on the authorship of the thesis signed by the student

5)Optionally – statement on granting the license

6)Table of contents

7)Chapters of the thesis


9)List of symbols and abbreviations

10)List of figures

11)List of tables

12)List of appendices


C. Editing rules

It is recommended to follow the rules of editing diploma theses listed below (alternative solutions are possible depending on the specific character of the Faculty)

Element of editing / required/advisable/optional
Duplex printing; A4 / required
  • inside – 30 mm,
  • outside – 20 mm,
  • top and bottom – 25 mm
/ advisable
Typeface (font) sans serif typeface size 11 (e.g. Arial, Verdana) * / advisable
leading 1.15 / advisable
Page numbering: at the bottom, on the outer side, mirror location on odd and even pages / required
  • indent 0.5 cm
  • no indent with 4 spaces before the paragraph
/ optional
  • numbering in accordance with the Polish Norm
  • Harvard style
/ optional
Numbering of tables and figures
  • continued throughout the thesis
  • separate in each chapter
/ optional
References – in alphabetical order (according to authors’ surnames) / advisable
Table title
above the table – justified to the left, a sans serif font of size 9 / advisable
Figure caption
under the figure - justified to the left, a sans serif font of size 9 / advisable
Element of editing / required/advisable/optional
Source of the figure or table
under the figure or table - justified to the left, a sans serif font of size 9 / advisable
up to three levels / required
First-level subchapters – start on a new page / advisable
Typeface of titles of the main chapters
bold, sans serif;
  • first-level title -14,
  • second-level title -13,
  • third-level title -12,
/ advisable
listing – only a point or a dash / advisable
footnotes – continued numbering in the whole thesis
Sans serif typeface, like in the text, size 9 / advisable

*in theses with a large number of mathematical formulae and calculations, it is possible to use serif typefaces (e.g. Times New Roman)

  1. Additionally, a student should submit to the dean’s office two CDs or DVDs (each in a paper case) containing:
  2. whole text of the thesis (a pdf file, name of the file should not include diacritics),
  3. title page of the thesis (additionally, as a separatepdf file, name of the file should not include diacritics),
  4. abstract/ summary in Polish (additionally, as a separatepdf file, name of the file should not include diacritics),
  5. abstract/ summary in English (additionally, as a separatepdf file, name of the file should not include diacritics),
  6. abstract/ summary in another language in case a student applies for a copy of diploma in a language, other than English (additionally, as a separatepdf file, name of the file should not include diacritics),
  7. programme/ application code if it constitutes an integral part of the diploma thesis.
  8. On each CD/ DVD (not on the CD/ DVD paper case) a student puts the following information:

a)name of the Faculty (MiNI is enough),

b)field of study (i.e. Computer Science),

c)student ID number,

d)student’s name and surname,

e)type of the diploma thesis (Engineering thesis / Master’s thesis),

f)title of the diploma thesis,

g)note: ‘abstract:’or‘summary’: ‘PL, ENG’,

h)academic degree / title, name and surname of the thesis supervisor,

  • Both a hard copy of the thesis for the supervisor and a hard copy of the thesis for the reviewer should be attached with a CD /DVD containing the electronic version of the thesis as well as codes if they constitute an integral part of the diploma thesis.


  1. Graduation diploma and its two copies in Polish – 60,00 PLN (obligatory)
  2. One copy of the graduation diploma in a language other than Polish (e.g. English) – 40,00 PLN (optional), two copies of that kind – 80,00 PLN and so on.

The fees mentioned above (60,00 PLN, 100,00 PLN or more) should be transferred to the bank account:

87 1240 1053 5111 8215 0010 0091

(name / description for the bank transfer: student’s name and surname, student ID number, ‘fee for diploma’)

Student can apply ONLY for a diploma supplement in English which is for free.

  1. Fee for readmission to study –80,00 PLN

The fee should be transferred to the student’s individual bank accountnumber given in the USOS system.

(name / description for the bank transfer: student’s name and surname, student ID number, ‘fee for readmission to study’)

  1. Fee for consultations with the thesis supervisor before the readmission to study, in case a student was struck from the register of students due to failure to submit the diploma thesis bya deadline:

a)first cycle (Bachelor’s ) degree programme–200,00PLN

b)second cycle (Master’s ) degree programme –360,00PLN

The fee should be transferred to the student’s individual bank accountnumber given in the USOS system.

(name / description for the bank transfer: student’s name and surname, student ID number, ‘fee for consultations with the thesis supervisor )


A graduate receives:

- a graduation diploma and its 2 copies in the Polish language;

The graduate can apply for additional copies of the graduation diploma translated intoone of the following languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Russian.

-diploma supplement in the Polish language.

The graduate can apply for and receive maximum 3 copies of the diploma supplement translated into English.

An application for issuing a copy of the graduation diploma translated into a foreign language (one of the languages mentioned above) and a copy / copies of the diploma supplement translated into English should be filed no later than 30 days after the graduate’s defense. Application form –page 18.


Students applying for readmission to study for the day of defense of the diploma thesis are obliged to follow all the procedures related to thesis submission. They are also obliged to pay the appropriate fees described in detail in the section IV above: for the readmission to study and for the consultations with the thesis supervisor before the readmission.

After the thesis and all additional documents have been submitted to the Dean’s office a student should contact the diploma examination board secretary – dr inż. Paweł Kotowski by e-mail: , giving him the name of his/her thesis supervisor and reviewer.

BSc and MSc examination topics (examples) are available at the Faculty website:


  1. Template of the title page of Engineering / Master’s thesis
  2. Template of the backside of the title page (place for signatures)
  3. Template of the declaration of authorship
  4. Application form for admission to the diploma examination
  5. A form for qualifying the thesis for defense and proposing 2 reviewers (to be filled-in and signed by the supervisor)
  6. Graduate’s personal data form

6.Application form for issuing a copy of graduation diploma in a foreign language and a diploma supplement in English

7.Application form for the thesis submission deadline extension.

8. Application form for readmission to study.