Local Emergency Planning Committee
Minutes for Meeting of August 12, 2009
Kevin Christensen, Burke Nelson, Kevin Potter, Dorene Schulz, Karen Glauser, Dee Isaacson, Michael Nelsen, James Grover, Ray Strong, Billee Petersen, Peggy Mecham, Laron Woods, Jerry Peterson, Greg Martz, Kimberly Giles, Rich VanDyke, Linda Bourne, Daniel Freeman, Jay Munns, Mike Tueller, Meggan Schulze, Tiffany McCann, Roger Story, Dave Oakden, Tommy Pacheco, Kathy Conrad
Meeting opened at 0911 hours. Kevin Christensen asked for approval of the minutes from last month’s meeting, which was motioned by Ray Strong and 2nd by Terry Grover.
Kimberly reminded the group of the change in our State Governor and passed out the Fact Sheet. September is National Preparedness Month, and don’t forget the 2009 Public Officials Conference “Emergency Management – The Amazing Race” October 26-27 at the Zermatt in Midway. Also, all NIMS training requirements must be completed and all data must be entered into the NIMSCAST website and rolled up by October 1, 2009. If you are receiving grant money in your jurisdiction, you must be NIMS compliant.
Health Department:
Kevin Christensen and Greg Martz shared Holly Wilde’s sincere appreciation for all the generosity, kind words, cards, and participation in Randy’s funeral last week. The support of the fire trucks, bagpipes, and last call by dispatch was a wonderful tribute to Randy, and his efforts in the community. We will all miss Randy very much.
Homeland Security:
Kevin Potter reported on the Region 1 grant. The region asked for two million and was awarded one million. All the counties in the region are having to cut down on their requests. Our county lost the radio station but we did get the filters replaced in the gas masks, and the region will be putting $100,000 into heavy rescue and $100,000 into HazMat. All of it is still in preliminary stages and the next meeting is September 3rd.
HazMat Team:
Greg Martz said there have been a few antifreeze spills recently but they were minor. We have had thirty fires in the last three weeks, from here all the way to Black Pine. We have been hit hard this summer because of the wet June weather and the tall grass, which is now burning hot because it has dried out. The recent Hansel Valley fire torched another twenty trees last night and the Fort Ranch fire in Promontory is still smoking. Also, the Training Tower at the airport has been painted and the SWAT Team and Thatcher FD have been using it.
Kevin Christensen asked Greg if he had found anything out on the local vs. regional hazmat plan. Jerry Peterson said he still needs to get with Jim Buchanan.
Kevin Christensen mentioned there are two LEPC members retiring, Laron Woods and Terry Grover. Also, the Committee would like to do something to honor Randy Wilde, so it was decided we would have an appreciation luncheon, for the LEPC meeting in September. Volunteers were needed to set up the luncheon and Dorene, Dee, Jay, Greg, Meggan, Kevin P. and Kevin C. volunteered. Randy’s wife, Holly, will be invited and it was suggested that Iron Gate Grill cater the lunch. Some of the ideas for honoring Randy Wilde were: a plaque for Holly and the kids, a scholarship fund in Randy’s name, an LEPC yearly mini-scholarship to attend training, and collecting money to give to Holly. The thought of a plaque was expanded on, with the idea of a decorative piece of rock, stone, or slate engraved with a quote or appreciation of service, and it would be a memorable piece for the family to keep on the front porch or in the flower bed. It was also suggested that we could ask Randy’s family if we could contribute money for a logo or symbol to be added to his headstone. Mike moved for the LEPC to present the engraved rock, stone or slate to Holly and Terry 2nd it, with all voting in favor. Mike will get with Bott Monument to start working on it.
Dave Oakden from Nucor said that UHP did a seatbelt check at Nucor a few weeks ago and found that 17 individuals did not have seatbelts on. They had training on it immediately after and felt it was good training and a real eye opener. Dave also handed out information on Chemical release emergencies, referencing the July 15th anhydrous ammonia leak in Swansea, South Carolina, and lessons learned.
Jay Munns said that Keith Larson from the Health Dept will be in Garland next month to present to the city council and fire dept on the Swine Flu.
Kevin Christensen handed out info on the H1N1 (Swine) Flu Vaccination. Reports on H1N1 change daily and reports that H1N1 is resistant to TamiFlu are still a rumor. It is projected there will be a heavy flu season coming this fall, and there is a possibility the TamiFlu vaccine will be passed out. The health dept will be vaccinating school children and parents. It will not be mandatory, but it will be free.
Tiffany McCann, who was sitting in for Scott Wolford of Dispatch, mentioned to the group that if anything is needed from Dispatch while Scott is out of the office, you can contact Lesa or Tiffany. Tiffany also thanked everyone for all the support from the agencies and the community on the spaghetti dinner for Dispatcher Josh Meyer.
Mike Nelsen said the drug collection box, located in the Brigham City PD lobby, is going well and the nursing homes have been dropping off prescriptions as well.
Kevin Christensen asked the group if there was enough interest in the recent Logan mudslide to have a presentation during the October meeting and the resulting answer was yes. Tommy Pacheco will present at the following meeting in November.
Peggy Mecham said on August 6th, the Red Cross delivered the first companion trailer to the building on Forest, with supplies for 200 people in the event of a disaster. This was all possible because of a fifty thousand dollar grant from Wal-Mart. Another trailer is in the works. Also, the Red Cross helped set up shelters in Logan on the recent mudslide. Long term assistance was provided for 9 families, with one family still receiving assistance.
Laron Woods told the Committee it was a hard decision resigning his leadership position with ARES, but he will still stay active in the group.
Jerry Peterson said the HazMat Awareness class is scheduled for Saturday August 29th, at 0800 hrs. It will go until 1700 hours and will include a test. The March/April Ops level class is cancelled for now, until the new criteria comes out.
Rich VanDyke updated the group on the area designated as a high breeding ground for mosquitos at the Bird Refuge. Rich met with the Bird Refuge, Mosquito Abatement and State officials. The Bird Refuge was very concerned about defending their policy and the meeting ended with the Bird Refuge being put on notice on a federal level. Kevin Christensen noted that there is not an ordinance that will allow an outside agency to supersede the Bird Refuge’s authority. This issue is still ongoing.
Next Meeting
The next LEPC Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 9th, 2009, at 1200 hours,
at the Health Dept building in Brigham City, where we will celebrate retirements and
departures with an appreciation luncheon.
Meeting ended at 1027 hrs, with Greg making a motion and Jay 2nd it.