International Association of Chinese Professionals in Global Positioning Systems



Outstanding Service Award


Best Student Paper Award

Outstanding Service Award

CPGPS is a non-profit international professional organization. Established in December 2001, CPGPS is gaining international recognition in research, innovation, and education in virtuallyall facets of satellite positioning and navigation technologies. The rapid growth of CPGPS is the result of effective leadership and volunteer services provided by many dedicated individuals. As we celebrate the sixth anniversary of CPGPS, we are seeking nominations for our first annual CPGPS Outstanding Service Award to recognize one individual who have made distinguished contributions to the creation and/or growth of CPGPS. The nominee must be a CPGPS member. The nominee must also be recognized as a technical expert in satellite navigation and related fields. Please send your nomination to Dr. Jade Morton at by December20th, 2007. The award winner will be announced on January 7th, 2008 at the CPGPS Forum to be held in Guangzhou, China.

Best Student Paper Award

Our past effort and success can only be sustained by continuously attracting new members and encouraging and supporting students interests and participations in satellite navigation and CPGPS functions. The annualCPGPS Best Student Paper Award is established for this purpose. In order to be considered for the 2007 award, electronic documents for participating papers must be submitted on or before December 20th, 2007 to Dr. Linlin Ge . The following guidelines will be observed to qualifying entries:

1)A student must be the first author of the paper. An academic advisor or thesis advisor may be a co-author for the paper. A letter from the advisor stating his/her level of contribution must accompany the paper submission.

2)The student must be a CPGPS member.

3)The topic of the paper must be related to one or more subfieldsof satellite navigation, geodesy, surveying engineering, emerging location and navigation techniques, or related application areas.

4)Whilst the papers published in the Journal of Global Positioning Systems before 2007 are eligible for entering the competition, unpublished papers will be given preferential consideration if the published and unpublished papers have comparable merits.

5)The paper must be in English and in the format of the Journal of Global Positioning Systems. Its length must not exceed 25 double-spaced, typewritten pages, including tables and figures and full contact information (e-mail, fax, telephone, and mail address of the contacting author).

6)The paper will be judged in terms of the originality of the technical contributions and the clarity of presentation.

The Best Student Paper award carries a US$300.00 monetary component. The 2007 award winner will be announced on January 7th, 2008 at the CPGPS Forum to be held in Guangzhou, China. The winning paper will be published in the Journal of Global Positioning Systems, if it is a new unpublished paper.