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Friday 26th January 2018
Dear Parents
We hope the children enjoyed watching the Beauty and the Beast performance this morning. The performance captivated the children (and staff) and the children especially seemed to enjoy the dance off between Mrs Deam and Mrs Ainsworth! What a fantastic way to end the week! Thank you again to the PTFA for funding this.
Some of our Year 6 children have their next round of the Youth Speak competition on Thursday next week in Exeter. They will no doubt be practising hard to ensure they are word-perfect in the presentations and we wish them every success.
I am very much looking forward to supporting the Year 4 Netball team when they play Tatworth at home, here at Stockland next Wednesday afternoon. I will be dusting off my pom-poms reading for my cheerleader dance!
I have had more lovely ideas from the children this week for buddy benches and playground improvements. A reminder if anyone has any logs, planks or tyres they could spare to please let us know.
Parents meetings are approaching after half term so please make a note of the dates in your diary. These are after school on the 20th and 22nd February. Booking sheets will be on the classroom doors week commencing the 5th February and we will remind you again next week.
I very much look forward to seeing you all next week.
Mrs S. McCarthy-Patmore
Other news and information:
Sports Fixtures: Due to the weather causing a slippery netball court at St John’s, sadly they had to cancel our netball match on Wednesday. The girls enjoyed some netball coaching with Mrs Deam and Mrs Dewhurst instead. Exeter were able to go ahead due to having a fabulous all weather astro for the boys to play on. Mr Murnane reports that our Year 6 team drew 1-1 and Year 5 Team lost 9-0. The boys played well against strong opposition.
Next Wednesday - Sports Fixtures: Next week we are hosting Tatworth Primary for Year 4 girls netball and our Year 4 boys are off to Tatworth to play hockey. Good luck to all the children playing! Parents have been emailed with timings and details.
Wednesday 7th February: Pancake Races: We have our whole school pancake races on the afternoon of the
7th February. These take place from approximately 2.00pm and we start with Class 1 first then moving up the school. The children will need to bring a frying pan (named and light weight for the younger children) and we will need a few parent volunteers for the ‘flipping lines’ and to help with the serving of pancakes afterwards. The PTFA would be grateful for pancake donations from parents also please.
PTFA News:
Bag2School: Bags will come home in book bags next week. Filled bags can be dropped off at Village Hall on the following mornings: Friday 9th February, Mon 19th February and Wed 21st February before 9.30am. If you require more bags, bin liners can be used. Thank you.
Friday 27th April: PTFA Childrens Disco followed by Social Event - keep the date free - more information to follow
New Committee - official ‘elections’ take place in April: Thank you to Mrs Adams-Stevenson for offering to take over the Treasurers role from Dotty Plowden. Thank you to Fiona Page Turner for agreeing to continue as Secretary.
We are actively seeking a new Chair and Vice Chair - please let Mrs McCarthy, Abbe or Valerie know if you are interested in finding out more.
Cross Country: The PTFA cross country organisers are stepping down after the next two races. Thank you to Mrs Caroline Parris who has offered to assist in the organisation of the events along with another parents. Please let us know asap if you could be the other parent to help with this.
Donation from The Tuckers Arms Christmas Raffle & Christmas Hamper Raffle Update: Thank you so much to Tracy at the Tuckers for organising a Christmas Raffle for the school again this year. We have received a generous donation of £180.00 for PTFA funds. This makes our Christmas raffle total (including the hamper raffles) almost £630!!! This is fantastic - thanks to everyone for their support / donations and ticket purchases.
100 Club: A reminder you can still sign up this term if you haven’t already - via ParentPay.
News from the Village & Surrounding areas:
DM Coaching: Flyer attached re half term Holiday Football Camp
Wine & Wisdom:Saturday 3rd February: Please see attached flyer for more information.
Axe Vale Netball Camp for Year 6 girls: 10.00-4.00pm on 14th February at LED Axminster sports hall.
Stockland Country Market: There are two Markets planned for this year. On Saturday March 24th the Easter Market will include children’s Easter activities run by the preschool. 10 -12 noon at the Victory Hall, with local food producers & craft stalls.
Diary Dates
Wednesday 31st January:2.15pm Netball (H) /Hockey (A) vs Tatworth
Monday 5th February:Drama club is on BUT NO OTHER CLUBS THIS WEEK
Wednesday 7th February:2.00pm Whole School Pancake Races
5.30pm Full Governors Meeting
Monday 12th - Friday 16th February:HALF TERM
Monday 19th February:Children back to school / Clubs ARE NOT on this week due to parents
meetings this week
Tuesday 20th February:2.00pm Cross Country Trials
Tuesday 20th February:After school finishes Parents Meetings
Thursday 22nd February:After school finishes Parents Meetings
Wednesday 28th February:3.00pm School Finishes early
Wednesday 28th February:4.00pm Cross Country
Tuesdays 13th March:2.00pm Cross Country Trials
Thursday 15th March:Year 5 Youth Speak Event
Wednesday 21st March:3.00pm School Finishes early
4.00pm Final Cross Country races
Thursday 22nd March:Y5/6 team: East Devon Cross Country Finals Paignton
Friday 30th March:Good Friday - followed by Easter holidays
Monday 16th April:INSET Day
Tuesday 17th April:Children return to school for Summer Term
Friday 27th April:PTFA Childrens Disco followed by Social Event - keep the date free -
more information to follow