Mrs. Feldman’s Syllabus

Michigan Merit Math2014-2015 School Year

Sault Area High School635-3839 x 5868

April Feldman- Teacher
Room 202


1st Period (8:00-8:50)- Resource Room
2nd Period (8:55-9:45)- Prep
3rd Period (9:50-10:40)- Co-taught Algebra 1 w/ Mrs. Arbic
4th Period (10:45-11:35)-Co-taught Geometry w/ Mrs. Arbic
5th Period (11:40-1:10*)- Applied Math
*B Lunch 12:15-12:45
6th Period (1:15-2:05)- Resource Room
7th Period (2:10-3:00)- Resource Room

Course Description: This is a Michigan MeritMath class for students with leaning disabilities who struggle in the area of mathematics. This class will be centered around the enhancement of student’s math skills with a focus on Pre-Algebra and Algebra 1, as well as the real world application of basic math skills. The main purpose of this class is to give students a strong foundation in their mathematical skills to ready them for the next level of math and the real world. This will be done through use of differentiated instruction, textbooks, supplemental material, technology, and our common core state standards.

General information: Students will be given a math folder to accompany their textbook and/or other supplemental math class materials. All materials will stay in the classroom. Math folders will be used daily for notes, in-class assignments, activities, quizzes, and tests. This math folder allows for students to stay organized and will be used as a portion of the student’s grade.

Grading Scale: Grades will be assigned based off of total points for this section of math. Grades will consist of in-class assignments, projects, math folders, quizzes, tests, and student participation; projects, quizzes, and tests will be worth more points. Homework is assigned as an in-class assignment and is usually able to be completed in-class. There will also be a Midterm and a Final.

A+ = 100 / B+ = 87-89 / C+ = 77-79 / D+ = 67-69 / E = 0-59
A = 93-99 / B = 83-86 / C = 73-76 / D = 63-66
A- =90-92 / B- = 80-82 / C- = 70-72 / D- = 60-62

Late Assignments:

  • Assignments turned in within one week of due date (1-5 days after it was assigned) will be marked down 25%.
  • Assignments turned in after this time frame will be noted as turned in, but may not receive credit.

Re-takes: Students have the opportunity to re-take quizzes and tests if their score is 59% or below. They may re-take a quiz only once. For tests, students may take re-take them as many times as needed until a score of 60% or higher is reached. Students need to make arrangements with me to do a re-take; this time can bebefore school, after school or during the student’s resource room (if they have one).

Absences: When students are absent, they are responsible for obtaining and making up the missed work. Please see me before or after class to get any missed work. For every day absent, the student will have one extra day to make up the missed work to receive full credit.

Classroom Expectations:

  • Students are expected to follow school wide expectations in the student handbook.
  • Be Respectful
  • Be Prompt- students should be in their seats and ready for class when the bell rings. At the end of class, the teacher will dismiss the students (not the bell).
  • Be Prepared- students should bring everything they need to class everyday; this includes pencils, erasers, paper,netbooks, and any assignments.
  • Participate- students should be involved in their own learning, as well as others.

*While cell phones are allowed in my classroom, students are notallowed to use them. If students are caught using them, the cell phone will be sent to the office for pick up at the end of the day.


If students do not follow the classroom expectations the consequences will be as follows:

1st Offense- Warning and go over classroom/school expectations

2nd Offense- Teacher-Student Collaboration to discuss the problem and possible

solutions,as well as parent notification.

3rd Offense- Sent to the office and a written referral

*Please note: depending on the violation, students may be automatically dismissed from the room and sent to the office.

*This syllabus is subject to change per teacher discretion.

Please sign and return the second page of this syllabus to receive extra credit points.

Mrs. Feldman’s Classroom Syllabus and Expectations:

Student Name: ______

Student Signature: ______

Parent Signature:______