School Emergency Plan

Name of School



Name of Person responsible for updating the plan

Version Date


Advice and Support with Emergencies and Business Continuity

Contacting Staff

Contacting Parents and Carers

Contacting Key Partners, Agencies and Contractors

Remote Telephony and IT Procedures

Normal Operating Procedures and Remote Operating Procedures

Remote Learning Arrangements

Loss of Premises

Site Plan

Loss of IT / Telephony

Power Supply

Water Supply

Loss of Heating

Loss of Catering


Gas Leak


Cold Weather


Infectious Disease


Loss of Equipment

Asset Register


Violent Incidents

Management of Emergency Incidents

Risk Assessment

Review of the Plan and Version Control

Support with Emergencies and Business Continuity

Westminster City Council’s Emergency Planning Manager is available 24/7 to advise and support with emergency incidents affecting the school and can also assist with developing plans:-

Tony Andrews

Emergency Planning Manager

Westminster People Services

13th Floor West, Westminster City Hall

64 Victoria St, London, SW1E 6QP

020 7641 3637

07977 931 697

(both are 24/7 mobiles for emergencies)

Support and Advice on Health and Safety

Westminster City Council’s Health and Safety advisors for schools are:-

Peter Dempsey, Health and Safety Manager 0207 641 2451
Edward Andrews, Health and Safety Officer 0207 641 2368

Westminster City Council’s Communications Team

If the incident is so serious that it might attract media attention advise the City Council’s Communications Duty Officer on

020 7641 4783

Contacting Staff

Location (on site and off site) of contact lists, including electronic and paper formats

System for automated / group communication with staff

Details of Cascade arrangements / Contact Tree

Contacting Parents and Carers

Location (on site and off site) of contact lists including electronic and paper formats

System for automated / group communication with parents and carers

Cascade arrangements

Contacting Key Partners, Agencies and Contractors

Location (on site and off site) of contact lists including electronic and paper formats

System for automated / group communication with agencies (if applicable)

Note; It will be easier to update contact details if they are all held in central contact lists. It may therefore be better to put just the name of the agency / contractor where relevant in the following sections and put their contact details in the central lists.

Remote Telephony and IT Procedures

Instructions for accessing IT systems remotely and for managing Telephony remotely (changing voicemail messages, call diverts etc)

Note: If these instructions already exist in other manuals you may choose to reference those manuals rather than copying them here, provided they are accessible off site.

Normal Operating Procedures and Emergency Operating Procedures

Location and formats of normal operating procedures (on site and off site)

Location and formats of emergency operating procedures (on site and off site). These might be for systems such as heating and water or for teaching and learning or administration processes where simplified “good enough” procedures exist for use in emergencies.

Remote Learning Arrangements

Arrangements for remote learning if the school premises are inaccessible

Details of IT support for this.

Note: you might reference a separate document for this rather than copying here, provided that it is accessible if you are out of the school premises.

Loss of Premises

Details of alternative premises, school partnering arrangements etc

Site Plan

Location of Site Plan for managing partial loss of premises, evacuation out of and into the building.

Loss of IT / Telephony

Routines for backing up data

IT Support provider

List of the most critical IT applications to be prioritized for recovery

Arrangements if main telephony system fails

Power Supply

Electricity Provider


Location of main switches / fuse boxes

Maximum loading on circuits (eg; check for auxiliary heating)

Generator Instructions

Location of torches

Water Supply

Water Company


Location of stop cocks

Tank capacity

Supplier of bottled water


Equipment provider

Heating Engineer

Auxiliary Heating (Supplier, Check maximum load on circuits)

Minimum temperatures:-

Room/Area Type / Temperature
Classrooms (teaching or private study areas) / 18ºC
Areas where there is a lower than normal level of physical activity because of sickness or physical disability including sick rooms and isolation rooms but not other sleeping accommodation / 21ºC
Areas where there is a higher than normal level of physical activity (for example arising out of physical education) and washrooms, sleeping accommodation and circulation spaces. / 15ºC


Location of fire procedures, (evacuation procedures, fire drills, fire marshals etc)

Gas Leak

Phone numbers for gas emergencies and other gas failures


Location of sandbags to protect low lying areas


If the school is in a high flood risk area, ie near the river, ask Tony Andrews for links to relevant local authority plans

Cold Weather

Department of Health Cold Weather Plan and Action Cards:-


NHS Heatwave Plan for England:

Infectious Disease

Tony Andrews will provide details of the latest local Public Health arrangements when are decided following current NHS restructuring. This does not have major Business Continuity implications for the SFVS Audit.


Pest Control (Local Authority and Private Contractors)

Loss of Equipment

Arrangements for managing without key equipment.

Asset Register

Location (on site and off site) of asset register including electronic and paper formats

Insurance Details

Violent Incidents

Lock down procedures

Drill for evacuating into the premises

Identification of possible safe areas on site plan

Management of Emergency Incidents

A Tri-borough plan is being developed for major incidents that might affect the school or several schools to the extent that the Local Authority has to take a lead in managing the incident. Refer to Tony Andrews for progress on this.

Risk Assessment

This section is for risks that are not included in the Contents list but which may be relevant for the particular school.

Review of the Business Continuity Plan

Different sections of this plan will naturally be reviewed at different times but the person with responsibility for the Plan should carry out a general review of it annually.

Version Control

Log of changes to the plan

Tony Andrews, Emergency Planning Manager Westminster City council

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