Aga Khan University and WHO Collaborating Center, Pittsburgh, USA

South Asian Cardiology prevention Research Workshop

Training course for Pakistani Doctors

February 1-9, 2005

Workshop Organizers

Pakistan (AKU)

Dr Khawar Kazmi (KK)

WHO Collaborating Center, Pittsburgh, USA

Dr. Sunita Dodani (SD)

Dr Ronald E LaPorte (REP)

Dr Janice Dorman (JD)

Additional Faculty

Mohammad Rahbar Hossein (MHR)- Michigan State University

Thomas Songer (TS) - University of Pittsburgh

Arin Basu (AB) – Kolkata, India

Shakila Zaman (SZ) – Fatima Jinnah Medical Collage, Lahore, Pakistán

Shabina Raza (SR) – Khyber Medical College, Peshawar, Pakistan

Main Topics to be covered in the workshop

Basic Epidemiology

Basic Biostatistics

CVD Epidemiology

Molecular Epidemiology concepts

Art of Publishing articles in International journal

Concepts of Meta-analysis

Bioethics in Medical Research

WHO Representative

Najeeb Al Shorbaji (NS)

Regional Director WHO/EMRO

Workshop Program

Time / Day1
Feb 1, 04 (Tues) / Day 2
Feb 2, 04
(Wed) / Day 3
Feb 3,2004 / Day 4
Feb 4, 2004 / Day 5
Feb 5,2004 / Day 6
Feb6, 2004 / Day 7
Feb 7, 2004 / Day 8
Feb 8, 2004
8.30-9.30 / Introductory speeches by Dean & KK / Basic Epi
TS / Basic Epi
TS / Basic Epi
TS / Basic Epi
TS / Basic Epi
TS / Basic Epi
TS / Concluding speeches by MOH, WHO/EMRO
Najeeb al shorbaji
9.30-10.30 a.m / WHO CC
Welcome speech by U Pitt Chancellor / Biostats
MHR / Biostats
MHR / Biostats
MHR / Biostats
MHR / Biostats
MHR / Biostats
10.30-11 a.m / Tea Break
11-noon / REL
What is clinical Research and Why do it / Mol Epi
JD / Mol Epi
JD / Mol Epi
JD / Mol Epi
JD / Mol Epi
JD / Mol Epi
Najeeb al shorbaji
12-1p.m / Basic Epi
TS / CVD Epi
SD / CVD Epi
SD / Epi
SZ / Meta-analysis
AB / Epi
SR / Epi
AB / Concluding remarks and certificate distribution
SKL, REL, NS, JD, SD & KK presentations
1-2p.m / Lunch And Prayer Break
2-3p.m / Mol Epi
JD / Developing and Joining International Research
REL / Supercourse
REL / Publication writing: How to get into Nature
REL / Reviewing/ avoiding the Evil Reviewer Knives
REL / NIH Grants / REL / Presentations
3-4.30p.m / Biostats
MHR / Research generating groups / Research generating groups / Research generating groups / Research generating groups / presentation / Presentations
4.30-6p.m / Research generating groups & Visiting Lectures / Visiting Lecture / Visiting Lecture
SZ / Visiting lecture
SR / Visiting lecture / Visiting lecture

* SKL= Shams Kassim Lakha, President, Aga Khan University