Argyll & Bute’s Children

Strategic Planning Group

Meeting held Wednesday 1 December 2010,

In the Three Villages Halls, Arrochar

Douglas Dunlop (Chair) / Argyll & Bute Council, Community Services
Alex Taylor / Argyll & Bute Council, Community Services
Alison MacKenzie / Argyll & Bute Council, Community Services
Gordon Higgins / Argyll & Bute Council, Community Services
Janice Frank / Argyll & Bute Council, Community Services
Patricia Renfrew / NHS Highland
Rodger Wilson / Argyll & Bute Council, Community Services
Keith Philips / Argyll & Bute Council, Local Authority Liaison Officer
Anne Paterson / Argyll & Bute Council, Education
Helen Kidd / Argyll & Bute Council, Community Services
Liling Payne / Argyll & Bute Council, Community Services
Roslyn Redpath / Argyll & Bute Council, Education
Donna Carvill / Argyll & Bute Council, Children and Families
Hayley Murray / Argyll & Bute Council, Community Services (minutes)
Ann Devine / Argyll & Bute Council, Education
Carol Walker / Argyll & Bute Council, Education
Charles Reppke / Argyll & Bute Council, Governance & Law
Margaret Lauder / Argyll & Bute Council, Education
Sally Amor / NHS Highland
Susan Dawson / Argyll & Bute Council, Improvement & HR
Alison McGrory / NHS Highland
Wendy Brownlie / Argyll & Bute Council, Education
John Duncan / Argyll & Bute Council, Children & Families
Joy Daniels / Argyll & Bute Council, Children & Families
Douglas Hill / SCRA
Eileen Wilson / Argyll & Bute Council, Improvement & HR
Mark Lines / Argyll & Bute Council, Children & Families
Jamie Houston / NHS Highland
Pat Tyrrell / NHS Highland
Item / Action
1. / Minute of previous meeting – 15th September 2010
A copy of the previous minute was circulated.
Health Membership at Argyll & Bute’s Children
PR will prepare a paper and report back at the next meeting to confirm health membership in light of the recent changes in personnel.
Transition protocols/procedures
RW gave an update of current position. It was advised that there has been good progress in ensuring that plans are in place for all affected young people and that ML/RR will update the current protocols to ensure that current practice is applied consistently across the authority.
Video Interviewing
DD confirmed that there are ongoing discussions between the key agencies across the West of Scotland with a view to the strategy for roll out being confirmed early in 2011.
Pre-referral Screening
DD clarified that these are referrals to the Children’s Hearing on non-offence grounds. He advised that a meeting had taken place with Strathclyde Police and authorities to develop a force wide approach to this, building on the number of pilots that have been in place. Further work is being done to confirm this and KP agreed to follow this up. / PR
2. / Thematic Groups
(i)Child Protection Committee – 25.10.10
A copy of the CPC minute held on 25.11.10 will be circulated along with this Minute of Argyll & Bute Children.
HMIe have written to advise that a joint inspection of child protection services in Argyll & Bute will take place in June 2011 which will require an extensive amount of work in the lead up.
It was advised that Anne Lee will be returning to her post as Depute Head at Hermitage Academy. Alternative Education rep on the CPC to be confirmed.
(ii)Additional Support Needs Group
JH has yet to meet with the CABD Group but has agreed to set up and Chair the group in the interim. JH will be in contact with the relevant people.
LAAC Group – PR agreed to forward the last Minute to DD to be then circulated with this meeting of Argyll & Bute’s Children.
(iii)Childcare Partnership
Noted that there has been one meeting of the interim early years strategic group as a successor to the child care partnership. A further meeting scheduled for January when the arrangements for the future of the group will be confirmed. The key change to the alignment of the group’s remit to be more explicitly connected to the elements of transformational change within the Early Years Framework. There was considerable discussion around the possible value of having separate local early years fora sitting alongside the GIRFEC groups and it was felt that there were strong arguments for and against this.
It was agreed that feedback from the Substance Misuse – Children, Young People and Families Group will be a standing item onthe Argyll & Bute’s Children agenda. / HM
3. / Integrated Children’s Service Plan
HK advised that the current plan remains the main strategic document for children’s services with structure providing clear connections with the SOA and the national outcomes for children. The three year plan remains in place until April 2012 and preparation is underway for the 2010/11 progress report with Helen sending out the template for this to lead persons. This will include the element for new pieces of work to be taken forward in 2011/12.these are to be return by 24/1/11 / HK/Lead Persons
4. / GIRFEC Implementation
There was detailed discussion in respect of the GIRFEC implementation plans. This considered the progress report from the implementation group along with the common assessment form the guidance of joint assessment and planning and the implementation plan and training proposal. These papers were fully supported and Patricia and Gordon were complemented for drawing up a proposal that built on existing practice and was seen to be accessible and easy to understand for all staff.
it was highlighted that work has been undertaken to map theassessments and plans on CareFirst. Once CareFirst is upgraded in April 2011 this will enable completion of the Child’s Plan on the system and SCRA reports.
On page 3 of the report under the heading E-Sharing it was advised that Option 2 is the preferred option in that it is better for sharing information as well as safeguarding it. It was noted that no agreement has been made to LAC nurses being given access to CareFirst at this stage given continuing concerns from Caldicott guardians about health staff accessing non health data bases.
Also noted that the CareFirst Board is now called the Management Information Group.
In respect of the guidance document PR advised that training will be organised specifically for lead persons. Dates still to be identified. A copy of the training programme was circulated for information.
HK stated that it would be helpful to have a common assessment with start date added to the guidance.
It was noted from the flowchart on Page 5 that a “need for compulsory measures” (e.g child Protection) is missed & should be inserted.
On page 6 of the guidance it was suggested that the section on Multi-agency Meeting should come after Lead Professional.
After discussion it was felt that the inclusion of the SHANARI principles although making the document comprehensive could be seen to add some unnecessary complexity to the overall framework when set against the My World Triangle the five key questions and the resilience matrix. It was noted that this should be highlighted in the training programme. It was suggested that the SHANARI section could be made an appendix at the back of the guidance.
RR requested that Resilience Matrix be added to the glossary.
It was questioned how this guidance would sit with MAP and it was confirmed that this would supersede MAP.
It was also confirmed by AP/RR that this guidance could be used when looking at PRESCAT when necessary amendments are made.
Once the amendments are finished it was agreed that the pilot should commence on Bute and potentially within PRESCAT. Further update to be provided at the next meeting. / PR
5. / Service Redesign Updates
Further progress on the implementation of the review will focus on engagement with parents and carers as part of the community of practice, and this will be picked up by RR and ML pending the appointment of the QIM for additional support.
ii)Vulnerable Children and Young People.
Copy of report was circulated. Advised that this report has been approved at the Community Services DMT and the Transformation Board within the Council and will be tabled at the CHP on 2 December. Some minor changes to document were noted.
On Page 31 AT confirmed who attends the Children, Young People and Families substance Misuse Group (CYPFG). Copies of these Minutes to be tabled at future Argyll and Bute’s Children meetings.
AT agreed that an executive summary be added to the document.
Report will be tabled at the following meetings/committees -Stakeholders meeting on 25th January, then along with the implementation plan to Health and Social Care Partnership, Executive Committee and the CHP.
iii)Early Years
AP gave an update on the early years service and advised that the three thematic areas being focussed on are:
  • Quality
  • Engagement
  • Intervention
AP advised that she has commenced work on the implementationplan and will have something prepared for the next Argyll & Bute’s Children. Noted that one of the concordat agreements has been met which is class sizes within P1
AMK joining the LAAC group in regard to early intervention and work currently going on.
DD stressed the importance of the Early Years Framework as the guiding document to help oversee the future shape of early years services. / RR/ML
6. / Strategic Planning Structures
Noted that the changes agreed at the last meeting are currently being implemented and that further consideration will be given to issues in relation to young carers.
7. / AOCB
No other business.
Date of next meeting – 2nd March 2011, Three Villages Hall, Arrochar.

Douglas Dunlop (Chair)

Head of Service – Children and Families