The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection
23rdAnnual Parish Meeting
December 4, 2016
- Call to Order/Opening Prayer. The Annual Parish meeting was called to order at 9:47 Fr. Scott Kidd and the meeting was opened with prayer by Paul Kimball.
- Appointment of Secretary/Approval of Minutes. A motion was made to appoint Patsy Kiessling as Secretary of the Annual Parish Meeting. The motion passed with unanimous consent. The minutes of the 2015 Annual Parish Meeting minutes were accepted as presented.
- Mission Statement. The Mission Statement was read and Fr. Scott asked how and/or if we are living into our Mission Statement. There was no discussion.
Hard copies of the 2016 Annual Parish Report are available, which includes reports by each of the Vestry members, the Rector’s report and the financial report.
- Recognition of Vestry Service. Theoutgoing Vestry members – Paul Abele, Denise Dorsey and Paul Kimball – were recognized for their 3 years of serviceto the parish. Paul Abele was not present, but Denise Dorsey and Paul Kimball were presented with a picture by Hoke Johnston of Resurrection Church.
- Election of Vestry. A motion was made and seconded to elect Chris Geidel, Jan Kay and Michael Randallas new members of the Vestry. The motion passed unanimously.
- Financial Report(see report). The Financial Overview as of November 30, 2016 was available for review. Larry Holbrook was commended for his service as Treasurer of the vestry and parish.
- Presentation of the Resurrection Cross. Former recipients include Harold and Joan Riley, Chuck Hampton, Jane Maier, Larry Roland, Denny Wydra, Ed Cundiff, Andy Gilbert, Larry Holbrook and Cathy Parrish. This year’s recipient is amazing. This person does lots of work behind the scenes. She is faithful andhas helped start our preschool. She worked for the state in regulating preschools and has helped form our preschool into the outstanding school it is today. She is indispensable to the life of our preschool. She comes in three days a week and works in the preschool. Colley Case is this year’s Resurrection Cross recipient. The cross is fashioned by Jo Ackerman and is a unique design. Colley’s name has been added to the plaque.
- Rector’s Report. (See the complete report in the handout). Highlights:
- Our greatest strength is our hospitality – not only to others but also by our buildings. One of the things we do is to provide our building space to various groups for numerous events every day of the week. Fr. Scott would like us to continue to nurture and grow, as well asto be aware of our visitors and invite them to join us.
- We baptized nine new Christians and confirmed and received 10 new members.
- We remember Peter Beney and Sharon Lee Burdick, who passed away this past year.
- Fr. Scott expressed his appreciation toCandina Butcher for her service in volunteering to keep the nursery every Sunday by presenting her with a gift certificate.
- Wardens Presentation. Fr. Scott recognized Paul Kimball’s service as senior warden for two years with a basket of local goodies. Along with his senior warden duties, Paul is on the building committee,led our pledge campaign and, with Cynthia, organized the Angel Tree program this year.
- Building Update. The landscape of this place is forever changed. We are fortunate to have Bob Hirschi working on our building. A drawing of the new parish hall was shown to the group. There will be two windows on the front with a cross in different-colored brick between them. In January, work will begin on the remodeling of our current parish hall. Awasher and dryer have already been purchased so the preschool teachers will not need to take sheets home to wash anymore. A kitchen committee has been formed to determine what other appliances need to be purchased. Mary Geidel, Nancy Phillips and Dottie Bardenwerper are on the committee, along with Denise Dorsey. Denise gave us an update on the committee’s activities to date. They have determined what equipment will be needed and are working on pricing the items. They have already purchased wire racks and the washer and dryer mentioned previously. A chart will be prepared listing the equipment, so that people can help contribute to the purchase of the items if they would like to. We have about $3,000 to spend on thisequipment, thanks to the ladies’ group’s fund-raising efforts and Christina Ernst’s wine tour. We will be short of usable space for about two months. Hopefully, the new parish hall will be ready by the first week of March.
- On behalf of the vestry and parish, Paul Kimballpresented Patty Kidd with a bowl from the Gourd Place to thank her for her patient, diplomatic and flexible support of Fr. Scott and our parish and for her enormous contribution to the life of our parish.
- Comments and Discussion. Jack Prince thanked Fr. Scott for all that he has done to make our parish what it is today.
- Adjournment. A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 10:22 a.m. All were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Patsy Kiessling