Item Price Updates.Doc 10/25/2010 lh, td 1

Item Price Updates



Create Lists of Item Records

Globally Update Item Records

Select Records to Globally Update

Update Item Prices


UNBOUND Journals and Annuals

BOUND Journals, Annuals, and Library Use Only Serials

HIGH-PRICE and Library Use Only Books



Item Prices for Global Update

Materials and Equipment Replacement Charges

Saved Search


Globally update PRICE fields in item records to match Materials and EquipmentReplacement Charges

Create Lists of Item Records

Create a New Review File
  1. In Millennium CatalogingCreate Lists, click to select an empty review file (Max Records: 1000 or more)
  2. Click Search Records(or press Alt+s) to open Boolean Search window
  3. Name the review file (i.e., “Item Price Updates”)
  4. Change Store Record typetoITEM i
  5. Enter i28813340 in Start*, leave Stopvalue as is (*Allows faster searching, record number in this procedure is updated periodically)

Create a New Review File steps 2a-c

Specify Search Criteria
  1. Click Retrieve Saved Query
  2. Locate Item Price Updatesin the list (click Query Name to sort alphabetically)
  3. Click Select
  1. Click Search to create list. When review file is complete, proceed to next section.

Globally Update Item Records

Select Records to Globally Update

  1. InMillenniumCatalogingGlobal Update edit the Select recordstab
  1. Checkmark thebox for Record TypeITEM
  2. Locate the newreview file in the dropdown list (scroll, or press first letter of filename repeatedly to toggle between review files, i.e., if filename is “Item Price Updates,”press letter Irepeatedly)
  3. ClickSearch to display records

Select Records to Globally Update steps 1a-c

Toggle Between Record Fields
  1. Right-click toggle symbol ( )in the column header to display Toggle menu

Toggle Between Record Fields toggle symbol

  1. Choose ITEM Fixed-Length FieldsI TYPE

Toggle Between Record Fields select field

Update Item Prices

Procedure Summary:
Check the boxes next to each item type to be updated (maps, etc.)
Choose the Command input tab
In the Millennium file menu, select FileLoad (Server)
Choose the command matching the item type to be updated (Item MAPS updates, etc.)
Ignore commands already present, these will be overwritten
Choose the Preview tab and click to Process changes
Return to Select Records tab and repeat process until all required updates are completed

File Menu, Load (Server)


  1. Select Records tab
  • If Maps (Maps, Aerial maps, Wall maps) are present, place checkmarks in those boxes

Ensure only the Maps are selected (i.e., onlyMaps will be globally updated)


  1. Command Input tab
  • Click Cancel to close Choose Command Type window, if open
  • Select FileLoad (Server)ItemMAPS updatesOK
  1. Preview tab
  • Click Process to apply price changes

UNBOUND Journals and Annuals

  1. Select Records tab (Click Search to redisplay ITYPES, if necessary)
  • If Unbound journalsorUnbound annuals are present, place checkmarks in those boxes

Ensure only the Unbound journalsandUnbound annuals are selected (i.e., onlyUnboundtypes will be globally updated

Unbound journals, Unbound annuals

  1. Command Input tab
  • Click Cancel to close Choose Command Type window, if open
  • Select FileLoad (Server)Item UNBOUND updatesOK
  1. Preview tab
  • Click Process to apply price changes

BOUND Journals, Annuals, and Library Use Only Serials

  1. Select Records tab (Click Search to redisplay ITYPES, if necessary)
  • If Bound journals, Bound annuals, orLibrary Use only serials*are present, place checkmarks in those boxes. *Library Use only serials treated as “bound” for the purpose of price updates

Ensure only the Bound journals, Bound annuals, and Library Use only serials boxes are checked (i.e., only Bound types will be globally updated)

Bound Journals, Bound Annuals, Library Use Only Serials

  1. Command Input tab
  • Click Cancel to close Choose Command Type window, if open
  • Select FileLoad (Server)Item BOUND updatesOK
  1. Preview tab
  • Click Process to apply price changes

HIGH-PRICE and Library Use Only Books

  1. Select Records tab (Click Search to redisplay ITYPES, if necessary)
  • If Books item types (Books, Music, Misc., or Library Use Only books) are present, place checkmarks in those boxes. *Library Use Only books treated as “High-Price” for the purpose of price updates

Ensure only the Books item types are selected (i.e., onlybooks will be globally updated, including reserve materials)

High-Price Books

  1. Command Input tab
  • Click Cancel to close Choose Command Type window, if open
  • Select FileLoad (Server)Item HIGH-PRICE updatesOK
  1. Preview tab
  • Click Process to apply price changes


  1. Select Records tab (Click Search to redisplay ITYPES, if necessary)
  • If DVDsare present, place a checkmark in that box

Ensure only the DVDs are selected (i.e., onlyDVDs will be globally updated)


  1. Command Input tab
  • Click Cancel to close Choose Command Type window, if open
  • Select FileLoad (Server)ItemDVD updatesOK
  1. Preview tab
  • Click Process to apply price changes
  1. Procedure is Complete


Item Prices for Global Update

Category: / Includes Item Types: / Price:
DVDs / 55 / DVD / $234.00
Serials, Bound* / 27
29 / Bound journals
Bound annuals
*Library use only serials / $139.00
Serials, Unbound / 25
26 / Unbound journals
Unbound annuals / $70.00
High-price Books**
(Books material types a or c, excludes serials and non-print) / 0
12-15, 19-21 / Books, Music, Misc
Library Use Only books
Reserve bks (1-day, 72 HR, etc.)
**Scores, art, law, music, or technology books in the following classes only:
M (only M, not ML or MT),
N, Q, R, T, and K / $125.00
Maps / 45
47 / Maps
Aerial maps
Wall maps / $25.00
All other books, et al.: / Audio tapes
et al. / $60.00

Materials and Equipment Replacement Charges

Saved Search

BIBLIOGRAPHIC CAT DATE not equal to " - - "


((BIBLIOGRAPHIC CALL # between "K 1"and "KZ 9999"

OR BIBLIOGRAPHIC CALL # between "M 1"and "M 9999"

OR BIBLIOGRAPHIC CALL # between "N 1"and "NZ 9999"

OR BIBLIOGRAPHIC CALL # between "Q 1"and "QZ 9999"

OR BIBLIOGRAPHIC CALL # between "R 1"and "RZ 9999"

OR BIBLIOGRAPHIC CALL # between "T 1"and "TZ 9999")

AND ITEM PRICE less than "$125.00"



AND (ITEM I TYPE between "0"and "1"

OR ITEM I TYPE between "12"and "15"

OR ITEM I TYPE between "19"and "21"

OR ITEM I TYPE between "30"and "31"))

OR (

(ITEM I TYPE between "25"and "26"

AND ITEM PRICE less than "70.00")

OR (ITEM I TYPE equal to "29"

AND ITEM PRICE less than "70.00")

OR (ITEM I TYPE between "27"and "28"

AND ITEM PRICE less than "139.00")

OR (ITEM I TYPE between "45"and "47"

AND ITEM PRICE less than "25.00")

OR (ITEM I TYPE equal to "55"

AND ITEM PRICE less than "234.00")))

Created 10/09