He looks at the Lamb


A man came here, not long ago, said, "Brother Branham, I'm not worthy to be saved."

I said, "No, you're not."

And he started weeping. "He said I've tried since 1940 to get saved." He said, "But I find myself not worthy."

I said, "You never will be worthy."

He said, "Then I can never be saved."

I said, "Oh, no. It isn't you; it's Him." See? "God don't look at you. He looks at Him. And if you can find any fault in Him, then you can't be saved. But if there's no fault in Him, then you're all right. The blemish that you find in Him is on you. But if there's no blemish in you... in Him, then there's no blemish on you."

He said, "I see it, Brother Branham, I see it."He wanted to shout. I said, "Get straightened out first, then that'll take place next.


Now, how in the Old Testament... The first thing the believer... If he committed adultery, or if he did anything evil, he went and got a lamb. He took the lamb up to the priest; the lamb--priest looked the lamb over, not the believer. He looked the lamb. He never seen the believer. He didn't care nothing about the believer. The believer wasn't even in the picture. The believer come and presented the lamb. Oh, brother. Oh, if you could only see it.You say, "Well, I--I know what I've done when I was a young man. I--I know what I've done...?..." That doesn't amount to nothing. You're presenting to God the Lamb. You see it? And the priest doesn't say, "Your nose is too long; your the ears is too big. You've got to accept..." He doesn't even look at the man. He looks at the lamb, examines the lamb over. If there's any blemish on the lamb, takes it back. It's not the right kind of an offering. Then the man has to go get the right kind of lamb.But when the priest looks the lamb over, and it's perfect, then he says, "All right. You have chosen this lamb. I have found it perfect. To lay it down, tie its feet, hold its head back."The believer puts his hands upon him, says, "God, I'm supposed to die for my sins, but this lamb is dying in my place."They cut the throat of the lamb. It's bleeding. His hands laying on it. His little flesh quivers out. The lamb makes his last bleat, and its soul takes a flight.

But through the shedding of the blood, being a type, the spirit could not come back on the believer, because it's a lamb's spirit, a animal spirit and not a human spirit.

But how the greater... Oh, I hope you get it. That God Himself come down before the Lamb.

And the believer... Watch. Now look. You don't have to look at the Lamb. Don't look at yourself. God don't look at you; He looks at the Lamb. He looks at Christ, and there was no fault in Him. And God accepted the offering. You put your hand upon the Lamb, Christ Jesus, confess your sins as being a sinner, and the Lamb has died for you. The Spirit that comes out of the Lamb comes back to the believer. Amen. And you stand perfected, because the One Who died, the innocent One, the powerful One, the overcoming One, the accepted One, in His own Person returned in the form of the Holy Ghost and brings the believer into rest.There it is. Not you, Him, God don't even see you; He sees Him. You don't have to die; He died in your place.


God don't even see us. He hears our voice, but He sees the Blood of Christ. That's it. See? He sees the Blood of His Own Son. It's our voice, Christ's Blood, and it's Christ that's talking through us to God; so therefore, we're not sinners no more. We are Christians. I believe you to be a genuine Christian woman.

I remember the thing... [Sister Bruce says, "I make so many mistakes, and I fail so many times."--Ed.]That's why Christ had to die, so that you with your mistakes wouldn't be 'lotted to you. See? He took your mistakes. Your desire in your heart is to serve Him. [Sister Bruce says, "Yes."]All right. That's what He died for, so that you could serve Him. See? Not... Your mistakes are not looked--not allotted to you. See? He is your Propitiation. See? He is your Sin-offering. Your sins are not known. You're not a sinner before God. Christ took your sins and became you, 'cause your desire is to serve Him.

[Sister Bruce says, "But I've never had an experience that I have been filled with the Holy Ghost, that I could put my foot on."]

All right. Notice this. Ordinarily, a human being is born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies. That's the nature of a human being. [Sister Bruce says, "Yes."]

That was your nature. It change once. But what changed it?[Sister Bruce says, "Christ."]There you are, sister. See? That's it.

"He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath Eternal Life, and shall not come to the judgment; but hath (past tense) passed from death to Life." Saint John 5:24, Jesus speaking. See?


God never examines the believerfor you're dead, and your life is hid in God through Christ, sealed by the Holy Spirit. God looks at the Lamb. Christ died in your stead, the Lamb, without a blemish.


…when you're ready to die to yourself, then you're borned again, a new creature in Christ Jesus, then things open up and life becomes a new sight to you, because you've accepted the Person of Jesus Christ, and not some theory or some creed.


It's God in you that makes it perfect. See? "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect." See? "Be ye therefore perfect."How can you be perfect? Not in yourself, but in Him.God don't look at you then; He looks at Him. Well, you say, "I'm in Him."How do you get in Him? By one Spirit we're all baptized into one Body, and then you're in Him, when you're baptized by the Holy Spirit into the Body: I Corinthians 12


So if you can't find any blemish on Him, what you worried about then? It's not you; it's Him. God don't look at you; He looks at Him. You see it? See it, sister? Do you see it, brother, setting here? You see it?It's not you He's looking at; He's looking at Christ. That's the Sacrifice. He looks at the Sacrifice.

2 Corinthians 5:19

To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself,not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.


God don't look at you; He looked at the sacrifice.There was a perfect One died for us faultry ones, we who are disfigured, and immoral, and ugly, and everything. But He took the perfect One and looked Him all over. "This is My beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased." He was the sacrifice. God accepted Him. So ours is finished. All we have to do is walk in grace.

Romans 4:8 See Romans 8:1, John 5:24

Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.


The perfect sacrifice made us perfect. For Jesus said, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect." Then there is no more to be done, but we are made perfect in the Presence of God.

Hebrews 10:14

For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.


Now, Abel saw it and sacrificed a lamb. It was a revelation. All down through the age it's been revelation, revelation; and tonight it's revelation, not an outward form, not a declaration of creeds, not a group of prayers, not a string of beads; but a direct revelation that God has revealed to you that Christ is your Passover Lamb, that He bore your sins, and you've accepted Him as the sin offering in your stead.


There's only one righteousness we have, not of our own, butHisrighteousness. He has perfected our salvation. Therefore, being in Him, God does not see our mistakes. When we do anything wrong, there's a spirit in us screams out, "O Father, forgive me."


We know that we are sinners and not--not worthy of any blessing. But then, when we think of Him who came and took our sins, then when His Blood's there, it's not--it's not us in the presence of God, it's Him--just our voice through His Blood; His Blood's speaking. Oh, God, then cleanse our hearts from sin and unbelief.


Satan cannot bother... He can tempt, but he cannot get a borned again Christian, for God from the foundation of the world foresaw him, and sent Jesus to redeem him, and the Blood speaks for him. How can he sin when it can't be seen even by God? He don't even... The only thing He hears is your voice. He sees your representation.


God puts our sins in the sea of forgetfulness, blots them out, and they're as if they never did happen. Oh, my. Then we stand by the grace of God, through Jesus Christ our Lord, pure and holy, just as holy as He was, because He doesn't see me when I come up there, He sees His Own Son. The only way He can see. Can't see me, because I'm in His Son (Yes, sir.), and He only sees His Son. Isn't that wonderful? We don't have to think about sins anymore; it's all gone; it's under the Blood. Yes, sir. Don't have to worry about it anymore; it's all out, and out of God's memory.