Name ______Date ______Period _____




A.  ______and ______developed in India.

B.  ______and ______developed in China.

C.  ______, ______, and ______developed in the Middle East.

D.  The Key Themes, Concepts, People, and Terms.

1.  Animism-______

2.  Brahman- ______

3.  Reincarnation-______

4.  Karma-______

5.  Dharma-______

6.  Upanishads- ______

7.  Buddha- ______

8.  Nirvana- ______

9.  Monotheistic- ______

10.  Torah- ______

11.  Messiah- ______

12.  Bible- ______

13.  Hijra- ______

14.  Quran (Koran)-______

15.  Sharia-______

16.  Missionary- ______

17.  Diaspora- ______


A.  Animism

1.  Definition-______

2.  This is common among many early cultures.

3.  ______TRUE OR FALSE. People who believe in Animism believe that deceased ancestors’ spirits affect their lives.

B.  Hinduism

1.  ______is one of the oldest and most complex religions.

2.  Hinduism has _____ founder.

3.  ______TRUE OR FALSE. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion.

4.  Universal Spirit—The unifying spirit is ______. The goal in life is to achieve union with Brahman.

5.  Reincarnation-______

6.  Karma-______

7.  Dharma-______

8.  ______TRUE OR FALSE. A person’s gender, class, age, and occupation do not affect his or her dharma.

9.  Castes-______

10.  ______TRUE OR FALSE. The caste system is not an important part of Hinduism.

11.  ______True OR FALSE. A person is not able to move up to another caste in the next lifetime.

12.  The lowest-ranked people are known as ______.

13.  Sacred Texts-______, a collection of prayers and sacred verses; and the ______, philosophical thoughts of Hindu beliefs.

C.  Buddhism

1.  Buddhism developed in ______, but later spread to China and elsewhere—this is known as ______.

2.  The founder of Buddhism—______.

3.  The Enlightened One-Gautama left his wealth to search for the meaning of ______.

4.  The Four Noble Truths-This is the central philosophy of Buddhism

a.  All ______is ______.

b.  ______is caused by desire for things that are illusions.

c.  The way to eliminate ______is to eliminate ______.

d.  Following the ______will help people overcome desire.

5.  The Eightfold Path-this involves right ______, right ______, right ______, right ______, right ______, right ______, right ______, and right ______.

6.  The ultimate goal is ______- or union with the universe and release from the cycle of death and rebirth.

7.  Comparison with Hinduism- (see page 57)

a. Similarities: ______


b.  Differences:



8.  Sacred Texts-The Buddha’s teachings were written in Tripitaka, or “______.”

D.  Two Philosophies of China

-Following years of war, and economic and social changes, which disrupted daily life two major philosophies, developed.

1.  Confucianism

a.  Confucius believed that, except for ______, none of the relationships were ______.

b.  ______people are ______to younger people.

c.  ______are superior to ______.

d.  Everyone has ______and responsibilities that depended on his or her ______.

e.  ______are naturally good.

f.  ______should be the road to advancement in society.

g.  To ensure social order, the individual must find and accept his or her proper place in society.

2.  Taoism (Daoism)

a.  Sought to help people live in ______within nature.

b.  Founder- ______

c.  Followers reject the ______and human ______.

d.  Believe in a balance between ______(the Earth, darkness, female forces) and ______(Heaven, light, and male forces).

E.  Judaism

1.  Belief in ______God—this is called ______

a.  Believed that God was all-knowing, all-powerful, and present everywhere.

2.  Sacred Texts and Moral Teachings-

a.  The ______, sacred scriptures of the Hebrews, said God made an agreement to be the God of the Hebrews.

b.  Believe that God gave them the ______through Moses. (These describe how people should behave toward God and each other).

c.  ______TRUE OR FALSE. Jewish people follow both the Old Testament, including the first five books (the Torah), and the New Testament.

d.  ______TRUE OR FALSE. Judaism had little influence on Christianity and Islam.

F.  Christianity

1.  Founder-______

2.  It believes in one God, which is ______.

3.  It grew and spread to become the official religion of the ______Empire by A.D. 392—this is known as ______.

4.  Life and Death of Jesus

5.  Teachings of Jesus—they were rooted in ______tradition.

a.  Example—the ______Commandments.

b.  His mission was to bring salvation and ______life to anyone who would follow his teachings.

c.  He preached ______and the ______of people before God.

6.  Sacred Text—is the ______, which has two parts the ______and ______Testaments.

G.  Islam

1.  It believes in one god, which is ______.

2.  Founder-______

3.  Muslim Beliefs—All Muslims accepted the five basic duties (Five Pillars)

a.  Muslims believe in ______God, Allah, who is compassionate and all-powerful; ______is his prophet.

b.  Muslims must pray ______times a day.

c.  Muslims are expected to give ______to the poor (tithe).

d.  Muslims are expected to ______from sunrise to sunset during the holy month of ______.

e.  Muslims are supposed to visit ______at least once in their lives.

4.  Sacred Text—is the ______(also spelled Koran). It is the final authority on all matters.


A.  Spread of Buddhism

1.  Over time, traders and ______spread the religion far beyond ______.

B.  Spread of Judaism

1.  Spread in a unique manner. The ______expelled the Jews from Palestine in A.D. 135. This became known as the ______, or the scattering of people.

C.  Spread of Christianity

1.  Spread by ______and spread throughout the ______Empire because the ______and the oppressed found comfort in Jesus’ message of love and a better life after death.

2.  ______networks also helped to spread the religion—into the ______, ______, and ______.

D.  Spread of Islam

1.  Spread through ______conquest. Fair treatment of conquered peoples helped convert many people.

2.  Also spread through ______to areas of Europe, India, and North Africa.


8. ______9. ______10. ______11. ______