February Meeting

Steve opened the meeting at the Country Lanes with 30 members present. Nine spouses also attended the meeting.

Treaurers Report:

Clay Johns went over the finacials for the Month. Expenses included the paver brick, parts for the tour kit, and our insurance payment to MAFCA.


Mather Nursing Home in Ishpeming invited us to a car showing for thier residents. They will provide a light picnic type lunch. Doug Oliver will follow up to get a date and time set. We recieved a thank you from the family of Art Gischia.

Old Business:

Paul Wilson made a list of the parts the club has had donated to us. This list will be published in the next newsletter. The medical cards were discussed. 100 sets of the cards were donated to the club. It was decided that the medical alert disk would be mounted on the lower drivers side windshield area. The information card should be mounted on the interior side of the gas tank. The club is still looking for a tour director. We will be using the MAFCA waivers again this year. Any information for the newsletter should be in no later than the first of the month. The Annual Banquet will be held on April 25th at the Negaunee Town Hall. Russo's will be catering the event again this year. Members are asked to provide the desserts. Please call and RSVP. The Negaunee Historical Society request for our club to participate in a photo shoot and meeting will be followed up by Jim Penrose. MAFCA trial memberships are still available. Post cards and emails will be sent to past members to try to get them to rejoin.

New Business:

The tenth anniversay of the Superior A's is coming up this year. Doug Oliver is trying to put together the early history . If you have information or pictures of the clubs history he woul appreciate hearing from you. Ted Burson is looking for a K R Wilson multi disk clutch tool. Bob Nault raised a question about appraisals for the older cars for insurance purposes.

The next meeting is sceduled for March 31st at a as yet undetermined location.

Thanks To Bill C for the minutes again this month