Friday, November 4, 2011
11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Board of Governors (BOG) Agenda
(Public Policy committee meets 9:30-11:00; Ethics Committee meets 2:15-4:00)
Attending: Jonathan Lofgren, Gary Olson, Deb Moses, Deb Wamsley, Karen Edens, Jenine Koziolek, James Monson, Jim Forsting, Dustin Chapman, Lance Egley, Heidi Kammer
Attending by telephone: Linda Stevens
Management: Bill Monn
Not attending: Brian Teuber, Richard Wright, Kevin Evenson, Joe Whitehawk
Guests: Brian Leeser, MCTC, Karen Feyo
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Lofgren at 11:05 a.m.
II. Approve Board minutes from Oct. 7 BOG meeting
Moved and seconded to approved the Oct. 7 minutes, passed on a voice vote
III. Additions to the agenda
The following topics were added to the agenda:
· Create an ad hoc committee on IDDT
· Report on interview sessions with candidates for the ADAD position
· Add a report from AIAC to the standing Board agenda
Moved and seconded to approve the amended agenda, passed on a voice vote
IV. Treasurer Report: MARRCH financials, September
Moses said MARRCH knows quite a bit more about its financial situation now with the Annual Conference numbers in. Overall she said the conference generated less profit than anticipated because even though attendance was strong more persons attended for one day instead of the full conference. Overall she said MARRCH should make a small profit for the year.
Moses introduced a worksheet for annual budget planning and asked members to think about items that MARRCH should fund in advance of the annual Retreat on Dec. 1-2.
Moved and seconded to approve the September financials. Passed on a voice vote
V. Secretary Report: Board elections update, seating of board in Dec.
Koziolek reviewed the process for the election of board members. She noted the ballots are in the October MARRCH newsletter. Voting ends Nov. 15. She said this year new board members would be seated at the December Retreat to allow them to participate in the planning for the next year.
VI. Committee Section Reports
a. Communications (Newsletter, Website)
Monn reported that the October newsletter is in the mail with the board ballot included. He said that the board would be able to review a proposed integrated website and database later in the meeting. Monn noted that each printed newsletter costs $4,000 to print and mail and should be a consideration when the MARRCH budget is assembled.
b. Education (Chapman)
Chapman reviewed the activities of the education committee. He said that persons he has talked to were unanimous in wanting to move the annual conference back to October from September. He also said that the Monday-Wednesday schedule in 2012 should not be an issue.
ACTION: Monn to send dates of MARRCH events in 2012 to all Board members
c. Ethics (Egley)
Egley reported that the committee has been very successful this year in presenting synthetic ethics process to a number of audiences.
d. Membership (Forsting)
Forsting reported that the committee intends to poll MARRCH members to determine if they prefer printed or electronic newsletter copies. Forsting said he believes that membership may have flat-lined. He said he doesn’t see a lot of growth in membership going forward which should be a consideration when the budget is being assembled.
ACTION: Monn to send the list of organizations in each district to allow board members to see which in their areas are not members.
e. Public Policy (Wamsley)
IDDT Policy input from MARRCH to DHS
Scheduled DHS leadership meeting with MARRCH, MATP
Wamsley said there was a lot of good discussion at the public policy meeting earlier in the day. She said that the BBHT intends to re-introduce legislation on licensure with a possible tiered system.
She also said that it is understood that the IDDT policy discussions were on a fast track and that it was not a DHS initiative.
ACTION: Monn to send proposed legislation to be introduced by BBHT in the coming year to all board members.
ACTION: Monn to send to board members the MARRCH and MATP proposals on IDDT policy
ACTION: Monn to circulate to the board dates for IDDT program rules meetings.
Lofgren asked for volunteers for an ad hoc committee for IDDT. Volunteers included: Chapman, Forsting, Kammer, Monson, John Henderlite, Vahn Vu, Bob Melson, Deb Wamsely. Co-convener: Kammer and Wamsely. Lofgren said that a liason group of Lofgren, Kammer, Forsting and Henderlite will continue to have a dialogue with leadership at DHS.
f. Detox Section (Olson)
Olson said that there are minutes in the packets. He also said that Carol Falkowski has agreed to help in the planning of an opiad conference.
ACTION: Monn to look for available dates early in 2012 for the Ewald Conference Center
g. School Section (Chapman)
Chapman reported that the Section met in October and had a strong turnout of about 25 people.
VII. Additional business items
a. Strategic Planning structure for December Retreat
b. (added) create an ad hoc committee in IDDT
c. (added) Rview of ADAD interviews
d. (added) Add AIAC to the standing agenda for MARRCH board meetings
e. (added) Review of an integrated website and database via a presentation by the VP of IT at Ewald Consulting
Strategic planning structure:
Edens said she had met with Monn and felt the group didn’t need an outside facilitator. She said MARRCH should start with a review of the plan from last year and identify what still needs to be accomplished. She recommended that MARRCH identify 3 goals and stick to them and get them done, and not try to identify everything that could get done and then feel bad when everything wasn’t accomplished. get to them all and feel bad. She said it would be of value to look at where MARRCH wants to be in 1 year and in 5 years.
ACTION: Lofgren, Edens and Monn to assemble the structure for the retreat
VIII. Adjourn
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:58 p.m.