Special Event

FIRE & GRACE Contemplative Group invites you to an evening of spiritual reflection offered by group member Dr. LARRY FISK. Larry will share tales and images from his recent six-week stay at the Phuoc Buu Temple in Viet Nam, and his vision for what “Tom” (pictured below) called a modest “English Club.”

Larry Fisk is Professor Emeritus, Political, Peace and Conflict Studies. Up until recently, as a retired single guy, he just rode his bike to St. David’s United Church to partake in adult spiritual development programs, or took the C-train to Kensington be a part of discussions around peace education, social and spiritual intelligence, peace cafes, contemplative practice, a democratic opposition for Alberta … or to shop for organic and locally-grown food. But six weeks living in a small Buddhist Pagoda in Viet Nam is changing everything …

F&G Worship6.15pm, including a 20-minute silence; Presentation 7-8pm -- join us forone or both, as you are able. Everyone welcome! March 25th, Hillhurst United Church.

For more information contact Susan: 403-818-4887.


Special Event

FIRE & GRACE Contemplative Group invites you to an evening of spiritual reflection offered by group member Dr. LARRY FISK. Larry will share tales and images from his recent six-week stay at the Phuoc Buu Temple in Viet Nam, and his vision for what “Tom” (pictured below) called a modest “English Club.”

Larry Fisk is Professor Emeritus, Political, Peace and Conflict Studies. Up until recently, as a retired single guy, he just rode his bike to St. David’s United Church to partake in adult spiritual development programs, or took the C-train to Kensington be a part of discussions around peace education, social and spiritual intelligence, peace cafes, contemplative practice, a democratic opposition for Alberta … or to shop for organic and locally-grown food. But six weeks living in a small Buddhist Pagoda in Viet Nam is changing everything …

F&G Worship6.15pm, including a 20-minute silence; Presentation 7-8pm -- join us forone or both, as you are able. Everyone welcome! March 25th, Hillhurst United Church.

For more information contact Susan: 403-818-4887.