BSc(IM) / 3006
/ Knowledge Management / Page 1

Bachelor of Science in Information Management


Knowledge Management

Course Description (6credits)

This course provides an introduction to Knowledge Management (KM) theory, issues and developments. Human elements relating to organizational culture and learning are the focus for examining models for knowledge creation, taxonomies and sharing. Change management, communities of practice and decision-making are explored. Technical elements relating to electronic tools and platforms such as groupware, document management, intranets, customer relationship management and the use of information and communication technologies will be examined.


  • Provide an overview of the issues and development in the field of KM;
  • Introduce KM-related tools such as Wikis;
  • Cover how KM is actually implemented in various industries and organizations;
  • Equip students with the ability to conduct a small scale KM related research;
  • Equip students with the ability to analyze a KM-related business case.

Pre-requisites, Co-requisites and prohibited combination

There are no pre-requisites and co-requisites for this course.


Dr. Sam Chu (2241-5894, e-mail: , Runme Shaw Building 111B)

Mr. Trevor Lui (6081-8777, e-mail: , Partner Consultant, Master Concept Consulting Ltd.)

Mr. Michael Liang (9035-9204, e-mail: , Director, WiderWorld Company Ltd.)

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

CLO No. / CLO Statement / Related Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO) [1] / Related Assessment Task(s)
1 / Recognize KM theories, issues related to KM, and apply them to novel situations / 1 - Demonstrate knowledge of IKM theories, concepts and principles
2 - Identify social, organizational, ethical and policy issues in IKM and evaluate their effects on IKM activities and services / 1, 2, 3
2 / Use KM-related tools such as Wikis / 4 - Design technology-based solutions and services for IKM / 2
3 / Articulate how KM is actually implemented in various industries and organizations / 3 - Analyze information flows, work processes, and application of ICTs in various organizational contexts such as companies, government, school, libraries and non-profit organizations / 1, 2, 3
4 / Conduct a small scale KM-related research / 5 - Demonstrate leadership in IKM related activities / 2
5 / Analyze a KM-related business case / 1 - Demonstrate knowledge of IKM theories, concepts and principles
2 - Identify social, organizational, ethical and policy issues in IKM and evaluate their effects on IKM activities and services
3 - Analyze information flows, work processes, and application of ICTs in various organizational contexts such as companies, government, school, libraries and non-profit organizations / 1

Course Facilitator

DrSamuel K.W. CHU
Faculty of Education
The University Hong Kong
Room 111B, 1/F, Runme Shaw
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
Phone: 2241-5894

Delivery Structure

The course is based on 12 sessions of 2 hours duration each. There is a virtual environment Moodle for the course at In addition to classroom sessions, students are expected to attend a tutorial session on Wiki, and to do one or more company visits, and to review and participate in online activities, frequently and regularly.

Course teaching and learning activities / Teacher-Student Face-to Face Contact (CT) hours / Study Load (SL) hours (estimates) / Alignment with CLOs
Case Study (individual report) / 50 / 1, 3, 5
Course project (group report) / 50 / 1, 2, 3, 4
Participation / 24 / 10 / 1,3
Total / 24 / 110

Schedule: 12 Feb 2014 – 7May 2014, Wednesday10:30am-12:30pm at Room 101, Runme Shaw Building, HKU (or another room, if specified)

Session No.
Date, Time / Structure / Related CLO
Session 1
12Feb, Wed
10:30am-12:20pm / Topics: Introduction to KM & KM cycle(by Dr Chu)
  • Basics of knowledge management (KM)
  • Define key KM concepts
  • Define the KM cycle
  • Introduce course outline and assessment method
  • Dalkir, Kimiz. (2011). Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice.
  • Chapter 1 – Introduction to Knowledge Management
  • Chapter 2 – The Knowledge Management Cycle
  • Collison, Chris, & Parcell, Geoff. (2004). Learning to Fly
  • Chapter 1-5
/ 1,3
Session 2
19Feb, Wed
10:30am-12:20pm / Topics: KM ModelsKnowledge Capture and Codification(by Dr Chu)
  • Nonaka-Takeuchi Model
  • Knowledge transformation
  • Ways of knowledge capture and codification
  • Distinguish between tacit vs. explicit knowledge
  • Distinguish among different kinds of knowledge transformation
  • Dalkir, Kimiz. (2011). Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice.
  • Chapter 3 – Knowledge Management Models
  • Chapter 4 – Knowledge Capture and Codification
  • Collison, Chris, & Parcell, Geoff. (2004). Learning to Fly
  • Chapter 6-12
/ 1,3
Session 3
26 Feb, Wed
10:30am-12:20pm / Topics: Knowledge Sharing and Communities of Practice & Knowledge Application (by Dr Chu)
  • Building a successful Communities of Practice
  • Knowledge reuse
  • Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS)
  • Join a virtual communities of practice
  • Dalkir, Kimiz. (2011). Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice.
  • Chapter 5 – Knowledge Sharing and Communities of Practice
  • Chapter 6 – Knowledge Application
/ 1,3
End of Feb / Topics: Usingsocial media to support group work (video tutorial)
  • Learn the features of different social media that can be used as collaborative tools for group project work
/ 2
Session 4
5Mar, Wed
12:20pm / Topics: Role of Organizational Culture & KM Strategies(by Dr Chu)
  • Knowledge sharing culture
  • Learn about different KM strategy
  • Dalkir, Kimiz. (2011). Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice.
  • Chapter 7 – The Role of Organizational Culture
  • Chapter 9 – Knowledge Management Strategy
  • Parcell, Geoff. (2004). Learning to Fly
  • Chapter 13-14
/ 1,3,5
Session 5
12Mar, Wed
10:30am-11:45am / Organizational visit 1 (during reading week)
  • CLP (Mr Wilson Fung)
/ 1,3
Session 6
19Mar, Wed
10:30am-12:20pm / Organizational visit 2
  • Langham Hotel (Ms Eva Lo)
/ 1,3
Session 7
26 Mar, Wed
10:30am-11:30pm / Topics: Case Study – NASA (1) (by Dr Chu)
  • Case Analysis (Students need to order the case[2] and prepare for case discussion in class in advance)
  • Case study: Managing knowledge and learning at NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
Link for the case:

=MRSUGKGCAO400AKRGWDSELQBKE0YIISW?id=603062&referral=2340 / 1,3,51, 5
Session 7
26 Mar, Wed
12:20pm / Topics: KM Strategy and Metrics (by Dr Chu)
  • KM strategy and metrics, KM tools and techniques
  • Apply KM self-assessment framework
  • Dalkir, Kimiz. (2011). Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice.
  • Chapter 10 – The Value of Knowledge Management
  • Chapter 11 – Organizational Learning and Organizational Memory
/ 1,5
Session 8
2Apr, Wed
12:20pm / Organizational visit 3
  • OGCIO (Mr Tony Mak)
/ 1,3
Session 9
9 Apr, Wed
12:20pm / Topics: Intro to Case Study & “KM in Action Talk” (by Mr Lui)
  • Learn about how to conduct a case study
/ 1,5
Session 10
16Apr, Wed
12:20pm / Topics: Case Study – Untangling the knowledge management dilemma at TPA (by Mr Lui)
  • Case Analysis (Students need to order the case and prepare for case discussion in classin advance)
  • Harvard Business Case
Link for the case:
/ 1,5
Session 11
23 Apr, Wed
RM 104 / Topics: KM Tools (by Mr Liang)
  • Learn about different KM tools
  • Preview different KM tools

  • Dalkir, Kimiz. (2005). Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice.
  • Chapter 8 – Knowledge Management Tools

/ 1,5
Session 12
30 Apr, Wed
11:20pm / Topics: Case Study – NASA (2) debate (by Dr Chu)
Activities: Class debate on the case
  • Case study: Managing knowledge and learning at NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)

/ 1,3,5
Session 12
30 Apr, Wed
12:20pm / Topics: KM Team and Future Challenges for KM (by Dr Chu)
  • Knowledge and information management competencies
  • Future challenges in KM
  • Dalkir, Kimiz. (2011). Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice.
  • Chapter 12 – The KM Team
  • Chapter 13 – Future Challenges for KM
/ 5
Session 13
7May, Wed
12:20pm / Topics: Group Presentation (by Dr Chu)
  • Oral presentation of group project
/ 2,3

Assessment Tasks

Task No / Title / Mode
of Assessment / Weighting / Related CLO
1 / Case Study (individual report) / Individual / 50% / 5
2 / Course project (group report) / Group / 35% / 2, 4
3 / Participation / Individual / 15% / 1, 2, 3, 5
1. Case Study
Assessment Description:
  • Students will independently analyze a KM case purchased from Harvard Business Review (HBR). Please note that HarvardBusinessSchool does not allow the lecturer to buy a copy of the case and make it available for students. And HBR cases are chosen because they are the best.

2. Course project (group report)
Assessment Description:
  • Students in groups of 5 will conduct a case analysis on knowledge management practice in an organization in Hong Kong. The submission includes a group report of 3,000 – 4,000 words, and with up to 10 appendices. (If you need to write more, don’t write more than 20% of the word limit or marks will be deducted.)

3. Participation (In-class & online)
Assessment Description:
  • Participation in lectures and classroom discussions
  • Contribution to wiki content & Moodle forum discussion (1 reflection on reading an article on wiki, organizational visit report(s), questions prepared before the guest lectures, responses to lecturer’s posting on Moodle).

4. Standards for Assessment
The assessment criteria for the individual and group assignments will be made available to studentson Moodle at a later stage.

6. References and Resources(in order of relevance)

  • Dalkir, Kimiz. (2005 or 2011). Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice. Boston, MA: Elsevier. (
  • Collison, Chris, & Parcell, Geoff. (2004). Learning to Fly: Practical Knowledge Management from Leading and Learning Organizations. Chichester, West Sussex: Capstone Publishing. (
  • Pasher, Edna & Ronen, Tuvya. (2011). The complete guide to knowledge management: A strategic plan to leverage your company’s intellectual capital. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. (
  • Rumizen, Melissie Clemmons. (2002). The complete idiot's guide to knowledge management. Indianapolis, IN : Alpha. ( to+knowledge+management)

7. Academic Conduct

Plagiarism involves the use of quotations without quotation marks, the use of quotations without indication of the source, the use of another’s idea without acknowledging the source, the submission of a paper, report, project, or class assignment (any portion of such) prepared by another person, or incorrect paraphrasing.

Any student who fails due to plagiarism may be referred to the University Disciplinary Committee, which may then recommend discontinuation. Plagiarism is a serious matter. If you have any doubts about whether or not your use of sources constitutes plagiarism, ask your lecturer or course coordinator.

The students are required to use the tool Turnitin to check your assignment for correct scholarly practice in citing other's work. You will be provided with a “class ID” and “password” to enable you to check your assignments via appropriate “class” in Turnitin. Further details about Turnitin and how it works are obtainable from

The accepted referencing style is APA ( The details and examples of APA formatting and style can be found at

8. “KM in Action” Talk

This “KM in Action” talk provide opportunities for students to learn about KM that are happening in the real world.

Date / Guest Speaker / Company / Title / Topics
Feb 25 / Mr Trevor Lui / Master Concept Consulting Ltd. / Partner Consultant / KM in a sector (e.g., retail sector)

9. Organizational Visits

Students in groups are expected to visit two or more companies to learn about its applications of KM ideas and technologies. Each student needs to write a one-page organizational visit report(font size 11). This will be graded together with other postings in the online forum.

Organizations to visit:

Date / Time / Organization / Speaker / Title
12 Mar, Wed / 10:30am-11:45pm / CLP / Mr Wilson Fung / Knowledge Management Manager
19 Mar, Wed / 10:30am-12:20pm / Langham Hotel / Ms Eva Lo / Director of Knowledge Management
2Apr, Wed / 10:30am-12:20pm / OGCIO / Mr Tony Mak / Systems Manager

Transportation arrangement:

A shuttle bus has beenarranged for return trips to HKU.

Outgoing / Return
Date / Time / Pickup Point / Time / Pickup Point
12 Mar (Wed) / 09:30am / 11:45pm / Room 1 , CLP Shatin Centre, 6 On Lai Street, Shek Mun, Shatin N.T.
19 Mar (Wed) / 09:30am / 12:20pm / Langham Place, 555 Shanghai Street, Mong Kok
2 Apr (Wed) / 09:45am / 12:20pm / Conference Room 1923, 19/F Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai

X:\BscIM\Course - KM\2014 - Spr\BSsIM3006_Syllabus-Spr2014-v2014-2-19.doc 10/29/2018

[1]List of Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO) and links to the University’s Educational Aims is available in the Moodle learning system.

[2] The course will make use of several Harvard Business cases. Harvard Business Publishing is the leader in business management content. However, as their cases are not free, students need to purchase them online in advance.