Resume Instructions

  1. Set the style to No Spacing & choose the Style Set of Basic (Simple)
  2. Type your name on the first line
  3. Type your address properly formatted (this will take 2 lines)
  4. Type your phone number, including area code on the 4th line
  5. On the next line type Objective
  6. Format your name with a Serif font, bold, size 16
  7. Format your address and phone number with a san serif font, size 14
  8. Center the first 4 lines
  9. Set Objective to Heading 1
  10. Below objective type in an objective for obtaining a summer job.
  11. Add a line stating Work Experience
  12. Change Work Experience to Heading 1
  13. Under work experience, list the job title of what you did (if you have not been paid for anything then include the title of Mow Lawns or Babysitting.)
  14. If you worked for an actual company, add a comma and then the company name
  15. Type in a description of the work you did at this job.
  16. If you have had more than one job, press the enter key twice and repeat the process for another job.
  17. Select all the lines under Work Experience and set the style to No Spacing
  18. For each job title
  19. Select the line and add a right tab at the 6” mark on the ruler.
  20. At the end of the line press tab and type in the dates (months) that you did that job.
  21. Make the job title bold
  22. Make the dates italic
  23. Under your last job description type Education: and change the style to Heading 1
  24. Enter our school name followed by a comma and our city and state
  25. On the next line type in “High School Diploma anticipated in May” and then put the year you should graduate.
  26. On the next line, put your class (Freshman, Sophomore, etc) and your GPA (you can guess at this)
  27. On the next line type in Electives: followed by the electives you have (or anticipate taking)
  28. Next type in Certifications: and set the style to Heading 1
  29. Add the following Lines: Microsoft Word 2013, Microsoft Excel 2013, Microsoft PowerPoint 2013
  30. Add a line for Community Service and set the style to Heading 1
  31. Add at least three things you have done for community service (if you have to make these up right now because you haven’t done any community service you can.)
  32. Add another section labeled Special Skills and Interests and make the text Heading 1
  33. Add items to the list such as hobbies or interests. Examples: Fishing, Boating, Surfing, Working with children, Able to follow instructions, Enjoy reading, Enjoy writing.
  34. Select the lines in Education section and make sure they are set to the No Spacing style.
  35. Select the school name and change the text to Small Caps.
  36. Select the last 2 lines in the Education section and set the spacing before the paragraph to 6 pts.
  37. Select the lines in Certifications section and create a bulleted list with the check mark bullet
  38. Select the lines in Community Service section and create a numbered list
  39. Select the lines in the Special Skills and Interests section and create a bulleted list with the open dot bullet.
  40. Change the top & bottom margin to .5”.
  41. Center the text vertically on the page.