Installing WebSphere Application Server Advanced Edition, Version 5.0

WebSphere Application Server
Advanced Edition v5.0
Installation Guide

Note: The drive with the installation files will be referred to as drive X on Windows. Please substitute this drive letter with the appropriate CD or network drive letter. If the required files were downloaded from a website and placed into a temporary installation directory, substitute this drive letter for the temporary installation directory.

Note: You cannot use ghosting or disk imaging to install this software. You must install the software on each machine separately.

Step 1A. Pre-installation steps for Windows

1.  Log in as user wasadmin with password wasadmin. On Solaris, log in as root.

Step 1B. Pre-installation steps for Solaris

1.  You first need to create some users and user groups. Issue the following commands.

> groupadd mqm

> groupadd mqbrkrs

mkdir /export/home/mqm

> useradd –d /export/home/mqm –g mqm –G mqbrkrs –m mqm

2.  You also need to place root into two user groups: mqm and mqbrkrs. Open the file /etc/group in a text editor, then locate the entries for the two user groups. Add root to the list of users in those groups. Save your changes, then exit the text editor.

mqm::401:root # Add root to the right-hand column

mqbrkrs::402:mqm,root # Add root to the right-hand column

3.  For the changes to root to take effect, log off, then log back in as root.

Step 2. Install WebSphere Application Server.

1.  Insert the CD labelled WAS50AE.

2.  Select English as the installation language and press OK.

3.  Select Install the product.

4.  Again, select English as the installation language.

5.  Press Next.

6.  Accept the license agreement. Press Next.

7.  Wait for the wizard to check system prerequisites.

8.  On Solaris the installation wizard will perform an operating system level check. Press Next.

9.  Choose the Full installation option. Press Next.

10. Accept the default installation locations then press Next. The above diagram shows the default installation directories for Windows. The default for Solaris is /opt/WebSphere/….

11. The Installation Wizard should automatically detect your machine’s host name or IP address and provide a suitable Node Name based on that information. If this information is not pre-populated, please enter a Node Name, which must be a single word – no spaces, no punctuation. Press Next.

12. Enter the password for the user running WebSphere. On Windows, the user and password are both wasadmin. On Solaris, specify the root user and password. Press Next.

13. The Installation Wizard summarizes the features you have chosen to install. Press Next. The Installation Wizard begins copying files to your file system.

14. After the files have been copied, the Installation Wizard asks you to register the product.

15. Uncheck Register this product now. Press Next. The system opens the First Steps dialog.

16. Select Verify Installation and watch the results window as WebSphere Application Server verifies that it was correctly installed. Be patient, as this may take as long as three minutes.

17. On Solaris, you may need to run the installation verification test from the command line. If you need to do this, enter the following commands.

cd /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/bin

> ./

18. If you see the message IVT Verification Succeeded, then you know that WebSphere Application Server installed correctly.

Step 2. Launch the Administrative Console

These steps further verify the installation.

1.  From the First Steps dialog, select Administrative Console.

2.  At the login page, for User ID, enter wasadmin. Press OK. This user name does not need to be a valid user on the operating system.

3.  If you see the above Administrative Console page, then the console was successfully installed.

4.  Return to the Installation Wizard

5.  Press Finish

6.  Installation is complete. Return to the WebSphere Application Server LaunchPad

7.  Select Exit.

Copyright Web Age Solutions Inc., 2002. Page 9