Guidelines for National Human Rights Institutions for submission of written statements

To facilitate the processing of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs), including those of the International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, written statements, the HRC Secretariatkindly requests NHRIsto refer to the below guidelines for submission.

Accreditation status: Only NHRIs deemed as deemed in compliance with the Paris Principles by the International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (status A institutions) and the International Coordinating Committee of NHRIs may submit written statements to the Human Rights Council. Should NHRIs without such status wish to be associated withsuch statements, their names may be indicated separately, andas a footnote to the statementreading: “Name(s) of NHRI(s)also share(s) the views expressed in this statement”. (See “Model 1”& “Model 2” for guidance)

Length of text: The HRC Secretariat wishes to draw the attention ofNHRIs that written statements may not exceed 2,000 words.

I- Submitting written statements
1)NHRIwritten statements are to be submitted to the HRC Secretariat by e-mailonly. The e-mail address is
a)The HRC Secretariat will confirm receipt of the statements via e-mail;
b)NHRIsare no longer required to send a second copy by fax or hard copy to the Secretariat.
2)Format: Written statements should be saved as a Word document (not PDF or any other format). They should also be saved on a “plain” sheet (NHRIs should refrain from using the UN header/cover);
3)Subject line: In the subject line of the e-mail message accompanying the statement(s), please include the name of the (main) NHRI making the submission, e.g. “name of NHRI - written statement(s) submitted to HRC”;
4)NHRIsshould submit to the HRC Secretariat the final text of their statement(s), as it will be difficult to accept revised versions at a later stage;
5)Languages: NHRIs’ written statements maybe submitted in English, French and Spanish;
a)All language versions of a given statement should be sent AT THE SAME TIME to ensure the smooth publication of the statements;
b)If an official translation exists of the name of the NHRI(s) submitting the written statement, please ensure that the NHRI’s name(s) match(es) the language of the statement. Otherwise, use the official name in the language available. (See “Model 2” for guidance)
6)Contact details: Please include at the beginning of the statement contact details of the NHRI, including amain contactperson (name, phone number, and e-mail);
7)Subject Title: Please ensure that a title is inserted at the beginning of the statement (in “Times New Roman”, font “12”,bold, small letters);
8)Format and font: For the main text, please use “Times New Roman”, font “12”, “Justified”; for footnotes, “Times New Roman”, font “10”, “Justified”;
9)Spell Check: Kindly run a spell check on the statement(s) prior to submission.
II- Naming of submitted files
Please ensure that the following information is included in the name of the file(s) containing the written statement(s):
1)Language in which the statement is written; followed by
2)Name of NHRI submitting it (acronyms may be used).
a)For an individual statement: English- name of NHRI
b)For a joint statement: English-name of NHRI-joint
III- StatementModels
To facilitate and expedite the subsequent processing of submitted written statements, the HRC Secretariat has prepared 2 models of submissions for your consideration.
a)Model 1: Individual statement submitted in English only;
b)Model 2: Joint statement submitted in English, French Spanish.

Model 1

Individual submission –One language

Contact details of (main) NHRI:

NHRI Name: ______

Name of main contact person: ______

Phone number: ______

E-mail: ______

Language(s): ENGLISH ONLY



Written statement submitted by the name of NHRI(acronym if available)


Insert subject title[1][TNR 12, Bold, Small letters]


Insert text[2][TNR12, Justified].

Model 2

Joint submission –Three languages

Contact details of (main) NHRI:

NHRI Name: ______

Name of main contact person: ______

Phone number: ______

E-mail: ______




Joint written statement submitted by the names of NHRIs or International Coordinating Committee of NHRIs (ICC of NHRIs)


Insert subject title[3][TNR 12, Bold, Small letters]


Insert text[4][TNR12, Justified].

Coordonnéesde l’INDH (principale):

Nom de l’INDH: ______

Nom de la personne à contacter: ______

Téléphone: ______

E-mail: ______



Première session

Exposé écrit conjoint présenté par le nom de l’INDHou el CIC des INDH (CIC des INDH)


Insérer titre du texte[5][TNR 12, Gras, Minuscule]


Insérer texte[6][TNR12, Justifié]

Coordinar de la INDH (principal):

Nombre de la INDH: ______

Persona a contactar: ______

Teléfono: ______

E-mail: ______



1° período de sesiones

Exposición conjunta presentada por elnombre de la INDH (siglassi disponibles) o el Comité internacional de coordinación de las INDH (CIC de las INDH).


Insertar el título del texto[7][TNR 12, Negritas, Minúsculas]


Insertar el texto[8][TNR12, Justificar].


[1]Insert name(s)of NHRI(s) without International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions A status [TNR10, Justified] also share(s) the views expressed in this statement.

[2]Insert footnotes if applicable [TNR10, Justified].

[3]Insert name(s)of NHRI(s) without International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions A statusconsultative status [TNR10, Justified] also share(s) the views expressed in this statement.

[4]Insert footnotes if applicable [TNR10, Justified].

[5]Insérer nom(s) de/desINDH(s) sans statut A du Comité International de Coordination des Institutions Nationales [TNR10, Justifié] partage(nt) aussi les opinions exprimées dans cette déclaration.

[6]Insérer note(s) de bas de pagesi nécessaire [TNR10, Justifié].

[7]Insertar el/los nombre(s) de la(s) INDH(s)sin estatuto A del Comité internacional de Coordinación de las Instituciones Nacionales [TNR10, Justificar] comparte(n) también los puntos de vista expresados en esta declaración.

[8]Insertarnota(s) de pie de pagina si es necesario [TNR10, Justificar].