UNIT 1 Final Exam Review

1. Paleolithic Era: What was Paleolithic Man’s greatest achievement?

2. Neolithic Era: What was the Agricultural Revolution?

Why did surplus food lead to civilization?

3. Mesopotamia: What was a ziggurat?

What was a votive figure?

What was Hammurabi’s Code?

4. Egypt: Who was Menses?

What is a “ka”?

What is “Ma’at”?

Who was Akenaton and what unique thing did he do?

How did Cleopatra fail to keep the Egyptian Empire alive?

5. Indus River Valley (India): Unique features

6. Ancient China

What is the Mandate of Heaven?

What were oracle shells and bones used for?

7. Meso-America

Why were the Olmecs known as the “Rubber People”?

What is a “blood culture”?

UNIT 2 Classical Era 600 BCE to 600 CE

1. Greek City States Athens Sparta How were they different?

What was the Hellenistic Era?

What influence did Athens have on Western civilization?

How did the Persian Wars unite Greece?

What was the Peloponnesian War?

What did Alexander the Great accomplish?

2. Persian Empire

Why was Cyrus the Great considered to be a great?

What is a satrap?

3. Rome (Republic and Empire)

What were the Punic Wars?

Describe the Roman Republic (patricians, plebeians, government structure)

Why did the Roman Republic fall?

What was Pax Romona?

Why was Augustus Caesar perhaps the greatest leader in world history?

How did Constantine the Great use Christianity to take over the Roman Empire?

What was the Edict of Milan?

What great city in the east became the “new” Rome?

Classical Era China

Zhou Dynasty

List three Zhou technologies

What was the 100 Schools Movement?

Explain: Legalism, Daoism, Confucianism

Qin Dynasty

What was the goal of the First Emperor (Shi Huangdi)?

Han Dynasty (202 BCE to 220)

List important Han tech

Why was Buddhism a threat to Han leaders?

How did the Silk Road make the Han rich?

Why were the Huns difficult to defeat?

UNIT 3 The Medieval World 600-1453

1. “Dark Ages of Europe”

What was feudalism?

How did the Catholic Church unite Europe after the fall of Rome?

2. Early Medieval Europe

Why is the Battle of Tours (732) so important?

What two European countries did Charlemagne unite?

3. Byzantine Empire (East Rome) 330 to 1453

Why was Emperor Justinian so famous?

Explain the term: “Caesar-o-papism”

Why did the Byzantines collapse by 1453?

4. Rise of Islam (Dar al-Islam)

How was Muhammad introduced to other world religions?

The life of Muhammad

Why did Islam spread so far, so quickly?

Islamic vocab: bedouins, hadith, “People of the Book”, “Night of Power , Abu Bakr,

Shittes, Sunni, jihad, Qur’an, hajj, jizyah, Ka’ba, Ali

5. Late Medieval Europe

Why did the Vikings help keep Europe in the Dark Ages?

What was The Hundred Years War

What were the Crusades?

6. Medieval Meso-America

Were the Maya a peaceful civilization?

What is a chinampa?

7. Medieval AP China

Why did Buddhism make the Tang Dynasty China’s “Golden Age”?

List three Song Dynasty technologies

8. Medieval Japan

How did the Bushido Code make Japan’s culture unique?

9. The Mongols

What tactics did the Mongols use to conquer the world?

Who was Genghis Khan?

Who was Kublai Khan? Marco Polo?

What was Pax Mongolica?

UNIT 4 Rise of the Modern World 1453 to 1776

1. The Renaissance (Europe)

-Florence and the Medici Family

-Leonardo -Michelangelo -Raphael


-Henry VIII

-Spanish Inquisition -Reconquista

2. Reformation

-Martin Luther -95 Theses (1517)


- Other Protestants: John Calvin


-Council of Trent

-The Jesuits

3. Age of Discovery

-Columbus (1492)

-Portuguese explorers: Vasco da Gama

-Spanish explorers: Cortez Pizarro

-The Columbian Exchange

-The fall of the Aztecs -Cortes -Dona Maria

4. The Spanish New World

-encomienda system

- slavery

5. Other Euros in the New World

-Jamestown (1607)


6. Scientific Revolution

-Heliocentric system



-Isaac Newton

7. The Enlightenment


-John Locke

8. Absolutism

-King Louis XIV (Sun King)

-Constitutionalism -English Civil War -Execution of Charles I in 1649 by Cromwell

9. Rise of Russia

-Mongol Yoke

-Ivan the Terrible The Romanovs (1613-1917)

-Peter the Great

10. Ming Dynasty


-Voyages of Zheng He

11. Gunpowder Empires

-Ottoman Empire -Sunni -janissaries -

-Mughal Empire (India) -Sikhism

12. Triangular Trade (Atlantic slave trade)

-Old Imperialism

-Middle passage

UNIT 5 1776 to 1900

I. Capitalism: Adam Smith/ “Wealth of Nations” (1776)

II. The American Revolution and the Constitutional Convention

1. Reasons for the revolution

2. The Constitutional Convention (1787) “Miracle in Philadelphia”

III. The French Revolution

1. Reasons for the revolution

2. The three estates

3. King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette

4. Danton, Robespierre and Marat

5. Charlotte Corday

6. Napoleon: Rise and Fall

IV. Haiti

-maroons, gens de couleur, Francois T. L’Ouverture

V. Qing Dynsaty (AP China)

1. The Manchus (queue hair-style, kowtow, foot-binding, racism)

2. Mccartney Expedition

3. Opium Wars and the “Unequal Treaties”

4. Japanese Invasion of China

5. Taiping Rebellion

-Who was Hong Xiuquan?

6. Boxer Rebellion

VI. Rise of Modern Japan

1. Matthew Perry and his Black Ships

2. Meiji Restoration

VII. Revolutions in Latin America

1. Simon Bolivar and Creole frustration

2. Jamaica Letter: An attack on mercantilism

3. Gran Columbia: Why did it fail?

4. Mexico: 1. Father Hidalgo and the Mexican War of Independence from Spain

VIII. Industrialization

1. Why was Britain first to industrialize?

3. Dark side of the Industrial Revolution

4. Industrial Revolution Economics: Thomas Malthus, David Ricardo and his “Iron Law of Wages”

5. Karl Marx: “Communist Manifesto”

IX. Imperialism (New Imperialism)

1. Berlin Conference of 1884 “Scramble for Africa”

2. Cecil Rhodes

3. Congo Free State:

4. India 1. The Sepoy Rebellion

2. Gandhi: Passive Resistance


I. World War I

Causes of WWI: MAIN

Road to war: The Black Hand


The July Crisis

Schlieffen Plan
WWI ends: USA enters war 1. Lusitania 2. Zimmerman Telegram

Failed Peace: The Treaty of Versailles Ignoring of Wilson’s “Peace With Honor (14 Points) “War Guilt”, the Mandate System

II. The Russian Revolutions of 1917

February Revolution

International Women’s Day

Alexander Kerensky’s republic The Czar abdicates

October Revolution

Lenin’s April Thesis

Trotsky and Stalin

Lenin and the Bolsheviks return and take over Russia

Execution of the Czar and family

Red Army, War Communism, “Red Terror”, Cheka

Reasons why the Reds defeated the Whites

III. Mexican Revolution

1911 Revolution: Villa and Zapata

Success/Failures of Mexican Revolution

IV. Age of Anxiety (1918-1939)

The Rise/ fall of Hitler Beer Hall Putsch, Mein Kampf, Nuremberg Laws

V. World War II

Invasion of Poland

Operation Barbarossa


D-Day Liberation of Paris

Battle of Berlin

The Holocaust

VI. AP China (Modern China)

Revolution of 1911: (Sun Yat-Sen and Pu Yi)

Chiang Kai-shek: KMT’s war against the communists

Rise of Mao Zedong (peasant leader)

Mao’s “Long March”

War with Japan and World War II

Mao’s Revolution of 1949 (“Red China”) Establishment of the PRC


The Great Leap Forward (1958-1966)

The Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)

The Deng Xiaoping Era (1978-1997)

Modernization Capitalism

“It doesn’t matter if a cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice”

VII. Decolonization

India’s Independence


1930 Salt March

Independence: 1947

Partition of India India/East and West Pakistan Impact

VIII. The Middle East

Birth of Israel

Zionism, Dreyfus Affair, Balfour Declaration

IX. The Cold War

Yalta Conference

Potsdam Conference (failure)

“Iron Curtain”


Truman Doctrine

Marshall Plan

Berlin Crisis

NATO Warsaw Pact

Cuban Missile Crisis

Vietnam War

Fall of the Berlin wall (1989)

Fall of the Soviet Union (1991)




1991 Revolution

KGB, Yeltsin, Rise of Putin (2000)