AP Computer Science
Mr. Ure
Somerville High School
2017 – 2018
Room ______
This advanced placement course covers object-oriented concepts specified to Java programming. The course introduces students to computer science with fundamental topics that include problem solving, design strategies and methodologies, organization of data (data structures), approaches to processing data (algorithms), analysis of potential solutions and the ethical and social implications of computing. The AP Computer Science A curriculum is compatible with many Introduction to Computer Science courses in colleges or universities.
Through good programming practice, students will have the ability to:
· design, implement and analyze solutions to problems
· develop appropriate strategies to apply common algorithms
· write solutions fluently in an OOP paradigm
· utilize previously developed programs from the API class library
· read and write programs involving several classes, interfaces and objects
· understand the social and ethical implications of computer use
Fundamentals of Java(TM): AP* Computer Science Essentials 4th Edition
JGrasp IDE:
Total points system:
**Any questions or concerns about your grade must be addressed after class, or before/ after school.
All assignments are due at the beginning of the period.
PROJECT (20 points)
Projects must be handed in on the due date at the beginning of class. Programs submitted late will be worth half credit! Work must be completed individually unless stated otherwise.
TESTS (60 – 100 points)/ QUIZZES (20 – 50 points)
Students will be given a tentative quiz date and test date at the beginning of each unit. The week of each test, practice problems will be given to help students review (this will be a part of their homework grade). The day prior to the test a review session will be held in class as well as after school. Practice problems should be completed by this time.
Any other graded assignment will be a part of a student’s alternative assessment grade. Students will be informed when an assignment will be collected for grading.
It is the expectation at SHS that all student work will be original and the result of individual student effort. Cheating and plagiarism are forms of academic theft. Copying the work, ideas and words of others is a violation of intellectual property rights and grounds for expulsion in the college and university settings. The faculty and administration of Somerville High School take great care to educate our students regarding what constitutes plagiarism. Students who engage in copying and or plagiarism will face serious consequences including possible failure and disciplinary action. Students who knowingly assist another student in an academically dishonest act will be held equally responsible. (Student Handbook)
For extra help, please schedule an appointment to meet with me before or after school. The day before tests, I will hold a review session after school if requested.
Unit 1 Object and Primitive Data
1. Print versus Printline
2. Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal
3. Sequential Execution
4. Testing, debugging and Runtime
4.1. Compilation, Runtime and Logical Errors
4.2. Exceptions (Arithmetic, Null Pointer, Index, Array Index and Illegal Argument)
5. Primitive and Reference Types
5.1. Double, Boolean, Int
5.2. String, Scanner, etc.
5.3. Constants
6. Expression Evaluation
6.1. Operators
6.2. Precedence
Unit 2 Control Statements
1. Conditional Execution
1.1. If, If-else and If-else if
2. Iterations
2.1. For, While and For-each loops
2.2. Break statement
Unit 3 Writing Methods
1. Method and parameters
2. Method Call
3. Return Statements
4. Modifiers and Visibility
4.1. Public and Private
4.2. Static
5. Overriding and Overloading
Unit 4 Writing Classes
1. Design, create and Modify Classes
2. Visibility (public)
3. Objects and OOP
3.1. Constructors
4. Create sub class of a super
4.1. super and this
4.2. Abstract and Non-Abstract
5. Interface
5.1. Classes that implement interfaces
6. Packages
6.1. Import Statements for packages
6.2. API Class Library
Unit 5 Arrays
1. 1D and 2D Arrays
2. ArrayList and List
3. Searching
3.1. Linear and Binary
4. Sorting
4.1. Insertion, Selection and Merge Sort
Unit 6 Inheritance and Recursion
1. Understand Hierarchy
2. Design, Create and Modify Subclasses
3. Recursion
Unit 7 AP Test Preparation
1. Multiple Choice Practice
2. Free Response Practice
2.1. Rubic Review
2.2. Peer Evaluation using Rubrics
After AP Test
1. Graphical User Interface
2. Dialog Boxes
3. Mouse Listener
4. Keyboard Listener