Term 2 Week 6-7: 7th- 17th June

Spelling : Antonym Prefixes Test: Friday 17th June

(in, im, ir, il, mis, un, anti, dis)

illegal / incomplete / anticlockwise / dishonest / imperfect
misbehave / unclear / disobey / misspell / unlock
illiterate / incompatible / impolite / inconclusive / irrelevant
irresponsible / misinterpret / antibiotic / antipodes / antihistamine

Everyone: draw up a spelling grid to help you learn the words.

Group 2: Learn the first 3 lines (15 words)

Group 1: Learn all 4 lines (20 words)

Word Study: Some Mistakes to Avoid

Copy each sentence into your homework book, choosing in the correct word, from those in bold type, to make the sentence make sense. If you are unsure…USE A DICTIONARY!!

to, too, two

1.  If you run after ______hares you will catch neither.

2.  Eat ______live, but do not live ______eat.

3.  ______eyes can see more than one.

4.  It is ______late to grieve when the chance is past.

5.  It takes ______make a quarrel.

They’re, their, there

1.  Go ______on your way home.

2.  They went with ______parents.

3.  ______are ink stains on ______clothes.

4.  ______luggage was ______before them.

5.  They handed in ______papers to ______teachers.

Language: Producing imaginative similes

Match and rewrite the two different halves of the similes given in columns A and B to create great similes.


The roll of thunder is like……… a lion’s roar

The snake’s skin is like ………. a drifting cloud

As lethal as ………… a surgeon’s knife

The frustrated teacher is like……… a slab of concrete

The rain is like …………. an eagle’s eye

As calculating as …………. a snorting bull

As chilling as ……….. a white curtain

A whale’s tooth is like…….. a shivering shadow

As noisy as ………. a prowling leopard

The ballerina is like ………… a steel spike

Literacy Circles – task 3 – due Thursday the 9th

Task 4 is due Thursday the 16th

Do your best, aim for top points and to get your work on the Literacy Circles wall.

Unit of Inquiry research: ‘Families are Vulnerable to Change’ -due Friday 17th

Inquiry task – ‘Families change over time’
Families change as people get married, move, have children, grow up and eventually pass away.
Task 1 : Talk to mum & dad and your grandparents. Research your family tree, draft and present it creatively in your Inquiry book. Go back 4 - 5 or even 6 generations if you can. Create a key to show what has happened to each member next to their name.
(Search the words ‘family tree’ in Google Images for layout ideas.)
Task 2 : Write a short paragraph explaining and giving examples of what have been the main reasons your family has changed over time.
Due: Friday 17th


Complete your Maths Mate sheet 4 is due Thursday the 9th and sheet 5 is due Thursday the 16th.

Keep up to date with the mathletics homework.

Don’t Forget….

·  Read , read, read
·  Get your homework diary & Spelling Grid signed by your parents
·  Bring your sports gear for practices
·  Matches on Wednesday. Remember ALL your correct gear
·  Senior School Speech Semi-finals – Tuesday the 14th from 1:30pm
·  ICAS Science Wednesday the 8th