Allerton Bywater Parish Council Minutes No 193


Minutes of meeting held at St Mary’s Church Annexe, Vicars Terrace,

Allerton Bywater

Thursday 10th September2015 at 7pm.


Councillor K Asprey (Chaired the meeting)

Councillor J Coe

Councillor L Tomlinson

Councillor M Weaver

1. Apologies for Absence

Councillor A Jabin (Work Commitments)

Councillor S Murray

Councillor J Taylor (Holiday)

Councillor J Trayer (Work Commitments)

Councillor M Townsend

Councillor G Vickers (Holiday)

2. Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 13th August2015 (192)

Minutes of meeting 13th August 2015 (192), these were accepted as being a true record. Proposed by Councillor M Weaver, seconded by Councillor J Coeand accepted by council.

3. Matters arising from these minutes

  • St Mary’s Church Donation – Councillor L Tomlinson advised that unfortunately LED bulbs are not available for the light fittings in the church. It was agreed that Councillor Tomlinson would obtain a quote for new light fittings to be installed and report back at the October PC meeting.
  • Litter Bins – Councillor K Asprey advised that he hoped that the two litter bins from Leeds City Council will be installed before 23rd September 2015.
  • Ninevah Lane – It was noted that a temporary repair has been actioned and that a permanent repair will be carried out in the future.
  • Giant Hogweed – Councillor M Weaver advised that the Environment Agency are due to carry out a site visit to look at the knotweed.

4. Declaration of disclosable pecuniary and other interests

To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-18 of the Members' Code of Conduct. Also to declare any other significant interests which the Member wishes to declare in the public interest, in accordance with paragraphs 19-20 of the Members' Code of Conduct.

5. Finance Report

i. Balance to date

Petty Cash £ 13.75

Current account £ 44308.50

Miners Memorial a/c £ 3356.57

14 day account£ .31


ii. Reconciliation of accounts

Completed by Councillor K Asprey.

iii. Audit of stamp book and petty cash

Completed by Councillor K Asprey.

iv. Consider any requests for donations and approval

No requests received

v.Payments for approval

All payments for approval were approved by Councillorsas per attached list.

vi. Budget Update

Completed by Councillor K Asprey, it was noted that there was still a slight overspend but that this had decreased.

7. Reports from:

Council Surgery

It was noted that a resident had raised a complaint regarding children playing cricket in front of the entrance to the Millennium Community Development resulting in a near miss with a passing vehicle.

It was agreed that the clerk would send a letter to the Management Committee advising of the complaint.


The YLCA training events for Understanding the Planning System were noted.

Planning Sub Group

Councillor Weaver spoke to Daniel Crew from Keepmoat re the proposed Mini Market that is to be built on the industrial area of the Development, he asked if this was still going ahead, Daniel Crew said “it was still on the plans” and that they were looking for someone to take it on.

Allerton in Bloom

Councillor K Asprey congratulated the group on winning a Silver Gilt in Yorkshire in Bloom plus two Judges discretionary awards for the Miners Memorial and Spring Flowers.

It was also noted that the group would be holding a meeting to discuss the plans for winter planting.

7. Lines Cycle Way Update

Councillor K Asprey reported that very constructive meetings had been held with both Keepmoat and Sustrans to discuss plans for the “Lines” cycleway alteration and the funding available and it was noted that Councillor Asprey will continue to pursue this.

8. August 22th Flooding Report

Councillor K Asprey spoke about the flooding issues experienced in various locations throughout the village and the action that has been taken by various bodies to try to remedy the problems. He gave an update on the meeting held on the 24th August with our three Ward Councillors, Peter Davis and John Bleackley from LCC flood Protection Dept. The meeting was split into two halves, firstly to discuss the flooding issues in the Westfields area caused by the dyke running down from the lines to Leeds Road and it was agreed to look into a possible solution to this problem.

Ward Councillors were asked why the promise made after last August ‘s floods to keep our gullies clear has not been done, our gullies were not being cleaned out on a regular basis, they were surprised this was not being done and would take it up with the officer concerned.

Other areas of concern that were raised were being looked into.

9. Complaint re Edward VII Party

It was noted that Councillors K Asprey and J Coe would be attending the committee meeting on 16thSeptember to discuss the anti-social behaviour transpiring from the recent 18th birthday party held at the club and also to raise concerns regarding the plants put in outside by Allerton In Bloom that are not being maintained.

A letter was prepared to read out to the committee raising the Parish Council concerns with problems for local residents.

10. Planning applications/planning matters

1. Receipt of notification of appeal against the refusal for 2 Woodside Street, Allerton Bywater was noted.

11. To close meeting for 10 minute public involvement, then reopen meeting

Not Minuted.

12. Walkways, Recreation and Small Schemes within village

Councillor K Asprey reported that Leeds City Council have not cut the Lines footpath from the meadows to the old railway yard and it was agreed that Councillor S Murray would be asked to look into this.

13. Police Matters

No Update

14. Highway Matters

Councillor K Asprey advised that he had reported the condition of the footpath from the Murco site to Bywater Hall to Highways.

Councillor L Tomlinson raised a complaint regarding an overhanging hedge and she was advised to report this to the Localities Team at the Garforth One Stop Centre.

Councillor K Asprey reported a problem with the boundary sign that was installed on Brigshaw Lane and it was noted that Leeds City Council were looking into this and would put right as soon as possible.

15. Correspondence

Councillor Asprey advised of the correspondence received from Autela Payroll Services regarding the new auto enrolment pension legislation and it was unanimously agreed to appoint Autela as the Auto Enrolment Administrator.

16. Matters for discussion

Concern was raised regarding the testing license for fracking that has been granted for Allerton Bywater and it was agreed that this would be put on the next agenda for discussion.

Councillor L Tomlinson raised a verbal complaint received from a resident regarding the air quality emanating from the Skelton Grange incinerator. Councillor Tomlinson to ask the resident to come up with a proposal and formally contact the Parish Council with their concerns.

17. Date of Next Meeting – 8th October 2015 at 7pm

Signature………………………………………………….. Date……………………….