[ ]6/21/2015 #1111


Daniel 3:18-30

INTRODUCTION: These three young Hebrew men took a stand for God. After some 2,600 years, they are still remembered for their courage and convictions. These young men made an impact on King Nebuchadnezzar and the entire BabylonianEmpire. My message this Father's Day is not just for fathers, but for all men. Christian men need to be men of courage and conviction who standagainst the tide of evil that is sweeping throughout our land.



King Nebuchadnezzar had erected in the plains of Dura a great image of gold. The size of the image was enormous: 90 feet tall and 9 feet wide. It probably was made of wood overlaid with gold.


The king gathered all the leaders of Babylon and told them his plan that everyone would bow and worship his image. At the dedication of his image, the herald cried aloud the king's command for the people, nations, and languages to bow and worship the golden image at the sound of the music. Anyone who refused to worship the image would be cast into the burning fiery furnace. The king was applying pressure for everyone to conform.

Nebuchadnezzar probably had the image erected to stroke his pride. He was attempting to establish a one world religion.


Many people have their beliefs but few have real convictions. They can change their beliefs to suit the political view of the day. We have witnessed this among presidents, politicians, preachers, and even whole denominations.


These young men refused to obey the command of the king to worship his image. They worshiped the true God of heaven. They knew the commands of the God of heaven. They were to have no other gods before Him. They were not to make any graven image, nor bow down to them. (Ex. 20:3-5)

B. RAGE OF THE KING. (3:13-15)

The king flew into a rage on hearing the refusal of the young men to worship his image. He gave them a choice. They could bow down and worship the golden image or be thrown into the fiery furnace. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were standing before the most powerful man in the world in that day. He gave them a second chance to save their lives by bowing down to his idol.


The young men answered the king with courage and conviction. They hadcommitted their lives to God. They believed that God could deliver them alive from the fiery furnace. They also knew that it may not be God's will to deliver them from the furnace. Regardless, they said, "be it known unto thee, O King, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up."



The young Hebrew men had been accused by certain of the Chaldeans for not bowing to the image. The young men were being persecuted for their faith in God. The king had them thrown into the furnace. He had the furnace heated seven times hotter than usual. The Bible and history record many Christians who have been persecuted and many who have been martyred for their faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus said it would be costly to follow Him. I have listed three men who chose their convictions over compromise.

Eric Henry Liddellwas a Scottish athlete,rugby unioninternational player, andmissionary, who was forced to choose between his religious beliefs and competing in an Olympic race.

After refusing to run in the heats on a Sunday, for his favored distance,men's 100 meters, Liddell could still compete in themen's 400 metersat the1924 Summer Olympicsin Paris, which he won. He returned to China in 1925 to serve as a missionary teacher. Aside from two furloughs in Scotland, he remained in China until his 1945 death in a Japanese civilian internment camp.

Liddell's Olympic training and racing, and the religious convictions that influenced him, are depicted in theOscar-winning 1981 filmChariots of Fire.

Len Climber became president of Holiday Inn International in 1973. As corporate president he wanted people to think of Holiday Inn as a place of "Good, wholesome, family fun." He labored to make the company worthy of that image. Through the '70's he made Holiday Inn the fastest growing, largest hotel chain in the country. In 1977 Climber resigned. The reason for his resignation was because his board decided to connect a Holiday Inn to an Atlantic City casino. They violated his code for the company.

Climber's resignation coast him millions. An interviewer asked him why he left Holiday Inn. "It was very, very easy," he replied. "It had to do with my integrity."

Saeed Abediniis anIranian AmericanChristian pastor imprisoned inIran. Hewas arrested in September 2012 and sentenced in 2013 for leadingunderground church services and Bible studies. Saeed has been tortured physically and psychologically and pressured to deny his Christian faith. He also suffers from internal bleeding, the outcome ofbeatings when he was first detained. Recommended by a prison doctor, the Iranian regime refuses to allowhim the necessarysurgical procedure thathe needs. Saeed could be released from prison if he would denounce Christ.

Saeed's father was able have a short visit with Saeed in prison. Saeed said that the pressures have increased in the last few weeks, but no threats and violence can separate him from the love of Christ and that the pressures and persecutions have only pushed him deeper into the presence of God and most of his time is spent in prayer. Saeed says that he rejoices that he is counted worthy to suffer for Christ.

Saeed was really encouraged to know that others are standing with him (Hebrews 13:3). Thank you all for your prayers and support! Saeed was able to hear about the resolution that was passed by the house recently and that he was prayed for at the Southern Baptist Convention by Dr. Ronnie Floyd and other pastors at the convention!

Saeed suffers in prison in Iran, separated from his wife and two children rather than deny Christ.


The young Hebrew men were bound and cast into the furnace. The king must have thought they would be consumed quickly by the fire. Instead, he was astonished as he looked into the fire. He saw four men walking in the midst of the fire. The fire had no power over them. The forth man was the Lord Jesus Christ.

God always delivers His people. It may not be in the miraculous way such as we have read in our text. God sometimes allows His people to be hurt and even killed. He may deliver His people through death. The believer is released from this body the moment he/she dies knowing to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. We are always more than conquerors in Christ. We are reminded that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.


The king promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. The real promotion came from God. They had honored God with their lives and God blessed them with His grace.

CONCLUSION: In this age of apathy and compromise, we need Christian men to have courage and convictions. We need young men and oldermen to be examples to Americansof what a real man is like. America needs men of integrity. Their lifestyle should reflect Christ in their work, family life, and their service to Christ. Men are needed who have chosen to follow Christ regardless of the cost.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had reasons to be filled with hatred and bitterness toward the Babylonians. They had been taken captive and removed from their home land. They were forced to learn the Babylon language and culture. While being held captive in Babylon, they applied themselves. They were honorable men who had earned the respect of the king and the people of Babylon. They were placed in a position of attending to the affairs of Babylon. (2:49) This continued until they were accused and sentenced to death because of their faith in the True God and their refusal to worship the image. The Lord intervened and saved them from the fiery furnace.

God used them to bring honor and glory to His name and to make Him known to Nebuchadnezzar and the people of Babylon. Christian men must rise up and be the leaders in their homes, churches, workplace, and in our government. Men are to be protectors and providers. This is God's role for men in society. It is time for men to rise up and be what God intended men to be. They should speak of their God freely and lead others to follow Christ.

The voices of liberals, feminists, gays and many other groups are making their views heard. If we are not willing to stand now while we still have the freedom to speak, will we be willing to speak when those freedoms are taken from us at a greater cost?

The Supreme Court decision to support abortion was a dark day in America's history. We are paying for the ungodly decision passed down by 9 people in their long black robes. Once again the Supreme Court will be making a decision that will have a huge impact on our nation. This week they may hand down their ruling on marriage. If they side with those who want to redefine marriage, America will be taking another step to the point of no return. America will be closer to the abyss. A nation does not destroy God's foundation for humanity without paying a horrible price.

This is a call to the men of this church to rise up and be the spiritual leaders needed today. It is a plea for all of us to pray for our nation and the Supreme Court Judges to make a God honoring decision. This is a challenge to share our faith with the lost and to minister to the broken, hurting, and lonely all around us. Will you respond to and act upon what God is speaking to your heart this very moment?