Accredited by AACSB, The International Association for Management Education

ONLINE CBA 396 International Business, section 02

Fall 2012
Location / This class will be taught on the World Wide Web
Professor: / Patricia Borstorff, PhD, SPHR
Office: / Merrill Hall Rm. 217 E
Office Hours: / By appointment – please see Contact Information
Phone: / 256.782-5748
Fax: / 256.782.5312
Email: /
Virtual Classroom: / http://jsu.blackboard.edu

LIVE 24/7 Blackboard Support @ JSUbbsupport.com

Catalog Description:

Prerequisite – Junior Standing. Study of the nature and scope of international business, including the basic problems associated with international trade, payments, investment, and cultural differences.


1.  Gain factual knowledge (terminology, classifications, methods, trends).

2.  Learn fundamental principles, generalizations, or theories

3.  To enable students to understand the impact of culture on international business

4.  To enable students to investigate the foreign exchange currency market

5.  To increase students’ awareness of the challenges associated with international business and how to diagnose and solve international problems.

6.  To help students realize that while citizens of the USA have one of the highest standards of living in the world, we have lagged behind in the development and growth of international business. Also, increasing trade deficits with a number of other nations are creating a worrisome situation. We must learn how to "adapt" and compete in the world market

Contact Information: While you will be able to log into this class 24/7, I will not be available 24/7. You will be able to contact me through one of the following methods.

E-mail: You have access to my e-mail address through blackboard. It is also listed above. When contacting me by e-mail, please use the subject heading “YOUR NAME and CBA 396.” Due to the threat of viruses, I do not open e-mail unless I recognize the sender. The subject heading will help me to recognize you. I will check e-mail daily except Sunday. I will do my best to reply to all messages within 24 hours of receipt.

Phone: You may also call me at (256) 782-5748, my phone at JSU. If you do not get me, leave a message SLOWLY stating your name, phone number, and a short description of what you want to discuss. I check phone messages only once per day. I will return your calls within 24 hours (but not on weekends). If you have problems with your exam, email me as I stay online all day during your exams. Don’t call the office as I am not always there.

On-Campus: Though I do not have specified office hours for a virtual class, you can still make arrangements to meet with me on campus. To arrange an on-campus visit, please contact me either by e-mail or phone. We will then find a time that is convenient for both of us. This meeting will be held in my office (Merrill Hall) on campus.

Required Text:

Text: Ball, D.A., McCulloch, Jr., W.H. 2010. International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition. 12th ed. ISBN: 978-0-07-338140-4.Mc-Graw-Hill, Irwin. Homewood, IL. This is the last time to use this book so it should be cheap.

Course Requirements:
/ Points
Exams (3 @ 100 points each) / 300
Internet Exercises (6; 4 @ 20 points and 2 @ 10 each) / 100
Total / 400

Here is the point scale: An A will be from 400-360 points. B will be from 359-320 points. C will be from 319-280 points. D will be from 279-240 points. F will be below 240 points. There will be NO rounding of grades. To receive an “A” or a “B”, you must earn the points for the corresponding grade based on the requirements outlined in this syllabus.

EXAMS (3 at 100 points each): There will be three exams in this class. Exams will consist of multiple choice questions. All exams will be taken on the internet through blackboard. You will be given a 22 hour period to log on and take the exam. Once you log on to the actual exam, you will be given a limited time (1 hour) to complete the exam. Once you log off, you will not be able to log back on to the exam. Thus, you must be sure you are finished with the exam before you log off. The computer does not automatically log you off the exam. You will lose 2 points off your exam score for each 5 minutes that exceeds the specified time limit.

Internet Exercises (6 = 100 points).

You will be given six Internet exercises to complete as group exercises. The group is randomly selected and you will be notified of your fellow group members. Each group will have a separate discussion board where you, as a group, can complete the exercise and communicate with one another. Answer all questions fully. Place all students’ names at top of the first page of your answer. Also a student must put their name directly under the portion they answered as well as the URLs that provided information in one’s answer. The length for an exercise should be 4-6 pages minimum. Only students participating will get credit for the group exercise. Do not cut and paste from the Internet. Use your judgment and thoughts in preparing the answers. Do not use Wikipedia. Everyone receives the same grade so try to put your best effort into the exercise. Make certain someone dependable is submitting the assignment since your grade depends on it.

You may not submit your individual answers to me. I will delete them as I will not be responsible for combining answers and groups.

Late Assignments: Late assignments will receive NO credit.

Some common shortcomings in write-ups:

1.  Restating the facts from the exercise or copying the Internet material verbatim.

2.  A wandering discussion that lacks direction. The use of headings often helps provide structure to your argument. Be specific as to issue, alternatives, and recommendations, if applicable.

3.  Failure to make any insightful comments about the topic

4.  Not answering all questions that are given.

5.  Poor spelling, grammar or incomprehensible writing. The effectiveness of your communication can, in this class and in the business world, make an important difference in selling your ideas.

A Final Note on Course Requirements: The grade that you receive in this class is based on the choices you make during this semester (e.g. to do an assignment or to study for a quiz). Conceptually, it is possible for every student to earn an A, and typically 20% of you will earn an A. However, history tends to indicate that the average student will elect or choose to receive a B or C, and a few students will prefer to receive a D or F. The choice of grade is yours, not your instructors.

Suggestions for Success in CBA 396:

Read the syllabus carefully noting when assignments and exams are scheduled. Plan your time so that you will be fully available to the course requirements when they are due. Read some everyday in your textbook. International business is difficult because most people have no international business experience and little to no international travel experience. Keep up with the chapters to read and with the assignments. Don’t wait until a day before an exercise is due to begin looking for information. Be respectful of your group members, doing quality work and turning it in on the date the leader sets for the group. Prepare good answers for the questions in your Group Internet exercises. This is 25% of your grade.

Investigate some of the course documents. They are very helpful and can make this course more interesting and your chance of success much higher. I have developed study guides for chapters, important information about your exams, descriptive paragraphs about the most important concepts in international business, power point for all chapters, charts and graphs on pertinent comparisons of countries, and many, many other documents. You can find these under Course Documents and in the fall 2012 folder (the most recent files are there).

If you have questions, please email me.

Make certain to check announcements and the calendar every few days so that you are current in your work for CBA 396.

Class Policies

Plagiarism & Code of Ethics: All students are expected to abide by the rules regarding plagiarism and academic dishonesty found in the JSU Catalog. If you have any questions or concerns about this policy or the definition of plagiarism, please speak with me.

1. All students are required to do their own work on exams and individual work.

2. For group projects, all members are expected to contribute original work and their contributions should be of quality.

The Honor Policy at JSU is fully described online at www.jsu.edu.


Note the dates when in class exercises open and close. The closing date is the last time that I will accept an assignment. You may turn in any assignment prior to its actual due date. Exams are available only during the time period listed. You need to plan your time wisely.

Date / Assignments
Begin by August 28 / Read Chapters 1, 2, and 3.
Your bio. Please post something about yourself on the Bio Discussion Board so that we know a little about each other You lose 5 points for not posting by Sept 10.
Begin Aug 28
Close Sept 15 @ 8 p.m. / Group Internet exercise 1 (10 points)
Begin by Sept 16 / Read Chapters 4, 5, and 6.
Open Sept 16
Close Sept 29 @ 8 p.m. / Group Internet exercise 2 (10 points)
Open Oct 1 @ 12:05 am
Close Oct 1 @ 10:30 pm / EXAM 01 Chapter 1 – 6
You have one attempt to take the exam. You have one hour. You have one attempt to take the exam. You have one hour.
**Consider taking your exam in the morning or afternoon when you will have multiple sources of assistance in case of a problem.
Begin by Sept 29 / Read Chapters 7, 8, and 9
Open Sept 29
Close Oct 13
@ 8 p.m. / Group Internet exercise 3 (20 points)
Begin by Oct 14 / Read Chapters 10, 11, and 12.
Open Oct 14
Close Oct 27 @ 8 p.m. / Group Internet exercise 4 (20 points)
Open Oct 29
@ 12:05 am
Close Oct 29 @ 11:55 pm / EXAM 02 Chapters 7 – 12
You have one attempt to take the exam. You have one hour.
**Consider taking your exam in the morning or afternoon when you will have multiple sources of assistance in case of a problem.
Begin by Oct 29 / Read Chapters 14, 15, and 16.
Open Oct 29
Close Nov 10 @ 8 p.m. / Group Internet exercise 5 (20 points)
Begin by Nov 11 / Read Chapters 17, 19, and 20.
Open Nov 11
Close Nov 28 @ 8 p.m. / Group Internet exercise 6 (20 Points). Note Thanksgiving holidays are in this time segment so plan accordingly. You may submit exercise before or after holidays.
Open Nov 29
Close Nov 30 / Review and Exam Preparation
Open Dec 3 @ 12:05 am
Close Dec 3 @ 10:30 pm / EXAM 03 – Chapters 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20
You have one attempt to take the exam. You have one hour. **Consider taking your exam in the morning or afternoon when you will have multiple sources of assistance in case of a problem.

Useful Web Resources & Periodicals for International Business

See Word document on External Links for additional sites.

Michigan State University has online global business resources and links including country profiles that outline business climate, political structure, history, and statistical data for more than 190 countries. Includes regional and country specific links in addition to a general overview of each geographic area http://globaledge.msu.edu/ibrd/ibrd.asp *** You may subscribe free to this site to receive excellent international information.

Your textbook has many online suggestions by chapter.

Business Week Online Magazine with headlines on global business and international issues http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/

The Economist Online Magazine: https://www.economist.com/world/index.cfm

Global Business Web: http://www.globalbusinessweb.com/

The Globalist, covers political, economic, cultural, and business issues related to globalization: http://www.theglobalist.com/

Financial Times: http://www.ft.com/

Newsweek International Edition: www.msnbc.com/news/nw-ni_front.asp

World Trade Organization: http://www.wto.org/

Doing business with Mexico: http://www.mexonline.com

Sponsored by Shell International, this web site offers information for expatriates and their families around the world: http://www.outpostexpat.nl/

World Bank: http://www.worldbank.org/

Import/Export Bank: http://www.exim.gov/

American Express Small Business Services web site offers reports on export issues and business travel, etiquette and protocol for countries around the world.


Latin Trade Magazine: http://www.latintrade.com

Forbes News: www.forbes.com/international/

CIO Web Business Magazine: www.cio.com

International Trade Center http://www.export.gov/exportbasics/ticredirect.asp.

http://www.ecommercetimes.com/ E-Commerce Times


CIA World Fact Book

http://www.usa.gov/ USA.gov Government Made Easy

http://globaledge.msu.edu/resourceDesk/ Global Edge Global Resources

http://www.clickz.com/showPage.html?page=stats Click Easy Stats

http://www.clickz.com/showPage.html?page=features Click Z Features

http://www.nytimes.com/ New York Times


INSEAD Knowledge; A public spirited source of information


Wharton; A favorite business source


Harvard Business source

http://ec.europa.eu/euro/entry.html Euro web site

http://www.grai.com/links.htm 100 main web links


The importance of international studies…good

http://translate.google.com/# similar to Babelfish.

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