Innovation Impact Project 2
Teacher Info:
This project goes along with Unit 6 in the CSP Bits&Bytes teaching resources and scaffolds toward the Explore Performance Task.
Required Pre-teaching:
- Students should know what a computing innovation is and have had opportunities to brainstorm the differences between computing innovations vs. innovations in machinery.
- Students should be familiar with the overview of the Explore PT in terms of the requirement to create a computational artifact and explore an innovation of choice.
- Students should have been provided with Explore Prompt 2a, 2b, 2c, 2e and have been instructed on the expectations of each.
- Students should be provided with a basic “template” for Explore; 2 columns, 5 rows in Word or Google Docs and should use this for preparation of the written response for this project.
- Students should know that citations are more than a hyperlink and how to cite a source including sources for images.
- STUDENTS MUST BE INSTRUCTED THAT THE INNOVATION FOR THIS PROJECT MAY NOT BE THE ONE FOR HIS/HER COLLEGEBOARD SUBMISSION AS TEACHER ASSISTANCE AND FEEDBACK WILL BE A COMPONENT OF THIS WORK. In other words, students need to pick an innovation they like or are interested in but not the one they like most and plan to fully Explore for the official PT.
Student Info:
Directions:This project is designed to give practice toward preparing responses for the CSP Explore Performance Task. Refer also to the Explore Guidelines as referenced in bold, enumerated items.
- WR -- Use theExplore PT templatedoctoprepare a written responses to the following technical aspects based on exploration of a computing innovation:
- 2aResearch to learn the purpose, function and a fact about the innovation.
- 2c Consider how the computing innovation has had or has the potential to have impacts on society, economy or culture and provide
- Explaining at least one beneficial effect (result, change, consequence) on the society, economy or culture
- Explain at least one harmful effect (result, change, consequence) on the society, economy or culture
- 2eSource references used in production of your artifact and written responses
- CA --Prepare a podcast about the innovation. The podcast can be no longer than 1 minute in length and may have music or other sound effects as you desire. The podcast should explain, illustrate or represent the innovation. You may demonstrate using it, discuss it like an interview, or generally explain the innovation or its purpose or function. The goal of a podcast is to tell a story so that the listener can paint a picture in their mind’s eye.
- WR document with 2a, 2c, 2e typed and saved as a .PDF
- CA podcast saved as .mp3
The computational artifact (CA) should illustrate, represent and explain the innovation. It should state the innovation's name, purpose (ideal use, goal), function (how it works). Use the remaining time in the podcast to share other information or demonstrate use by telling a story.
Updated 9/27/18