FLS School News &
October 01, 2015
“And let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart.
-Galatians 5:9
Autumn greetings to all! We hit the ground running with academics in September and already held numerous activities: Back- to-School Night, Fabulous First Full Friday, Picture Day, Soccer Shots, FLS Children’s Philharmonic, and our Grandparents Day celebration! It was incredible to see so many new and returning families on campus!
October has arrived quickly; the teachers and I are excited about a month ahead full of exciting activities and the entire 2015-2016 school year! Our next big event will take place on Saturday, October 17, from 11a.m. – 3 p.m. Don’t miss information coming home from your child’s teacher throughout the month. Be sure to check those backpacks!
Finally, in an effort to continue positive growth and safety on campus, we have implemented a new sign out procedure for elementary and middle school students. Children will remain with their teacher (either in the classroom or on the playground) until picked up or brought to daycare at 3:15. Upon pick up, we ask that all children be signed out. Please sign out either with your child’s teacher or the daycare provider. As always, my door is open for parents to share comments, concerns and commendations. Together, the FLS family is making a difference, one child at a time.
- Principal Michelle Goetsch
Harvest Festival 2015 on Oct. 17
As we welcome the Autumn Harvest join us for food, music, games, classroom baskets, pony rides, bounce house, video game bus, and MORE! Your child’s teacher will be sending home classroom information. Bring your friends and extended family to help us celebrate! Parent Volunteers and Donations are welcomed and needed!!
FLS Parent/Teacher Conferences: School will be dismissed early on Oct. 14 – 15, for Parent/Teacher conferences. Sign-up times will be available from your student’s teacher. Thank you in advance for participating in these important meetings. Our Faculty appreciates the opportunity to speak to parents and guardians about the academic and classroom achievements of our students!
BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION! It is that time of year to turn in the coupons to support our school. Box top coupons can be found on products from Betty Crocker, Ziploc, Pillsbury, Kleenex, Hefty, Jello, Cheerios and various other products! The deadline for submitting boxtops is November 2, 2015. The class with the most boxtops gets a popcorn party!
R Special Dates:
Wed., October 7th – Scavenger Hunt for the First Lutheran Food Drive begins.
Wed./Thursday October 14-th 15th – Parent-Teacher Conferences 1-5 p.m. School Dismissed at 1:00 p.m.
Sat., October 17th – FLS HARVEST FESTIVAL!!!
Thursday, October 22nd – Fall Field Trips: Grades 3-6 to the Los Angeles Zoo, and 8th grade preview day at Maranatha High School!
Wed., October 28th – Fall Field Trip: Preschool - 2nd grade to Underwood Farms Pumpkin Patch
Wed., October 28th - Special Martin Luther Chapel presentation w/grades 4 & 5
Friday, October 30st – FLS Harvest Costume Parade and Trunk or Treat FUN
Please see other side for the October Calendar!