April 28, 2015, Conducting Wage and Hour Litigation, Spring Conference of the Lawyers Coordinating, AFL-CIO, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with Shannon Liss-Riordan and Mark Hanna

November 7, 2013, Negotiating an FLSA Settlement Agreement. Legal and Practical Considerations, 9th Annual Fall National Conference of the American Bar Association's Labor and Employment Section

November 14, 2012, Square Peg. Round Hole. The Challenges and Pitfalls of Exempt Classifications Under the FLSA, ABA National Teleconference, November 14, 2012 with Ellen Kearns.

November 5, 2011, ABA Labor and Employment 5th Annual Conference, Independent Contractors: Meadow or Minefield?, Speaker on Panel with U.S. Department of Labor Solicitor M. Patricia Smith.

June 3, 2010, AFL-CIO Lawyers Coordinating Committee Conference, Enforcing State Wage and Hour Laws: A View From State Agencies, Moderator of Panel of Joanne Goldstein, Secretary of the Office of Labor and Workforce Development, State of Massachusetts, Teri Gerstein, Deputy Commissioner, New York State Office of Wage and Immigrant Services, and David Suetholz, General Counsel, Kentucky Labor Cabinet

May 27, 2010, National Academy of Arbitrators Annual Meeting, Federal Sector Arbitrations, Speaker on panel with FLRA Member Thomas Beck and DOD Attorney Carolyn Perry, moderated by Arbitrator Robert G. Bailey

December 2, 2009, ABA National Teleconference, Litigating State Class Action Wage and Hour ClaimsUnion Attorney Speaker

Fall 2009, ABA Labor and Employment Section 3rd Annual ConferenceUnion attorney speaker on panel on Exemptions to the Fair Labor Standards Act

March 2009, ABA National Teleconference on State Wage and Hour Class Actions

December 3, 2008, Advanced Litigation of Wage and Hour Class Cases, ABA National Teleconference, Union Attorney Speaker

September 10, 2008, Advanced Litigation of Wage and Hour Cases, ABA Section ofLabor and Employment Law Annual CLE Conference, Denver, Colorado, Union Attorney Speaker and Panel Member.

May 18, 2008, AFL-CIO Lawyers Coordinating Committee Annual Conference, Speaker on Hot Topics in Wage and Hour Cases, Seattle, Washington

April 8, 2008, Federal Judicial Law Clerk Training on the Fair Labor Standards Act. Union Attorney Representative and one of the three lawyers who prepared written materials and participated in videotape in Washington, D.C..

February 2008, National Border Patrol Council Annual Business Meeting, Speaker on Significant Developments in Border Patrol Agent Pay Issues.

November 7-10, 2007 Litigating Wage and Hour Cases, Speaker and Panel Member at ABA Section ofLabor and Employment Law Annual CLE Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Fall 2007, AFL-CIO Regional Meeting on FLSA Issues, Speaker on Discovery and Proof Issues, Washington, D.C..

October 2006, All’s Fair in Labor Law – Beyond the Minimum Wage Union Attorney Speaker in ABA National CLE Programs Teleconference.

September 20, 2006, UFCW Attorneys Conference, FLSA and State Wage Collective and Class Actions, Speaker, Ojai, California.

April 26, 2006, Major Cities Conference for Law Enforcement Unions, Recurring Wage and Hour Issues in Law Enforcement, Speaker. New York City, New York.

January 2005, New Developments Under the FLSA, Including the New 541 Regulations, Colorado State Bar Labor and Employment Conferece, Snowmass, Colorado, Union Speaker

September 2004, DC BarThe 541 Exemption Regulations Under the FLSA, Washington, D.C.

May 2005, The New DOL Exemption Regulations, Speaker, AFL-CIO LCC Attorneys Conference, New York City, New York.

January 6, 2005, Hot Topics in FLSA Litigation, Speaker, Colorado Bar CLE Conference, Snowmass, Colorado.

.October 2006, All’s Fair in Labor Law – Beyond the Minimum Wage Union Attorney Speaker in ABA National CLE Programs Teleconference, October 2006.

March 2, 2005, The Wave Continues . . . 1500 New FLSA Class Actions Filed in 2004 and More Expected in 2005, Union Attorney Speaker, ABA National Programs CLE Teleconference.

August 2004, ABA Convention, The New DOL Exemption Regulations, Union Speaker on panel with Howard Radzley, Solicitor of Labor, Atlanta, Georgia.

April 9, 2004, Fair Labor Standards Act Update – Key Issues that Affect AFT Members Speaker at AFT attorneys’ conference

May 7, 2003, The FLSA: A New World in Overtime. Union Attorney Speaker in American Bar Association National CLE Programs Teleconference


Hot Topics in Wage and Hour Litigation, Paper presented at AFL-CIO Lawyers Coordinating Committee Annual Meeting on April 28, 2015.

Negotiating an FLSA Settlement: Legal and Practical Considerations, Paper presented at ABA Labor and Employment Law Conference and authored with John Ho, Linda Ho and Linda Singer

Important Considerations for Courts When Determining Whether to Certify an FLSA Collective Action in Independent Contractor Cases, ABA Labor and Employment Law Fall Conference, November 5, 2011.

Unique Ethical Considerations in Collective And Class Action Wage and Hour Settlements, ABA Labor and Employment Law Fall Conference, November 3-6, 2010.

The Need for Arbitrators to Recognize and Exercise Their Broad Powers to Control Proceedings Involving Employee Statutory Class and Multi-Employee Claims in the Federal Sector, National Academy of Arbitrators, May 27, 2010

State Wage and Hour Actions: Expanding Beyond the Minimum Wage and Overtime Frontier, ABA National Teleconference, December 2009

Section 213(a) Exemptions since the New DOL 541 Regulations: Premature Death Knell of the Salaried Basis Test and Other Unsettled Exemption Issue, ABA Section of Labor and Employment 3rd Annual Conference, Fall 2009

Coordinating Class Certification of State and Federal Wage and Hour Claims-Discovery Issues, ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law Annual Conference, Fall 2008.

Hot Topics in FLSA Litigation 2008: Employer Defenses Post-Alvarez and Developments under the Revised White Collar Regulations, AFL-CIO Lawyers Coordinating Committee Annual Conference, Seattle, May 18-20, 2008

Current Trends in Pursuit and Defense of Hybrid FLSA and State Wage and Hour Litigation.Presented to ABA Section ofLabor and Employment Law Annual CLE Conference, Philadelphia, PA, November 7, 2007.

Discovery and Proof Issues in FLSA Cases, AFL-CIO Regional FLSA Meetings, Fall 2007

Recurring Wage and Hour Issues in Law Enforcement, Major Cities Conference, April 26, 2006.

Opt-Out Wage and Hour Class Actions Under State Law: The Next Big Increase in Litigation to Enforce Workers’ Rights? Presented to UFCW Attorneys Conference, September 20, 2006.

The New “White Collar” Overtime Rules: Application in the Public Sector, AFL-CIO Lawyers Committee Conference, New York City, May 2005.

The FLSA and the Public Sector: A Whirlwind of Recent Developments and Their Impact on the Private Sector, Colorado Bar CLE Conference, Snowmass, Colorado, January 6, 2005.

The New FLSA Overtime Exemption Regulations and Their Potential Impact on UFCW Members, UFCW Attorneys Conference, September 2005.

The 541 Regulations: A Comparison of the Old, the Proposed and the New, ABA Convention, August 2004